MovieChat Forums > Annabelle (2014) Discussion > I assume most of you posting negative re...

I assume most of you posting negative reviews are teens or early 20s

Seriously you guys suck. Horror movies suck these days cause there is too much Cgi, too much gore, too much violence, too much crap...this movie is total old school horror and it's great! The doll never moves and I love it!! I was 16 when the first Scream came out and I remember how original it every movie copies it!! Same plot, same dumbass kids, same stupid imagination...Teens and 20 something's have no creativity anymore and this is going to ruin the future of horror movie making.




What makes this movie suck so badly is it is anything BUT old school horror. It is musical jumps, thread-bare plot and overly explained in the wrong places and underly explained in the wrong places (a horrible modern horror trend). It is one of the worst horror films I have ever seen and it will CLEAN UP at the Razzies. I am 37 BTW.


I am in my early 40s and love the horror genre, but this was just boring. I liked the Conjuring and I really looked forward to seeing this, but unfortunately I was disappointed. Is it a ghost story, a devil worshipping story, the female version of Chucky who doesn't move story, or just a reason to make money off a weak sequel/prequel? I was left pissed that I actually spent money to watch this when I could have watched paint dry for free. Nothing against anybody who enjoyed this, but I will wait for the modern day replacements to classics like Poltergeist and The Shining.


It's funny because if you look at the ratings by age group you'll notice people under 29 have rated it higher than the rest. Your attempt to validate your taste by using maturity has failed miserably.


Seems you make a good point, teck76.

I'm 34. Almost anyways.
These days, having grown up through 80's horror and beyond, and backtracking into the 70's and 60's thereafter - what I look for in a horror film isn't gore, isn't effects, and isn't jump scares (I mean, some jump scares are ok, relying on them, is not)

What I look for is for something to make me feel creeped out, uneasy, actually scared.
Atmosphere. A little dread.
Often this is not evoked through the characters or even the storyline as primaries, of course they are what's needed to make an actually decent film.
Though effective use of disturbing ideas along with lighting, *some* visual effects, sound, musical score and camera work in the right combination, comes into play a lot more for me.
The conjuring hit the right combibation (and for the record, was a more interesting story), Annabelle, did not.

What I saw of the doll was MUCH more effective in the first film.
The intensity of the scene with the daughter alone in the house with the creeping darkness, and finding Annabelle on the chair - even in an animated state (which would normally throw the mood into "meh" for me), was far more effective, than anything used in the entirety of Annabelle.

The conjuring put me on edge, Annabelle did not.
It wasn't terrible, but while I'd watch the conjuring again - I would not bother with Annabelle.
It was comparatively bland.
Personally I'd be more inclined to question the taste of someone who defended it so vigourously, but hey, I won't.


Exactly. I would assume most of the bad ratings are the mid-30s and up crowd that actually remember what good horror movies were like.


I thought it was absolute bollocks. I thought Sinister sucked too, and The Conjuring, and Paranormal Activity, I enjoyed the Scream films.

But too much gore and violence in a horror? I think you're looking for thrillers/paranormal, because horror films need gore and violence.

Jin_Hayase is a man on a fake profile, ran by Chasemarc1701. BE WARNED.


That's about my take too. This movie could have been made around 1970. I can still picture the atmosphere like we had with The Exorcist or The Omen; Rosemary's Baby that has some similarities with this one but most of all The Birds. That specific atmosphere is hard to find in most modern horror movies though I still favor that genre. I’m glad to have been there during the ‘60s and ‘70s when horror was defined. It’s not all bad what’s happening today but it doesn’t add much to what had been defined back then.


Well, The Conjuring has a pretty big rating.


I completely agree with you, annettes0202. CGI, lots of gore, and violence is passed off as horror these days and it sucks. Gore is not scary to me -- it's just gross. Now *beep* scary! Sadly, Hollywood doesn't have the brains today to come up with smart horror films so they take the easy way out with CGI and torture porn.


Ever worked on computer animation etc.?

Also, you must be watching the wrong movies because there's plenty of them which don't have gore. I guess you like those movies then if you continue to watch them.

Also, don't act like it's a fact, some people may find that kind of stuff scary.
