MovieChat Forums > Iron Fist (2017) Discussion > Better or Worse than Luke Cage?

Better or Worse than Luke Cage?

I have heard Iron Fist is the worst Marvel series, however I am halfway through Luke Cage and I find this hard to believe. I watched Daredevil and Jessica Jones as fast as I could find the time to watch them. Luke Cage on the other hand every episode is a bit of a chore. Can Iron Fist really be worse?


For me Luke Cage was the worst of the bunch.The story was slow and didn't seem as interesting as the other shows.The main villain in the second half of the series was a let down compared to the main villain in the first half.I had some issues with Iron fist but all in all it was a good watch.


Depends on the viewer. It’s not hard to see why anyone would be bored by Luke Cage, yet if critical reception is anything to go by, then Luke Cage is definitely no worse than Iron Fist. That show was far better received than Iron Fist and isn’t generally considered one of Marvel’s worst. I do think you might find Iron Fist to be an exciting show compared to Luke Cage since it offers more action (as sloppy as it is), although the protagonist could have been handled so much better.

Incidentally, one Marvel show that undoubtedly eclipsed Iron Fist as the worst, is Inhumans.


I don't think the lead has the acting chops to carry Cage as a series. I thought he was fine in Jones but with a series centered on him, he seems to have a fairly limited range. least at the point I am at I simply cant buy Cottonmouth as a legitimate threat and Shades...seem to just be there to wear Shades. Perhaps the series will improve, I don't need wall to wall action but in the absence of it I need good acting and believable threats and I am not sure I am getting that so far. The actor that played Chico...was awful, I am wondering if they pulled him off the street just before shooting the series.


I won’t argue with your opinion about Colter as Luke Cage. While I want to say it’s the writing that’s holding him back, he does come off as a bit too stiff as Luke. Overall I’m fine with him in the role (he was also better in The Defenders), but I do hope he can improve. And I also understand the villain complaints. Cottonmouth didn’t do much for me at first but he grew on me, especially after what happened later in the season. Shades? His character doesn’t do much for me either. Good series in my book but it can use better characterization, I’ll give you that.


I really liked the first half of LC but second half was rubbish. I thought the critics were a bit harsh on IF, started off well but once the Hand stuff came up it was all too much of a drab.


Well I am at about the halfway mark of Iron Fist and I think it is the better show of the two so far. Luke Cage is my lowest rated Netflix Marvel show and ended poorly with the villain being a joke.


Halfway through Iron Fist I couldn't understand why this was rated so lowly. But they do over complicate this show IMO.

Agree with the villain diamondback being very lame. I preferred cotton mouth as the bad guy. I think for me Jessica Jones S2 has replaced Luke Cage as the worst Netflix Marvel show.


Still have to get through IF Defenders and Punisher before JJ. Is the new season really that bad?


It is watchable but if you skip it I don't think you would miss out on much.

I'm trying to avoid spoilers.


That iss fine, I generally don't skip so I will be giving it a watch at some point. I thought the first season was really solid, its a shame the second may be a let down. I do appreciate the lack of spoilers. Now if we could just get people to stop putting spoilers in thread titles.


Luke Cage was the only Marvel Netflix series I couldn't get through. I suppose it's commendable they wanted to make a "black" superhero show and that's probably why it got as much praise as it did but really they had no story to tell so they just threw a bunch of cliches in a blender and hoped it might resemble an actual story in the end. The one-dimensional lead and every other character being a walking stereotype didn't help.

Iron Fist was much better as an actual superhero show but once the BS "whitewashing" idea took hold in the mass idiot-consciousness, the show was basically doomed.


Well I finally finished Iron Fist. This and Luke Cage were a bit of a chore. Iron Fist was better overall, but neither are close to Daredevil and Jessica Jones (s1)


I thought the first half of Luke Cage was great and the second half was terrible.

Conversely, I thought the first half of Iron Fist was terrible but the last half was pretty good.


JJs2:C+ (main plot is ass but the subplots are good and save it)
LCs1:C (has good parts but lame and disjointed)
LCs2:? (didn't like s1 enough to watch)
Iron Fist:D- (two good fights. Villain actor is OK. Ruined the Hand)
Defenders:D (overblown Dutch angles and color coding. Continued to ruin the Hand)

Danny is so miscast and the writing is so bad that I cannot imagine how season 2 could be even slightly ok.


Why does nobody put The Punisher in the rankings of these series, surely that is the best of the lot or at least on a par with Daredevil S1 & S2


Good point. I guess my brain keeps it in a different drawer. I'll edit my ranking above.
