MovieChat Forums > shuhel360
shuhel360 (72)
Taking a gun to a TV show
Desert to Italy
UK 10 Seaons vs US 9 Seasons
How would this perform if it came out today
Green eyes
Wasn't a very good Batman
Finally a great DC TV show
One of the Worse endings
When this show ended for me
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Ledger for this reason
Very good point, look forward to any answers. Point 2, I thought it was quite obvious he imagined that. It even showed flash backs of their "date" where she wasn't actually there.
Okay, now I've finished the season. Without Ani this was bad. And she made this from bad to terrible.
Haha I think Arnie would have been a better casting option.
I'm from England and I talk and hear Ani's accent daily. But even then everytime Ani talks it annoys me so much. Terrible casting choice she just does not fit in to the show. Nothing against the person that play Ani
I've now seen 7 episodes, I'm finding the storyline very interesting. The scenes Arni isn't in are very good, the problem is she's in almost all the scenes.
It made the most money, doesn't mean it was the best. I know a lot of people including myself watched it because of the Avengers and wanted to see want happened after.
My bad, I was thinking of season 8. In that case season 7 was quite good, still think it could of had more episodes.
Felt like 2 seasons worth of storylines in 6 episodes. I think people overreacted with the ending it wasn't that terrible.
Agreed, felt like a Disney teen drama tv show with spiderman
I thought the first two movies were excellent at the time they came out. However, I don't think if they came out now they would such a hit. The bar has been raised so much higher now
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