another castration film? Any guys getting tired of this crap?
shareI loved it. Nothing better than seeing a sick rapist getting his bollocks cut the *beep* off :D
-Star Wars 7
-The Revenant
-Hail Ceasar
-The Irishman
It blows my mind that there are men out there so utterly insecure that they perceive every fictional attack on a male character to be an attack on them personally and men everywhere.
Don't get me wrong, I'm tired of the rape/revenge genre too. But not for the reasons you seem to be. I think it's a tired formula that doesn't need to be retread over and again. But I don't see it as an attack on men, because that's ridiculous. Unlike others in this thread, I do not think that rapists stand representative of all men. But then again, I'm not some whiny MRA who spends all of his time complaining about imagined slights. So I don't know what it's like to fool myself into thinking that I'm being oppressed just because a girl hurts a guy in a story.
Can I ask why you all identify so heartily with the rapists, sadists, and murderers that are the subject of revenge in these films? Do you consider slasher movies to also be "feminazi" propaganda because they feature female heroines triumphing over evil men? Why is it that for some reason when rape is introduced you get suddenly defensive and start to see the protagonist's victory as an attack on you personally? Do you really believe that rape is something you're entitled to? I can't imagine any other reason to become so defensive on behalf of fictional rapists.
i bet the OP pervert is getting off on all the hits on His thread
mate, its a fantasy movie , no need to go all Republican White Male defensive over it
"no need to go all Republican White Male defensive over it"
And what, are white males or republicans biased just like that? Can even THEY not see or recognize such concepts as good versus evil? Are you sure its not just male even but still IGNORANCE and STUPIDITY that are among the dominating factors here, as far as sensible explanation is concerned? And what if some people don't even KNOW how "republicans" think or that some white males are actually decent people without some kind of generally ingrained male selfishness, presumably mostly but not limited to, aspects related to sexual violence?
She's kidnapped, raped, tortured and left to die. My symphony lies with her. Newsflash. Men are predominantly perverted, violent and abusive. Movies are easy to avoid.
share"Movies are easy to avoid."
They are also, PARADOXICALLY, what many people use to ESCAPE the grim and harsh realities of life. But we still get touched and affected by them as well just often in their OWN ways. And sometimes we or some of us want them to make sense in one way or another. Yes for many they are easy to avoid, for many not and that IN ITSELF IS NOT A PROBLEM. And since many of us DO enjoy and watch films generally, they are something many of us also CHOOSE to NOT "avoid". And we sometimes think about some or other things in them even if we actually haven't seen them.
PLUS - many of such films and audiences who view that have some or other tropes to them that some adore and others feel that even for villains they may go to extremes. Hence, why they may still CRITICIZE them as well.
And in real life however, unlike in films, you don't get happy endings in general. And some issues well are sensitive in and of itself but also for other reasons such as social aspects here and there.
"Men are predominantly perverted, violent and abusive."
Its also, in today's digital world, no longer a secret to almost anyone, as unfortunate as it may be.
just a thread for mysogonists who hate women having power or being equal.
If a man ripped another mans balls off in some action film they wouldnt bat an eyelid.
Well... is it not more complicated than that? Or is it, you know, logical at all?
sharePlus, the OP didn't necessarily state if they think its all right or all wrong but... the formula may have been cinematically EXAGERRATED in his view, even if he also despises rapists including highly the example shown here.
share"who hate women having power or being equal"
But in this film, the female victim went to EXTREMES for so-called "equality" by violently torturing, cutting off the manhood and outright killing such perpetrators as opposed to say simply having them arrested by the police and tried in the court of law.
Also... If throughout the whole human history the problem of sexual abuse by men and (also) against women or even men subjugating women in extremely unfair, in modern day terms even illegal, and immoral ways, hasn't been too common and too huge a problem (but say it sadly existed, however "rarely")…
Would it STILL be seen as fair and just even in RETALIATION to have their manhood especially for "awful deeds of THAT kind of nature against them" removed and not even be seen as EXCESSIVE let alone have people openly and without JUSTIFIABLE criticism think "these bastards deserve it"?
And let's say the law on this matter was a lot easier to operate and whatnot...
And would people who think otherwise, and say they did for potentially LEGITIMATE as opposed to de-facto PREJUDICED reasons (and misogyny IS a form of prejudice by the way!), still be looked down upon or labelled badly?
NOT saying I disagree with it but still... And of course it won't be forgivable like that let alone "acceptable" EITHER, although in some aspects, there could be NUANCES and different GRADATIONS worth discussing, unless you think its all an unsalvageable mess?
Interestingly and controversially enough, it seems and feels like in TODAY'S day and age in particular, even with the most rational people around, its often at least very difficult to have this conversation and reach a perfect level of understanding.
Its a rape and revenge film and I suppose many AUDIENCES into that thing no matter sex or gender in general DON'T mind it.