MovieChat Forums > The Expanse (2015) Discussion > Shohreh Aghdashloo gotta go...

Shohreh Aghdashloo gotta go...

Excellent casting across the board for unknown and known names.. She just is not a good actress. I can't stay up with this show because every time she speaks the show loses me. Can't stand her voice... so boring boring and really she can show no emotion. Why do we have to deal with her?


I like her.


I don't have any problems with her myself. I actually like her voice. I do wish there was more of an Earth presence, but I think she's great.


<< I do wish there was more of an Earth presence, but I think she's great... >>

You Earthers...AGAIN thinking everything is about YOU! You have so much, yet never stop trying to keep the Belters and the Martians down : (



I like her too. Her accent is cool.


I actually found her the best actress of all the various Earth fellas, some of those guys are a bit wooden. She also beats the dude playing Holden.

Otherwise a pretty great casting job all around.


Oh, she is good.


she is awesome


Can't stand her either...enough to make me stop watching the show. I don't want to listen to someone who sounds like they smoke 10 packs of cigarettes a day.


I don't want to listen to someone who sounds like they smoke 10 packs of cigarettes a day.

Not a Tom Waits fan, opinion void.

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


Couldn't agree more, she's the weakest link with her voice dredging a gutter. She's also the only one I can't completely hear without help, and I watched Guy Ritchie's classics with no subtitles.


Wait... What?! Guy Ritchie has made classics?!!! Have I've been asleep for 50 years and this now is 2066?


Meaning when he made good movies in the sense of time-frame. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch to be more precise, check out their pages here and give them a shot if you weren't all sarcasm and dislike his work outright.


Ah well, I guess I was a little sarcastic indeed, since I can't for the love of me picture how one would consider those classic movies. Popular amongst a demographic, sure, somewhat entertaining and stupid, why not, but classics those aren't. I give you that those are at least less unwatchable than his recent sherlock holmes movies...


It's relative and I did say HIS classics, not overall classics so I purposely didn't give it as much weight as you think I did.

Also, it's a generational thing and different movies define coming of age or love for cinema for different people differently. I can see now that I'm older how they aren't as special as I once thought, but they did bring something new to the table at their time of release, with their interwoven Seinfeld-like subplots that come together cohesively by the end, accompanied by a fun style of directing/ editing and lively over the top characters. They were never meant to be taken seriously and what they accomplished in terms of entertainment is damn entertaining, re-watchable and unique.


Hahaha, nah, don't mind me, I didn't give this that much weight either. I myself aknowledged there was a generational aspect to those and I could understand one might find those entertaining. I just rose an eyebrow when I read Guy Ritchie and Classics in the same sentence and felt like voicing it, that's what happens in conversations, you know? I'm neither here to judge you nor do I care, so no need for mild paranoïa ;)

But IMHO, "classic" isn't really inclusive when debating movies, and Ritchie hasn't made that many movies either yet... That being said it sure is relative (I struggle with the notion of a movie being a classic when it's less then 20 years old, but that's just me). All his movies are more or less the same to me, smart ass show off messes, except that Madonna movie which may very well be an absolute classic of bad movies even if so young (I saw it in the theatres when it was released !!!).

But back on topic, about that damn voice, seriously, so far, throughout 8 episodes, it's not like she has even 20 mn of screen presence. If you could go through Guy Ritchies movies, this shouldn't bother you that much ;) She has a rather unique voice, one that takes some familiarity to appreciate, but speaking as a radioshow host for two decades, I can sure say she got a good depp and expressive voice that commands authority yet empathy. Therefore I'd say she is well casted in that role.

Oh, and after a rather clumsy start (structure-wise, it felt a little too eliptic, and the handling of elapsing time is quite sketchy) I grew to like the series more and more, even if it tries to induce a sense of epicness that is somewhat fake as the story is actually quite simple, they just use tricks to make it look very complicated, often making it a little difficult to follow as the structure isn't that well designed, or so I feel.


Technically one of his movies is already a 'classic' in the time sense. Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels will be a classic in 2 years. Anything 20 years and older is considered a classic.


Noooo... She's a good actress. And I prefer her voice to most of the over-emoting squeakers of television land.


She needs a cough drop overdose.

My people skills are fine. It's my tolerance of morons that needs work.


I like her voice, and I love how she portrays the character. I think Chrisjen is one of the most badass characters in the show. She is relentless and ruthless. Similar to Miller, but in a position of power.

I'm beginning to see that people either like her or hate her. No in between. I, for one, hope we see more of the character.


<< I think Chrisjen is one of the most badass characters in the show. She is relentless and ruthless. Similar to Miller, but in a position of power. >>

Oh, I agree. She's definitely one type of woman who would rise to political power in a futuristic world; educated, calm, somewhat maternal....but really as ruthless as any government official who came before her.


FWIW, I find her voice to be sexy. In fact, I think she's kind of sexy herself, at least for us middle-aged guys. 😃

No blah, blah, blah!


I dislike her with a passion.

Hope she won't last long on the show.
