another castration film? Any guys getting tired of this crap?
shareMan-hating feminists and their traitorous sympathizers need their torture porn to feel good about themselves, I guess.
Personally, I think the people who make these sorts of torture snuff films are actually creating their own personal one-way ticket to eternal damnation in the afterlife. I hope the few dollars they make off the used DVD market is worth that to them.
Man-hating feminists and their traitorous sympathizers need their torture porn to feel good about themselves, I guess.
Personally, I think the people who make these sorts of torture snuff films are actually creating their own personal one-way ticket to eternal damnation in the afterlife. I hope the few dollars they make off the used DVD market is worth that to them.
Idiocy prevails yet again.
You do know what a snuff film is? And that this isn't a snuff film or even a film about a snuff film?
Or in any way, shape or form connected to snuff!
A snuff film is REAL murder, on camera, specifically for money.
Man-hating feminists and their traitorous sympathizers need their torture porn to feel good about themselves, I guess.
Personally, I think the people who make these sorts of torture snuff films are actually creating their own personal one-way ticket to eternal damnation in the afterlife. I hope the few dollars they make off the used DVD market is worth that to them.
Man-hating feminists and their traitorous sympathizers need their torture porn to feel good about themselves, I guess.
Oh I know, those "poor guys", really. All that one guy wanted to do was "make her pretty" whats so wrong with that (rolls eyes) the other guy just wanted to put her in her place, and the other dirtbag just wanted treat her like a cum dumpster, and toilet, nothing wrong with that, right boys? How DARE she not die! How DARE she have NEeds like hunger and thIRst, and human dignity and self-respect!
shareRevenge was definitely justified. I just hate how she goes straight for the testicles. Rather than just generally torturing and killing these men, she goes out of her way to destroy their manhood to the cheers of the audience.
shareI don't think the testicle thing was to make anyone cheer, it's done for shock value and grossing the audience out..... textbook exploitation tactic. These are exploitation horror films, you can't take them too seriously.
shareMan-hating feminists and their traitorous sympathizers need their torture porn to feel good about themselves, I guess.
Personally, I think the people who make these sorts of torture snuff films are actually creating their own personal one-way ticket to eternal damnation in the afterlife. I hope the few dollars they make off the used DVD market is worth that to them.
Lol! Sorry pal, hell doesn't exist, neither does heaven. And if you had a god that would send you to eternal damnation for making a movie, not only does that make you morally disgusting, but your god as well (it also shows a juvenile understanding of eternity and pain)
shareNothing I love more than someone who thinks he knows better than everyone else on the earth. I couldn't care less what you believe in or don't believe in, but drop the rude superior apology bull. You may not believe in Heaven or Hell and there is nothing wrong with that opinion (and it is an opinion as for something to be a fact it has to be falsifiable), but don't apologize to people for their beliefs. That is just you being an arrogant A-hole.
blacknight It's not a "snuff film", it's a just a movie...... therefore IT'S NOT REAL. It has to be actually real to be considered a snuff film and snuff films usually don't have a story/plot either lol. Saying someone is going to Hell for making something that is fake is pretty asinine. Also, the first two films don't come off as feminist too me and are just straight forward revenge flicks..... part 3 is the only one that kinda came off as man hating to me but that one sucked anyways.
shareThe original film was a true classic and had a sort of honesty about it even though the subject matter was controversial. The sequels are all about being PC and show the victim turn into an unlikely super heroine who devises tortures way beyond what's realistic and the majority of the film is dedicated to this. It's beyond a parody.
shareThe original film was a true classic and had a sort of honesty about it even though the subject matter was controversial. The sequels are all about being PC and show the victim turn into an unlikely super heroine who devises tortures way beyond what's realistic and the majority of the film is dedicated to this. It's beyond a parody.
So...persecution complex much? Or is this just the "aspiring rapist" thread?
There are plenty of pointless torture porn films out there. Some of them legitimately deserve threads like this. But that's not what this is. It's not about a girl who goes around ensnaring and torturing innocent men. These are revenge films, you idiots. Rape and revenge is a genre that hinges entirely on, unsurprisingly, RAPE AND REVENGE. The men in these pictures are villains, through and through. Sadistic, amoral sociopaths. If you saw the last one and you felt like YOU were being targeted and victimized, I worry about the people around you.
Seriously, have you guys seen Deliverance? Did you disagree with the revenge taken in that film? Oh, no, because it was Burt Reynolds and not an attractive young girl. After all, she was probably asking for it, right?
...don't answer that.
"It's not about a girl who goes around ensnaring and torturing innocent men."
Yes, it basically is actually in the way these films are conceptualized from the start by the writers and film makers. The men are only villains because they are written that way to legitimize their later abuse at a woman's hands. They have no characterization or reason to exist in the movie beyond that.
Every single plot event is deliberately crafted to culminate in the torture of a man. For example in the 2010 remake, they write one male character as having some kind of inexplicable teeth and oral sex fetish to give the excuse for the girl to later pull out his teeth one by one and chop off his penis and shove it in his mouth. That's the entire extent of that character's development in the movie - he and his interests exist solely to be brutalized in like fashion. The writer's have another man dunk her head in water a couple of times so she is later "justified" by drowning him slowly in acid (in turn obviously a "revenge" play on the throwing of acid in India). They have a basically innocent handicapped fellow choke her once so she can later choke him repeatedly. They give the cop an anal sex fetish so they can have have her turn around and brutally sodomize him (the exact same tired trope used in 2006's One Way, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and others).
So you see there are no surprises in these film's plots - each time the woman miraculously survives and the entire climax of the film is spent 100% on brutalizing and murdering men in very calculating ways that the entire film is designed to lead up to. From the trailers to the posters showing the gardening shears, the destruction of men is what these movies "sell".
The Spit on Your Grave films are not clever film making - they are the perverted fantasies put to film of a hardcore female domination fetishist who is into gore/guro/snuff. Helped on the way there by another (or the same?) pervert writer who gets off on female rape and escape.
These films are far worse than standard pornography because they make their money from selling hardcore sexualized VIOLENCE. In that sense they do indeed have much in common with so-called snuff films.
Normal sane men and women come out the losers when this type of filth is made - the only ones who win are the deranged femdom perverts who see their snuff fantasies come to the silver screen and in some sense be legitimized rather than stigmatized as they should be.
All my above critiques would apply equally to any film built around the premise of a man getting revenge by torturing and murdering women for the audience's perverse entertainment.
This kind of film is just a big toilet bowl that degrades the human race.
Thanks Sherlock. Did it just dawn on you a lot of horror/slasher flicks dont have any character development? What? Did you just get access to movies and this was the first one you watched?
As for who they are for, I'm a "normal" guy who found it entertaining (although the first was better). A lot of people like a good revenge flick. You know why they are called revenge flicks right? Something bad happens to the person first, it's kind of a pre-requiste. If you think this is bad I suggest you check out the news which is a hundred times worse, and oh yeah, that is real.
So get off your pseudo intellectual pedestal and remember, it's a movie. Or was your rant some kind of joke? If it's real I suggest you run to get some therapy because you need some help.
"All my above critiques would apply equally to any film built around the premise of a man getting revenge by torturing and murdering women for the audience's perverse entertainment."
Yes but you don't see nearly as many of those.
I agree with blacknight-5 here.
I am tired of these simpleminded rape/revenge films, this is why I have not seen (and won't see) this movie. I read the synopsis, it's the same crap as the original and the remake. It just trivializes the despicable act of rape. It is not believable, it is just dehumanizing, in few words a waste of time.
Few directors have made notable serious films about this topic: Peckinpah (Deliverance, although it is more about survival), Noé (Irreversible, a film that condems violence in general) and probably Bergman (Virgin Spring, the best version of all HOTL films) as far as I know.
I am tired of these simpleminded rape/revenge films, this is why I have not seen (and won't see) this movie.
It's a revenge flick: doesn't matter if the protagonists are male or female, or at least it's secondary. I'm a male and I enjoyed the revenge scenes as much as any woman I'm sure. Most people are relatively moral and automatically identify with the victim, male or female.
Now of course you'll see more male-male or female-male revenge flicks than male-female or female-female, simply because women are less violent than men and thus aren't usually (or believably) the target of violent revenge or of such fantasies.
Women are less violent than men?... What? If anything, they're more violent.
"No one cared who I was until I put on the mask" Tom hardy on being cast as Bane.
Indeed, men are more violent than women:
It's a movie meant to entertain. If you honestly think that someone who made a film like this has the depth to which you ascribe, then you need a serious reality check. It's an idiotic film made by crappy filmmakers who have nothing important to say. Don't give them so much credit.
share"Yes, it basically is actually in the way these films are conceptualized from the start by the writers and film makers. The men are only villains because they are written that way to legitimize their later abuse at a woman's hands."
That is the single dumbest, most hollow attempt to mount an argument that I have ever seen on these boards. And that is saying something. By that reasoning, every story ever written is a hateful bit of propaganda victimizing the villain. Grow up.
I will say this is NOT a persecution complex.. BUT, playing devil's advocate you completely in your post dismiss ONE valid argument made above.
Ok.. Yes, we know the girl will get victimized and raped.. or.. what have you, that's a given as this is a sequel to a reboot.. of a film and that is the plan.
BUT.. in the ORIGINAL film the original protagonist didn't have an engineering degree. I admit, I don't think I ever saw the REMAKE (I do own the original). And.. the torture being appropriate to their violation, that makes sense. BUT.. this is NOW "Saw". The MAIN character of "Saw" well he WAS an engineer, it would make sense for him to make these elaborate and insane over the top torture devices.
What is a valid thing.. is "c'mon.. seriously? The fashion model/author" is going to learn to make all these devices? It is a bit too over the top and silly. The original, she used what was HANDY. Garden shears? check.. Machete, rope.. She didn't build an elabtorate booth to kill people off. LOL
I think that's a valid point in how these films do kind of become a PARODY. For example, "Last House on the Left" I always felt the parents had a sense of justification at the violation and murder of their daughter. In the REBOOT the daughter LIVED. So I think the level at which they went off, so to speak, was a bit excessive.. and honestly, the whole eye popping microwave thing was kind of silly.. But it felt like a PARODY of the original film, which is what one of the previous posters was trying to make.
Now I know you want to make the bigger better mousetrap, but making them so elaborate does take part of the real horror out of the film, maybe that's just me though?
*** EDIT *** From what I understood of the sequel the heroine was to make ELABORATE devices to get her revenge.. Watching the film now, THAT at least seems not to be the case here. Luckily. So I will strike that argument from my original post (but won't change it after the fact). As for the film itself, it is so over the top it can only qualify more as parody than being taken seriously, that I do still stand by.
aspriing rapist thread? What these movies do is make the men do somethign horrible to the woman at the beginning of the film just to give her an excuse to torture him and cut off his you know what as people like you cheer. How about a move where a man is falsely accused of rape, spends 20 years in prison getting raped and when he gets out excats his revenge on the false accuser, the attorneys and the judge? There's enough documentated cases of men spending years in prison then being discovered innocent thorugh DNA testing and things like the innonence project. But you're never see this becuase Hollywood is besieged by man-haters...
To say that no one cares about a male victim as much as you do a female victim is somewhat unfair. That's why you have to develop the characters well enough so you do care about them.
If done right, a movie with this concept will work. It'll take someone that is willing to take a chance on different ideas.
It is that way of thinking and stereotyping is a real problem. It is truly troubling, damaging and extremely dangerous. Your basically saying that a man is a emotionless robot and if he's been victimized, he will get no help from anyone. Whoa!
OK. I misinterpreted what you said. Sorry about that.
shareSo by your messed up feminist logic anything is fair game as long as the guy has raped someone...
Wow you need help,.... Professional help.
Not going to be enough until someone is forced to castrate themself. With a spork. While singing their high school fight song. Wearing cowboy boots. And a fireman's hat. After that, the procedure itself will be passé, and 'so last year' that castration will never be seen again.
"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
Not going to be enough until someone is forced to castrate themself. With a spork. While singing their high school fight song. Wearing cowboy boots. And a fireman's hat. After that, the procedure itself will be passé, and 'so last year' that castration will never be seen again.
Been there, done that. It sucked out loud.
"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
Can we just stop and really think about this for a second? This is not a castration film, this is a rape film. The majority of the movie is brutal rape and violence against a woman. Instead of asking yourself "are any guys sick of all these castration films?" how about "are any women sick of all these rape films?" Compared to the thousands upon thousands of rape scenes on movies and TV, a small handful of castration scenes is nothing.
Seriously, if you think that as a man YOU are the one being screwed over/objecified/victimized by this movie then you need to take a good long look at yourself. There is nothing about this movie or any other like it, that is empowering to women. Women do not watch the torture at the end of these movies and feel empowered or good about themselves, they feel sickened that yet another horrific disgusting rape movie has been made.
And really -- man hating feminists? THIS WAS WRITTEN ENTIRELY BY MEN. Men made this. This has nothing to do with feminists. It takes a special kind of twisted misogynistic tool to watch a movie like this, in which a young woman is brutally tortured and raped repeatedly, and think "man-hating feminists".
What I cant understand is its a rape/revenge tale and it's a sequel of a remake in which a female exacts nasty revenge on the men who raped her. And people complaining 'cos some bloke get his penis removed. That's got nothing to do with feminism or anything else its simple poetic justice that shes cutting off the thing that was the focus of her attack. If you went into this film not expecting a strong chance of a castration scene it says more about your intelligence that of the film makers . If folks don't wanna see scenes like that then don't watch the movie. It's all pretty simple really.
shareI totally agree m-oliver510.
shareAnd really -- man hating feminists? THIS WAS WRITTEN ENTIRELY BY MEN. Men made this. This has nothing to do with feminists. It takes a special kind of twisted misogynistic tool to watch a movie like this, in which a young woman is brutally tortured and raped repeatedly, and think "man-hating feminists".
Flagged for misandry
shareI highly doubt a man would write into a script a castration unless he was doing it for the feminists that would likely to be watching the film. Men don't enjoy that sadistic crap. You will find more sexual assault in women's chick flicks that have been written by females / feminists than you will in a film written for guys by a guy.
It's because women laugh at men getting hurt especially in the genitalia that this kind of thing is included hence why chick flicks always include a groin kick or something to indicate men getting hurt there. Men on the other hand do not enjoy seeing women's genitalia mutilated or getting hurt in any way. So tell me now who e sadistic messed up individuals are..
list all the movies with castration scenes, i want to watch them all.
shareType "castration" into the search bar, select "keywords" from the drop-down list, press enter. You'll see that there are only about 300 movies with castration scenes, as opposed to the 3,800 movies about rape. But yes, keep complaining about how there's too much castration in movies OP.
shareThis O.Post has absolutely sh!t to do with castration, it's some dude who, from the looks of the post titles in his message board, has a 2" dick and has been laughed at his entire life by every woman who has had the hilarious experience of seeing it.
And this is merely page one, obviously no point in trying to go deeper, or wait that's what she said isn't it,lol
Board Thread Title Date
Dads (2013) Thank you Fox for not bowing down to the PC Police Tue Aug 20 2013 11:18
Lee Daniels' The Butler (2013) boring and preachy... Mon Aug 19 2013 16:29
Kick-Ass 2 (2013) Re: Unnecessary nudity but good. Sat Aug 17 2013 12:43
Kick-Ass 2 (2013) Re: Unnecessary nudity but good. Sat Aug 17 2013 12:37
Kick-Ass 2 (2013) Re: Unnecessary nudity but good. Sat Aug 17 2013 12:34
Kick-Ass (2010) Re: Hit Girl ruined the movie Sat Aug 17 2013 12:29
I Spit on Your Grave 2 (2013) another castration film? Any guys getting tired of this crap? Sat Jul 20 2013 19:38
H.R. Pufnstuf (1969) Just saw an episode, looks very well done for 1970 Sun Jul 14 2013 10:04
The Heat (2013) (I) Violence against men by women Sun Jul 14 2013 09:55
The Heat (2013) (I) How is this stupid movie making so much money?! Sun Jul 14 2013 09:52
The Heat (2013) (I) Re: I have never seen so many women with man haircuts in the theater Thu Jul 11 2013 15:43
The Heat (2013) (I) This movie is doing good at the Box Office? Oh Lord... Thu Jul 11 2013 15:41
The Thing (2011) (I) Re: Never Should Have Cast Women! Tue Jul 9 2013 23:30
The Virgin Suicides (1999) Re: What really pissed me off! Sun Jun 30 2013 01:45
Final Girl (2013) another man-hating film where the girl kills all the boys Fri Jun 14 2013 12:37
Django Unchained (2012) Re: Django has got to the worst 'hero' ever Sun Apr 21 2013 13:33
Diablo Cody Re: Am I the only one who likes her? Fri Apr 5 2013 16:15
Diablo Cody Diablo Cody dialogue is so obnoxious! Fri Apr 5 2013 16:14
Bachelorette (2012) Re: The most misogynistic thing I have ever seen Sun Mar 31 2013 21:03
Bachelorette (2012) Re: You don't like it because of unlikable characters? Sun Mar 31 2013 21:01
Pain & Gain (2013) Re: The true story this is based on is SAVAGE, not COMEDIC Thu Mar 28 2013 14:07
A Night in Heaven (1983) Gawd women suck... Wed Mar 27 2013 01:05
Austin Chick you must hate men huh? Sat Mar 2 2013 20:06
Girls Against Boys (2012) the man-hating is getting obnoxious Sat Mar 2 2013 19:57
Would You Rather (2012) Re: This movie is sick and disgusting Fri Feb 15 2013 21:55
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Thanks, that acutally proves the OP point more than it's supposed to reveal him as someone to be discounted, as your attempting, and failing, to do. If anythign that list shows just how many anti-male, hostile to men movies there are that feature violence done on them by females which would rarely if ever be accepted the other way around. And no, it doesn't matter if most of the team behind the movie are men, men are steeped in self-hatred and hatred of other men as a culture that treats them like disposable garbage is wont to do, and, once again, as the list you provided demonstrate.
If you are a male too, then what do you think when you look at this list yourself? How do/can you feel confident or have self-respect knowing that there is so much out there being pumped out by mainstream filmmakers that constantly laugh at violence happening against you for no reason and treating you like disposable garbage, as part and parcel of a society that treats you like disposable garbage? Also, what do you think of the fact of the stunning lack of balance here, that you couldn't find nearly as many movies with women being laughed at for violence happneing to them by men (the only thing I can think of here is Family Guy, one of the few things with the spine and intelligence to do that). It's really grotesque and out of step in a society where women are as likely as men to be abusers in relationships and where women make as much money as men and are in more positions of power than ever before. Really what do you think of this shockingly long list of misandric movies and the systemic denigration and contempt it piles on you as a man? I don't understand how you can just look at this list and act snarky and scoff at the poster who is, legitimately, concerned about these things, while you just laugh at your own degradation. You just make yourself sound clueless and stupid with no self-respect.
" If anythign that list shows just how many anti-male, hostile to men movies there are that feature violence done on them by females which would rarely if ever be accepted the other way around "
do you even WATCH horror movies? like...EVER?!
that statement is so extremely opposite of reality.
an extremely high proportion of horror scenes feature men killing women. WAY more then woman (OR man) on man violence.
they could make movies of women killing men every week for the next few years and it still wouldn't even approach all the men killing women scenes.
the whole reason this is upsetting to you is because you hardly ever see it. your just so used to seeing the opposite happening, and completely ignoring it.
....IF you indeed DO watch horror movies.
Come on now. Violence in horror movies is generally a man killing male and female victims until he gets killed by the last surviving woman. He's the bad guy for hurting women (and men) and we cheer for her to kill the bad man at the end. Can you think of a single instance of the audience being expected to cheer for a man killing a woman? It doesn't happen.
shareyou obviously aren't aware of the tons of these kind of movies that are listed here on imdb.
there's a whole other world of movies than just the stuff they show in your local theater.
however even in some of the more mainstream horror movies, it's hard to miss all the links between sex and violence that are being made.
people see what they want to see, and conveniently ignore that which makes them uncomfortable.
if you were a woman you would notice a lot more things.
I see violence against women in film as a universally bad thing that vilifies whoever is doing the harm regardless of whether she 'deserved it'. Even if there were an evil murderous woman in a movie, there would never ever be a scene of a man torturing her genitals for revenge. And if there was we would not be cheering for the man or thinking it was justified under any circumstance. Violence from women against men is fine because the man always 'deserved it' and we cheer for the woman to kill the evil man.
Do you want to enlighten me about all these other movies that glorify men hurting women? I'm pretty sure we're generally expected to sympathise with her and cheer when she inevitably kills him. I can't even think of a single movie with a male protagonist and a female antagonist that ends with her punished in any way. Let alone tortured to death.
no, they torture their genitals for FUN. not for any particular reason such as revenge.
see, you are not aware of a lot of movies, that are listed on this very sight.
i did not prepare a list of these movies in anticipation of this conversation (and would not want to be in possession of such a list), but 2 that i can think of immediately are Khaos, and The Great Ecstasy of Robert Carmichael.... which shows the mutilators laughing off into the sunset at the end of the movie. No resolution. It's an obvious misogynistic celebration. like many other movies i've read about on this very site.
or how about you try Snuff 102, where a man preys on a pregnant woman, and fans of the movie say in the threads that there should have been more buildup showing scenes of the woman shopping for baby items before he brutally kills the mother and baby.
check out the August Underground series of films. there is no other point to the movie other than showing killing/mutilation for fun. NO plot. The Human Guineia Pig series, same thing... don't remember the exact name, but one of them is sub-titled Flowers of Flesh and Blood.
i could probably keep remembering more pretty easily, but i DO NOT WANT THESE IMAGES in my head any longer than they've already been there (from reading about them years ago). you can't even READ about this *beep* without it planting horrible images in your head .
i'm not sure i have the names of those movies exactly right, i'd rather not double check and have them in my history, but i think you can find them easily and people discussing details of the movies in the forum threads. i did not watch them, but found out what happens by doing reading these forum threads.
just because you are not aware of these things doesn't mean they don't exist, and that OTHER people don't know about them. there is a lot of violence porn out there. and the fans in the threads make it pretty obvious how they use these movies.
They don't get our sympathy though do they? Men torturing women's genitals would be seen as a monstrous thing that he deserves to (and will) die for (regardless of whether she 'deserved it' or not). A woman torturing a man's genitals would be seen as justified and acceptable and she would not be punished for it (as long as he 'deserved it').
I've never heard of or seen those and probably 99% of the people here haven't either. The way you describe them, it sounds like a movie like this except without the revenge aspect at the end. I'm sure there are plenty of torture porn movies with male villains hurting female victims and apparently there's a minority of underground films that don't have the women getting revenge at the end. Movies exist in which horrible men sometimes don't get punished. Ok.
Can you think of one movie with an innocent male victim getting revenge on a sadistic female villain? I can't. Female villains do not get tortured to death (by a male protagonist). Only male villains deserve that sort of punishment. In a film like this, the woman is justified in doing every sick thing imaginable to these men because they 'deserved it'. There would never ever be a movie of a man torturing women who 'deserved it'. Right?
look.... being "expected to cheer" for murder and mutilation FOR NO REASON other than power or sex fantasies is FAR FAR worse than being "expected to cheer" for revenge.
the fact is, women have had it FAR worse and in FAR more volume.
that was the subject of this thread.
oh, one more popped into my head unfortunately. try New York Ripper. particularly the deleted scenes.
there's no other way to interpret what happens in these movies.
and NO way to "justify" it. not even WEAK "justification".
at least the girl in ISOYG2 had a reason other than sick fantasies.
if you can't understand this by now, then you've just wasted too many minutes of my weekend.
What are you even trying to say? Audiences are not expected to sympathise with men who hurt women. Men who hurt women are vilified, not being cheer for. Women who hurt men are put into the position of hero, they are still expected to receive our sympathy and the pain she inflicts on the man is seen as justified. The man being hurt doesn't get our sympathy because he 'deserved it'. A woman who 'deserved it' would still be expected to get our sympathy and would not be punished the same way a male villain would be. Male violence against women is not seen as justified. Female violence against men is seen as justified.
shareCan you think of one movie in which an innocent victimised man gets violent revenge on a sadistic female villain? Of course not.
sharealso in a pretty popular movie, that gets thrown around a lot in the forums on this site.
there's this ridiculously long scene of a man brutally raping a woman as he repeatedly slams her head/face into the pavement.
i can't remember how many minutes this goes on for. i seem to recall something like 12 minutes?
i'm sure that was really necessary for the story. scenes like that make it obvious what kind of a person the director is, and what kind of audience exists out there. there is no story reason for such a sick basically porno scene.
also, the very first I Spit on Your Grave movie!
the rape scene was RIDICULOUSLY long!
in many people's opinion, the rest of the movie was an excuse to
make a softcore rape porn movie.
they could then "justify" it by showing her killing them all later.
but from my memory the time spent showing her killing them did not
compare to how much time they dwelled on her rape.
it went ON and ON.
lots of this kind of sick stuff in movies.
and pardon me if i don't want to keep remembering this kind of stuff, which doesn't exist in your mind, for whatever reason. must be nice.
I don't understand the argument you're trying to make. Rape happens in movies and it's terrible? Duh. The audience is supposed to sympathise with those women though right? The men are seen rightfully as monstrous for doing that right?
A man torturing a woman's genitals would never be portrayed as justified regardless of the situation. A woman torturing a man's genitals can be portrayed as justified. Do you disagree with that?
i don't understand what point you think YOU're making?
other than you haven't been exposed to reality.
or aren't very observant of reality.
i'm exposing you to a fraction of all the examples that exist right now, and you are completely incapable of grasping this situation?
you think murdering and sexual mutilation for fun is ok, as long as they don't try to "justify" it?
you think movies actually CAN justify ANYthing?
if you deserve a response by saying anything rational, i'll have to get back to you next week. i don't have time for whatever it is you're going thru right now.
and BTW, i'm a man, for whatever that means to you.
It's like you haven't read anything I've written because you certainly haven't addressed anything I've said. You are going on and on about rape in torture porn movies and how innocent women suffer in film rather than respond to my points about how violence against women is never seen as a good thing while violence against men can be seen as a good thing. I don't understand why.
"you think murdering and sexual mutilation for fun is ok, as long as they don't try to "justify" it"
??????? This movie justifies murder and sexual mutilation under the right circumstances because the victimised woman was doing it to bad men. Men who hurt (innocent) women in film are villains who (rightfully) get punished for it. Women who hurt (villainous) men are heroes. Their violence against villainous men is clearly portrayed as justified and those women do not get punished for it. How do you see those as the same thing? One is portrayed as justified and one is portrayed as pure evil.
The point I've put to you numerous times (and you keep ignoring) is that there is no movie I can think of in which a (innocent) man gets justifiable violent revenge on a (villainous) woman. Dispute that if you can (but you can't so you're going to ignore it again). Only male villains get tortured to death.
Can you even imagine a movie in which a man tortured an evil woman's genitals for revenge and was still seen as the hero? But you've seen plenty of movies in which an evil man is tortured by a heroic woman right?
Only those that lack any intelligence avoid the point entirely and attack the person. The fact that you are attacking his penis size smells a lot like penis envy so you are probably a feminist woman. The fact that you have to study someone's post history instead of what he posted on this thread shows you are a moron.
The OP has a point, he may have phrased it as Castration but he probably means gender based genital attacks. Which are for the most part getting worse in films. Instead of trying to remove it for both females and males we seem to be seeing more aimed at males as some kind of feminist agenda or some kind of revenge.
It's pathetic, unfunny, offensive and crap script writing, when you see a film that includes that kind of content it's clear they have reached the bottom of the barrel and are trying to appeal to the lowlife men hating brigade who are the only ones that find it funny or the sickos that actually search out this kind of film for the very purpose of watching this stuff.
This is where Hollywood is at the moment. If we don't stand up and shout about it like feminists are about rape scenes it will continue to be added into every two bit horror / comedy film.
Smarten up, your not funny.
sharei sit on your grave
share... no. Why would I?
"Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!"