Poll : What would you do during "The Purge"?
Vote on the Poll: http://www.imdb.com/poll/4Bk8teoxE44/
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shareMove to a country with less screwed up laws. Why would I live somewhere with a government that puts people and infrastructure in such unnecessary danger.
shareFind allies (my family and trusted friends), fortify a home, get armed and wait out the night together.
That is what I would do, or try to do, but this is not what I would love to do.
But since I deemed the risk of getting killed as unacceptablely high, I'd do as stated above...but Jennifer Lawrence, Emily Blunt etc. pp. would either be too well protected or even out of the country.
Willkommen im Zeitalter des Trump!
I would try to take my wife and daughter out of the country. If that wasn't possible, I would barricade us all in the house, and tool-up with anything I could use in self defense.
I'm not a criminal. I have no urges to hurt or kill anyone else, steal, damage property or cause upset to others in any way.
Kill and rob people.
shareCan we not give that site traffic anymore
shareJoin Anti-Purgers & kill the Purgers... and protect everyone that's not purging.
shareProbably kill everyone who's ever fucked with me. Preferably with a Rambo knife. Nice and slow...
shareyou mean if the BLowMe idiocy was brought to my street? Dress in black, get armored up, get a few guns, get as many armed friends together as I could, and try to keep rioter faggots from harming us or destroying our property.