I have heard Iron Fist is the worst Marvel series, however I am halfway through Luke Cage and I find this hard to believe. I watched Daredevil and Jessica Jones as fast as I could find the time to watch them. Luke Cage on the other hand every episode is a bit of a chore. Can Iron Fist really be worse?
I would say "Iron Fist" is slightly more entertaining than "Luke Cage".
The problem with "Luke Cage" is that the episodes really dragged along with some of them being over one hour, especially the fact they produced thirteen episodes. At least with "Iron Fist" they kept it under the hour mark and shortened the second season to just ten episodes. That's why I prefer this over the other series.
What Netflix should have done was make a "Heroes for Hire". Sometimes having a series centered around one character can become tedious. I would have loved to see Luke and Danny team up and fight villains, kinda like in the episode where Danny visits Luke in "The Main Ingredient".
But, of course, it'll never happen now that they're canceled and supposedly being owned by Disney.
Good point. With 13 episodes, there is enough material to explore both characters and you don't get dragged down by people repeating the same exposition over and over again or all the dull corporate drama.
I loved Iron Fist and Luke Cage. Not to mention Daredevil being the stand out of all the shows, and The Punisher was really good. The only one I hated with a red hot passion was Jessica Jones.
I'm with you on this. Daredevil and Iron Fist are by far the best shows of the bunch. The first season of the Punisher was also excellent, but I've not yet watched the second season. Jessica Jones season 1 is probably the worst season of any tv show I've watched in its entirety, which I only did because I wanted to keep up with the storyline between the various shows. It's utterly terrible. I tried to watch the 1st episode of the 2nd season but couldn't make it to the end. Luke Cage season 1 had its moments, but the female villain is laughably bad. I started season 2 but lost interest.
I don't see why Iron Fist gets so much hate. Danny's story was a fish out of water and that's what Finn Jones portrayed. I also loved his relationship with Luke. That episode in season two of LC where Danny came in....HEROES FOR HIRE. Like I said Daredevil and Punisher were really good, but Jessica Jones and all this "empowerment" crap. As a woman it turned me off. I found Karen Page and Elektra far more interesting than JJ.
What I wouldn't give to see a season of Heroes for Hire with the same casts as Iron Fist and Luke Cage, but set in 1975. And while I'm fantasizing, get Quentin Tarantino to direct it.
That's because the 'empowerment' stuff is crap. It's crap for men... and it's crap for women too. Some think that when it's bad for some group it must be good for the other one. But life is not a zero sum game.
It's making female characters repetitive and boring. You see Jessica Jones, then you see Rey in Star Wars, then you see Captain Marvel, it's the same character again and again and again. A good characters has strength and flaws, and often contradictions and often it's unique in its own way. The 'empowered' ones are basically an army of clones, a repeated template.
I think it's far, far better. Daredevil is the best of the bunch, Jessica Jones is utter trash. Luke Cage is somewhere in between the two. Iron Fist is a small step down from Daredevil.
I did watch it, I kind of see them being somewhat similar in quality. Really the characters should have just had a show together like in the comics rather than two less than stellar individual series.