this movie sucked

i'd rate it like a 5-6 at best. completely unrealistic and boring. characters were almost annoying. the DA doesn't do their own investigating. cops do that. in real life, this case would've been a not guilty. there's just not enough evidence at all. they couldnt convict the protag neither because it was so long ago that there's no evidence left. he could've hit a deer. i guess they could scour the crime scene again and maybe get lucky to find a piece of his car or something but if they gave a flying fuck why didnt they do it the first time? lastly, who cares if that drug dealer got convicted? the conversation about justice at the end was bullshit. he's basically paying for all the times he committed crimes but never got convicted.

lastly there's just an intangible when a movie is good or not and this just isn't good.


thanks for the heads up. hard pass!


I give a 7/10. Entertaining movie

The ADA herself wouldn’t investigate, but it’s Hollywood. Having police investigate would require introducing a new character (a cop), which would increase the runtime by a lot. So they had the ADA do the investigating for concision. Law & Order also shows the ADA doing some investigations to give the ADA character some screen time too

Who cares that the drug dealer got conviction? Umm … he got sentenced to life, and he didn’t do it. We should care

Once they look at the main character as the suspect, they’ll find more evidence. They have the auto shop paper trail, they have his behavior during the trial (how he decided to show up for sentencing), and once they show his picture at the bar, they’ll find eyewitnesses who can put him at the scene. And with the idea of a hit and run, they can reexamine the medical data to support a hit and run charge, just as the Chinese juror did


They wouldn’t be able to prove the case against the main character.

They autoshop papertrail would prove nothing.

The eyewitnesses are not going to remember some random, quiet guy that sat alone in a bar and left a year ago. No one would be able to say he was at that road that night.

They’ll need to get an admission or confession from him. I don’t see that happening.


Despite all the flaws, I just couldn't get into Nicholas Hoult at all. I couldn't care less if he went to jail or not. I thought he was brilliant in The Great, though.
