what his snap while wearing the Infinity gauntlet would do? It just happened to turn all the villains into dust? Could it have killed half the population like Thanos' snap did. Or did Stark have control over what results from his snap? If so, why couldn't he bring Natascha back?
My guess is that the snap could kill anyone but couldnt resurrect someone unless they were killed with the snap. So that would make sense because Nat didnt get killed from the snap, she sacraficed herself.
The way it works, is the combination of all the stones work together. The mind stone allow know the details of anyone's mind. The same for the soul stone with souls. Working with the reality stone, and power and space stone allows the ability to compute any and every scenario, and the details and ramifications of each. The time stone allows all that to happen in what seems like milliseconds. But the snap itself could take eons in actuality. That's why such a use of all the stones at once take such a toll on a celestial body, let alone a mortal one.
My guess is even if Captain Marvel had tried it she would have probably have the same effects as did Hulk and Thanos. Those stones were powerful that even Thanos was burned from it as was Hulk. Nothing would have changed even if Captain Marvel did it.
Oh really? Then if that was the case, Stark should have told it to bring back his parents. Bring back Natascha. Undo the damage the gauntlet did to him so he will not die, etc.
With all six gems in place, the wearer of the gauntlet has the power to do whatever they want: read minds, steal souls, bend time, alter reality, manipulate energy, or travel through space (teleportation). When assembled properly, this device has the power to alter existence in any way the wearer sees fit. All the user has to do is focus on the goal they want to accomplish.
Between the events of Infinity War and Endgame, I am rather sure Stark learned some/enough of these details (hell, Nebula could’ve told him).
As for why he didn’t try to bring back Nat, I'm guessing it’s because Barton himself made it clear that she couldn’t be brought back no matter what. I don’t think Tony had any reason to doubt what the “red floating guy” told the Hawk. Either way, Tony’s main focus when he used the Stones was to get rid of Thanos and his army. He didn’t consider doing anything else with them - he only had one goal.
Hi Drac, Thats a cool bit of information you posted. Can I ask where its from? I would like to check it out also.
I had thought that maybe he couldnt bring back Nat because she wasnt killed from the snap in IW but what you posted shows this is wrong. Tony should have been able to bring her back also.
But regardless of the Infinity Stone’s supposed unlimited powers, the fact is Natasha traded her soul for the Soul Stone. Like Red Skull said, the trade was everlasting. It just couldn’t be undone.
And they DID attempt to bring Natasha back this way, specifically Banner did. I forgot to mention that Banner himself said that he tried to bring Natasha back when he did the Snap. If HE failed to bring her back, then how could Tony (whose chances of surviving the Snap were obviously not good) do it?
Maybe they’ll find a way to bring Nat and the old Gamora back, but for now... they can’t return.
Brucehulk said he tried to bring Nat back with his snap and couldn't. That doesn't really answer "Why?" but I suspect it has something to do with her life being the price of ownership of the Soul Stone.
Well, see, after watching it twice, I still think she might be back cause of how Cap is returning all the stones to their rightful places in time. Not sure how that would work exactly. But it's a weird scenario of returning the soul stone. I could almost see it not being allowed. Worse, what if Red Skull is free now because of the Soul Stone being taken and now Cap is giving him the Soul Stone without any discretion. Wait, this is Cap who fought this guy. He'd never just hand him the soul stone. I actually would love to have had a scene where Cap tries to return it and sees that Red Skull is the guardian of it. Imagine his shock at finding out the Red Skull's fate. He'd probably tell him he deserves it for being so evil.
I like your scenario Green. It would indeed been interesting to see Cap finally meet the Red Skull again while returning the Soul Stone. They should have put this encounter after the end credits.
they probably will show Steve returning the stones (incl the soul stone to Red Skull) in a flashback in an upcoming movie (Guardians 3 or Avengers 5 etc)
hell maybe they even make a Cap America 4 out of it (its not like Chris Evans will be in huge demand for much else)
By the same logic, how did Thanos know his first snap would remove half the population? How did he know his second snap would destroy the Infinity Stones?
How did Iron Man and Hulk know that the third snap would return the half of the population?
It is obvious that the snaps do what the snapper desires. No other explanation is needed.