Seems you make a good point, teck76.
I'm 34. Almost anyways.
These days, having grown up through 80's horror and beyond, and backtracking into the 70's and 60's thereafter - what I look for in a horror film isn't gore, isn't effects, and isn't jump scares (I mean, some jump scares are ok, relying on them, is not)
What I look for is for something to make me feel creeped out, uneasy, actually scared.
Atmosphere. A little dread.
Often this is not evoked through the characters or even the storyline as primaries, of course they are what's needed to make an actually decent film.
Though effective use of disturbing ideas along with lighting, *some* visual effects, sound, musical score and camera work in the right combination, comes into play a lot more for me.
The conjuring hit the right combibation (and for the record, was a more interesting story), Annabelle, did not.
What I saw of the doll was MUCH more effective in the first film.
The intensity of the scene with the daughter alone in the house with the creeping darkness, and finding Annabelle on the chair - even in an animated state (which would normally throw the mood into "meh" for me), was far more effective, than anything used in the entirety of Annabelle.
The conjuring put me on edge, Annabelle did not.
It wasn't terrible, but while I'd watch the conjuring again - I would not bother with Annabelle.
It was comparatively bland.
Personally I'd be more inclined to question the taste of someone who defended it so vigourously, but hey, I won't.