MovieChat Forums > What We Do in the Shadows (2015) Discussion > Really bad but critics liked it-why?

Really bad but critics liked it-why?

The audience got only a handful of laughs out of this. Very disappointing-- especially considering RT critics liked it. Something rotten at Rotten Tomatoes. It has maybe 30 minutes of comedy, the rest was like a Saturday Night live skit gone too long. Why would the movie critics social clic review this so high?


I thought it was one of the funniest and most original movies I have seen recently. the GF loved it as well. As to why you don't like it, to each their own I guess.

"Gold buys a mans silence for a time. A bolt to the heart buys it forever"


Not the funniest for me, not even in top 20, but surely one of the most original ones even when it used a lot of common canon and cliché ^^

The characters were so authentic, awesome.

I was well entertained. I don't have to laugh every 10 minutes to be entertained.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!



You are the one judging mental retardation based on opinions of movies. That takes some real lack of understanding.


Because it's funny? The general census is that it is, my be worth asking why you feel the need to shoot it down?


Evidently it is funny to a certain population. Why it would get a great review from Rotten Tomatoes is weird. It is a silly skit done over and over. I like Brit humor. I got ripped off by Rotten Tomatoes!


This isn't British...


britain, new zealand, china, africa, they are all the same


dirty foreigners ...


I like your British accent.
I'm from New Zeland.
Oh, New Zeland!


You keep asking "why," which is kind of an odd question. It has a high rating on RT because the critics at RT liked it. That's intuitively obvious. If you're asking why other people don't feel exactly the same way you do about films? That's a more existential question, and the answer can only come from self-reflection. It doesn't make either you or the critics right - it's just different, and if it irks you, that's about you, not about the film.

Movies are IQ tests. The IMDB boards are each person's opportunity to broadcast their score.


Yeah, what's with all these people having a different opinion than you? I mean, that's crazy! You are clearly the Center of the Universe and the one that gets to declare what's funny or not. If you don't like it, then no one should, right?


"but do not get the humor in Mortdecai (11 fresh, 78 rotten). " ....

you mean like the humor described in such reviews as...

yeh Mortdecai... a film that tries really hard to be funny and flops, they probably would have done better with a bunch of new actors (Gwyneth Paltrow, Ewan McGregor should have to pay to be included in a film)... and a script that didn't suck.


Evidently it is funny to a certain population

That population being smart people with a sense of humor, right?


Really bad but critics liked it-why?

Because it's NOT "really bad".

There, I solved the mystery.


Yes Sherlock you most certainly did. Well done sir. 😃


It wasn't a movie that had me rolling with laughter, but it had me smiling throughout. I never once rolled my eyes at a dumb joke or a cliché.


pretty damned good.

certainly not Brit humour, literally or in its style.

the critics got it spot on as far as i'm concerned.

the OP may need to watch more movies/tv if SNL is the only comparison brought to mind.

[spoiler]Silent Bob's dead, long live me, Internet Guy!/spoiler]


the OP may need to watch more movies/tv if SNL is the only comparison brought to mind.

The only movie that immediately comes to my mind is Bernie. It really confounds me how anyone can think this type of skit is original in any way.



Agreed, it reminded me how much more effective it would have been had it been shot in black-and-white, like Man Bites Dog (though both film are very different). The Count Orlok figure would have looked striking in B&W. Except for the big secret society meeting, most of What We Do in the Shadows was very funny.

Jerry at the Movies


I was litterally laughing my arss of - I thought it was a breath of fresh air compared to the standard hollywood comedy.


it was funny but not That funny....
hollywood comedies suck because they are full of loud obnoxious humor and fart jokes

but this felt like the opposite, this was void of any strong jokes and just relied too much on awkward humor and too much improv that went nowhere


Some people still don't understand how Rotten Tomatoes works. The site compiles critics' ratings. Those critics do not work for RT.


I agree with the critics, and certainly not with you, OP.

Sorry. Try again with something else.


Sorry. Try again with something else.

I think the OP is allowed to have an opinion. As are you.



One of the best movies I'd seen in a long time. Original, well scripted and acted.

How is this original?? If anything the lack of originality was its weakest point.

