Is Ep7 the worst SW movie?
Juliet Parrish: You can't win a war if you're extinct!
Yes. Affirmative.
"Silly TFA apologists!" = 🙉🙈🙊
No, it isn't the worst one. Although it lacks creativity and originality and is rather poor in its own right, it cannot be any worse that Episode 6. Return of the Jedi was a horrible and thoughtless waste of time for Star Wars fans. The plot was far too simple, and the Ewoks were as sinful as Jar Jar Binks.
shareWow, you're a f-cking MORON.
Why are you here if you haven't seen the movie yet?
Return of the Jedi was indefensible. Please enlighten me as to why you perceive my reply to be moronic, Einstein.
shareReturn of the Jedi was indefensible. Please enlighten me as to why you perceive my reply to be moronic, Einstein.
Calm down, foe.
RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher.RIP William Christopher.2016 is the worst!
I don't disagree that there was some good to Episode 6. The scenes with Luke, Vader, and Palpatine were really good advancements of the Star Wars story. I felt that the plot was far too simple with a second Death Star and an easy way to destroy it. It's reveals were worthy, but over all I thought it was a poor addition to the entire story. I know it's science fiction, but in reality (of a sci-fi manner), the Ewoks would not have come close to being competitive in a battle with Imperial forces. I respect your opinion of this movie being good, I just don't share it. As much as I thought the Ewoks were sinful, I thought the worst part of this film was the simplistic nature of the plot. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me.
shareThanks for sharing yours. And sorry for the whole "moron" thing. I really must stop being so belligerent.
Why are you here if you haven't seen the movie yet?
As much as I thought the Ewoks were sinful, I thought the worst part of this film was the simplistic nature of the plot.Interesting considering that all the movies in the original trilogy had simple and similar plots. Except Empire. It doesn't even really have a plot. Everyone scatters and runs for two-and-a-half hours.
The plot was similar to ANH, but ROTJ was the same plot part 2 and TFA was the same plot part 3. There was no real originality to that film, so I was left feeling rather empty. I enjoyed it as a teenager back in 1983, but as I got older and watched it again I really couldn't stand it. I can see its appeal to Star Wars fans, but one of the films has to be at the bottom of the list (if one keeps a list). I won't criticize others because their opinion is different from mine, I respect them.
shareAs a kid I loved Jedi. When I was college-age I felt it was too flawed to take seriously.
Now I love it again. Go figure.
Pidder Padder? Make my Heart go Boom Bap and Then We'll Talk!
Let's try to be a little more civil, I suggest. I'll go first. I agree with your earlier response about Episode 3. That is at the top of my list of the series.
shareI'm not going to defend everything in Return of the Jedi - least of all the primitive Teddy bear warriors defeating "an entire legion of (the Empire's) best troops" with rocks and pointy sticks. But, at least the movie provided a satisfying conclusion to the story arc. Han was rescued and Jabba the Hutt was killed. So Han didn't need to run from bounty hunters for the rest of his life. The Emperor and his doomsday weapon were destroyed and the Empire, presumably, collapsed bringing a final victory for Leia and her rebel Republic loyalists. Let the fireworks and singing commence! Darth Vader was redeemed by sacrificing himself to save his son Luke. Luke, once a whiny farm boy orphan has confidently assumed his place as the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy. There was even a solution to the love triangle. Han and Leia get together because Luke turns out to be Leia's brother (yuck!). A lot happened. A lot of it good. But yes, the cracks were beginning to show in Lucas's artistic vision.
Fast forward to The Farce Awakens and what do we get? A total reversal of everything sacrificed for and achieved in the first 6 films. Everything reset to square one, with an aged and embittered Leia still general for an even weaker and outclassed rebel alliance fighting against an even more powerful and malignant threat. She's estranged from Han Solo, who lost his ship and reverted to again working as a bottom-feeding smuggler. Then he dies in most humiliating fashion at the hands of his own bratty, emo son. Luke? He's a hermit because apparently he screwed up and ended up training a new crop of Sith. Utterly depressing. There had to be better ways to make Mary Sue and Steppin Fetchit look good without trashing the original trilogy.
Episode 7 is by far the worst. Not because of bad special effects, wooden acting, or annoying characters. Because of STORY. That's a much worse sin.
Dalton, that was a well articulated comparison of those two films! The Force Awakens is so new that it hasn't had enough time to irritate me yet. Return of the Jedi has grated on my last nerve. So in my personal rankings, Episode 6 is still at the bottom of my list.
sharedalton-22403 Speaketh Truth. Hear ye him. :)
share@OP- Yes.
"Time is the fire in which we burn."
IMHO, Revenge of the $#!+ is not only the worst Star Wars movie, but one of the worst movies ever made, period.This. share
Hateful maid Chracters, Cheap Contrivances and blatent Contradictions with the original trilogy, all for the purpose of drawing cheap emotion out of the viewer.
☝ Lo and behold. "maids": a tandem consent of such lowbrow and idiotic nature that the healthy mind naturally assumes it is intended as a Dumb&DumberToo persiflage. But this is the sad reality as to why we get mindless rehashes and trash like TFA, Transformers, Armageddon or Battlefield Earth.
de gustibus non est disputandum
But this is the sad reality as to why we get mindless rehashes and trash like TFA, Transformers, Armageddon or Battlefield Earth.Interesting deduction.
de gustibus non est disputandum
In my book it is.
All other movies bring something new to the table and the story of each individual episode is unique.
The Force Awakens is A New Hope 2.0, the 2015 glossy JJ-Abramized hipster millennial edition, also custom-made to fool those who didn't like the Prequels into thinking it's return to old school Star Wars (whilst it really only is on a superficial level).
Rogue One blows TFA out of the water.
The Shroud of the Disney has fallen. Begun the Jar Jar Abrahams Wars have.
^ this is dead on how I feel about TFA. However I feel ROTS and TFA are both equally bad. TPM and AOTC had some redeeming qualities but by the time ROTS came around it was just so bad it was very hard to watch and even care about what was happening (Lucas just really screwed up with what he was trying to do with those movies). At least TFA was just a rehash of ANH and was watchable but they both suck.
Rogue One is an incredible addition to the OT.
I concur wholeheartedly that Rogue One was an incredible piece to the Star Wars puzzle.
shareNo, all the prequels are by far worse.
TFA is just forgettable. It's a hallow rehash of superiors movies, but that doesn't necessarily make it a bad movie itself.
In some ways forgettable has it's own drawbacks. I can remember and hate every Jar Jar moment in TPM, the gawd awful pod race, and many more cringe worthy moments in the movie, but I can remember next to nothing in TFA.
Is it worse to be hated or forgotten?