MovieChat Forums > Rogue One (2016) Discussion > This is pure fantasy. Women aren't heroe...

This is pure fantasy. Women aren't heroes or physical combat warriors.

How many women put themselves in harms way to save people? LOL. How many women are tougher and stronger than men?

In this whole "women empowerment" garbage where we constantly get female action stars with them besting men physically and mentally, that's as far from reality as the alien creatures featured in these stories. You don't see women working terrifying jobs or beating people in combat.

It's pure BS and these movies are nothing but social engineering of feminist garbage.


How many women put themselves in harms way to save people?

Female medics in the armed forces?

Female doctors and nurses in violent inner city areas?

Female police officers/paramedics/firefighters?

How many women are tougher and stronger than men?

There are many female MMA fighters/boxers who could hand the average man their arse.

"I stooped to pick a buttercup. Why people leave buttocks lying around, I've no idea."


Female medics in the armed forces?

Female doctors and nurses in violent inner city areas?

Female police officers/paramedics/firefighters?

How many of these women get their arse's handed to them? Answer: All of them.

There are many female MMA fighters/boxers who could hand the average man their arse.

Only in the make believe fantasy ring. On the streets, these women would get the snot smacked out of them.



My troll alarm is going off. Ignored.




Any pro female martial artist would be a man with no training as long as they weren't outweighed by a ludicrous amount. Plenty of examples of smaller people with training beating the *beep* out of larger untrained idiots.


Um, this is a fantasy film.

You'd make a point if you were talking about the female characters in Fast & Furious.

Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.


Because Fast & Furious is what, a historical drama?


It may be fantasy, but your constant crying on the matter is a pathetic reality for yourself, and non stop comedy for everyone else 


You appear to be completely ignorant and sexist.
Study history. Have a little knowledge behind you before making such blanket statements.

Maybe you should read up on these women;

Joan of Arc
Septima Zenobia
The Amazons
Nakano Takeko
Agustina de Aragon
Grace O'Malley

That's barely scratching the surface.

Do you have some kind of mother issues that haven't been properly addressed?
It would appear so.

Where is everybody?


While I do not approve of OP message...just take a look at your list, 7 people (amazons were not even real, more like inspired by some scythian tribes or sth) from all over the globe and different times... at the same time list of male soldiers would crash this forum because it would go in tens of millions... so if you want to prove something using this list the only thing you are really proving is how small part of military tradition are women.


I used the Amazonians as more of an analogy - and like many myths they are a composite of many fact based female warriors.

As for listing seven... I could list more. As I mentioned, I was barely scratching the surface.

The point is that this movie features a single female protagonist, as does TFA. These are the few in within the ranks of many male soldiers and therefore my point still remains valid.

Where is everybody?


so if you want to prove something using this list the only thing you are really proving is how small part of military tradition are women.
Yes. They're anomalies. Just like Jyn.

Perpetual outrage is the most popular religion today.


Hope you choke on your words when you're in the ER and a woman Doctor literally will have your worthless life in her skillful hands.


Will the female doctor be engaging in hand-to-hand combat?


WANTED: The Limping Lady
The intriguing and unexpected true story of America's most heroic—and most dangerous—female spy

The Midnight Express' Savior 03:16
A brave teen saves train passengers' lives and prevents a catastrophe.

The Women Who Fought in the Civil War
Hundreds of women concealed their identities so they could battle alongside their Union and Confederate counterparts


And a shiny nickel says that they didn't look like Shampoo Princesses.


A shiny dime says they do. Kurdish female fighters, bro. Fightin' ISIS. I'd say that's pretty DAMN AWESOME. time travel novel


Do we have video of them in action?


Look up the Vice story on them. There is video. time travel novel


Now Kale... Wishing that strong women don't exist won't make them disappear. Try not to disconnect from reality entirely.


Give a woman a working ray gun and a reason to shoot you, and you'll change your mind.

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


Get over yourself, loser. Nobody cares if your fragile psyche is threatened by the idea of strong women.

"Smokey, this is not 'Nam, this is bowling. There are rules. "
-Walter Sobchak


No one is threatened by the idea of strong women.

You're fabricating a point to respond to so you can feel like a bold SJW.

It's idiotic.
