MovieChat Forums > I Spit on Your Grave 2 (2013) Discussion > another castration film? Any guys gettin...

another castration film? Any guys getting tired of this crap?



For the bulk of the film, she's kidnapped, raped repeatedly, urinated on, TASERED IN THE VAGINA, and you're calling it a "castration film."

...are you retarded?


A male/ghost/beast/alien torture, rape and mutilate woman - perfectly fine.
A female does that to a man - you come to forums screaming.

Maybe you should just not watch movies you dont like and let people watch what they want?

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


In fact I've been LONG tired of this kind of garbage. Yet movies like this keep coming out and coming out. How about a movie about a man getting revenge on an evil woman/women for some wrong she/they did to him for a change?

But I agree with you 100%, it's very tiring to say the least -- it's totally one-sided double standard sexist propaganda to say a little more.


I personally was disappointed (as well as deeply disturbed) by this film. Castration film? Did that even happen? I hardly call this a revenge film. The woman was brutally raped and tortured beyond comprehension and she got "revenge" by killing the soulless men who did that to her. She was put through far worse than all of them combined, and she has to live with the nightmare and psychological torture for the rest of her life. The men are dead, big deal. There was far too much emphasis on the woman getting tortured here, did they really need to drag it out for more than half of the movie just to justify the "revenge"? Sick.


It's all quite simple. It's the law of the jungle. Eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. If a man rapes a woman, then she in turn will rape him with her strap on.

"They just don't realize." "Donnie can go in there and make them love me".


Yep. I was REALLY hoping to see that man get a cattle prod up his ass.


yeah that would be a change of pace.

cuz there are tons of movies of JUST INNOCENT women being killed.

yeah it IS very one-sided. in the opposite direction of your skewed reality.


This isn't a movie about a woman getting revenge on men, it's about a rape victim getting revenge on her attackers. The castration scenes are her destroying the weapon that was used against her.
These complaints sound like the men who got all up in arms about Magic mike.

Clark Kent + Lois Lane 4ever
DC Can Suck It



i understand what it is and why it is.

some men are just freaking out about this for the exact reason that it is so uncommon for them to see violence of this kind, with women doing it to men.

that should tell them something, but instead they interpret it as supposedly how abused men are in the media. lol

dumb humans. they never recognize abuse until the target of abuse looks like themselves. THEN all the sudden it seems real to them.

and FWIW, i'm a man. but i can empathize with other genders, races, nationalities etc., and have long been disgusted by how much female abuse is portrayed in movies.


In all seriousness, it's all stupid, dehumanizing crap. First and foremost, these types of movies are extremely dehumanizing to women. For someone to even think of hurting a woman in this way is just sick beyond comprehension. These types of movies also make all men look like nothing more than evil, soulless criminals. Then, a whole other can of worms is opened up when the women does back to the man everything he did to her, except worse. Because then it gets into a debate about "well, why won't they lock her up and throw away the key". "well, i'll tell you why, because she has the right to take revenge". "Well, what if there was a movie where a woman beat and raped a man and he got revenge?". "That would never happen because women only rape men if they are paying them back for raping them in the first place". "Well then the woman is no better than the man". It's just never ending. Crazy stuff.

"They just don't realize." "Donnie can go in there and make them love me".


Yeah I'm sick of it. I mean, of course I don't condone what they did, but this sh*t is so repetitive.
It's always men mistreating the women in such a bad way that to castrate them is considered the norm thing to do in these movies.

Where's the movie about a guy who gets brutally bashed and sexually assaulted by women and then seeks revenge on them by mutilating them and their body parts? Lets see how that goes down with viewers hey


Completely agree the double standard of it being ok to have it done to a guy and not a woman is getting really old very fast. In a society where women throw their arms up in the air and cry bloody murder when we even mention the word rape let alone depict it in a film this kind of sexist scene is completely uncalled for and I for one am getting sick of it.

If you want to have it in films at least have it to both sexes, otherwise keep it out, no one finds it funny or interesting just distasteful and offensive.


Exactly, Zakredding. There is such a double standard on rape. Rape is a terrible thing to happen to anyone, period, woman or man. Yet, even in the eyes of some men, it is only horrific and traumatizing if it happens to a woman, but not that big of a deal if it happens to a man. I came across a website one time that just made me sick to my stomach. It had pictures of women wearing strap on dildos and men tied up with looks of fear on their faces. The captions read "the tables have turned" and "revenge is a dish best served....large!", (in reference to the size of the strap ons they were wearing). There was nothing funny about it.

"They just don't realize." "Donnie can go in there and make them love me".


You can find hundreds of pick-up artist sites, incel sites, mra sites, mgtow sites and more, that have millions of members amongst them, many of whom like to exchange actual videos of women being violently assaulted.

You’ve seen one site that shows a mock-up of something that rarely happens to men though? The horror!


I guess you haven’t seen the numerous teen movies, where women are assaulted by men and it isn’t played seriously?

In a world where women are pissed about rape? The absolute nerve of them!

Ugh, you’re so clearly an incel. It’s so sad.

Oh and just so you know, those feminists you hate so much, do more for male rape victims than men, who spend time complaining online. Do some research. You’ll also see that the ones who dismiss male rape, tend to be male.


I'm 33 and an avid movie watcher and I can count on one hand all the movies I've seen with a castration scene. Since you believe this has been done to death, can you list the numerous movies that contain castration?


If you use the search feature on this site you will find over 300 films..


-I spit on your grave
-I spit on your grave 2
-The last house on the left (original)
-Hostel 2
-Cannibal Holocaust
-On the Doll
-Isla: She wolf of the SS
-Hard Candy
-Piranha 3DD
-Masters of Horror: Jenifer
-In the realm of the senses
-Planet terror

...and that's just from memory


I stand corrected.


now search for "rape"


Wow, what a thread. A lot of interesting points brought up. I want to add my 2 cents to it.

First of all I am sick to death of these rape and revenge movies. If I see that in a trailer or a review I refuse to watch that movie. How many times must the same old story be told? Oh wait, I forgot. It's an easy cash grab. Innocent girl gets raped. Girl loses innocence. Girl kills (and most of the time tortures) rapist. The end. There, I have just described the plot for God knows how many movies made over the decades.

Hmm, someone in this thread mentioned something along the lines of what about a movie where a man is raped by a woman (or women) and he tortures and kills her/them. Last time I checked I couldn't find a single movie about that. I wonder if that movie will ever be made. You know, IRL, men actually *do* get raped by women. You just never hear about it because only men can be rapists apparently.

What I find truly disturbing is the growing depiction (and seemingly acceptance) of violence against men by women in movies *and* network TV. I watch Supernatural and in the third episode Castiel, a male character, is tortured and killed by a female character. All of the violence is shown on screen. Now the following week, Sam and Dean are zapped by the wicked witch (of The Wizard of Oz fame) and attack Dorothy. Interestingly, none of that violence is shown just implied. Why is it acceptable to depict violence against men but not women? The show Nikita might as well be renamed to Men Are Punching Bags. I stopped watching that show after the first season because of the rampant violence against men.

Let's go back further. I loved the show Heroes but there was an episode where the "future evil Claire" has Peter tied down to a table and she tortures him by cutting his chest with a knife. I was shocked that that was shown on network TV. In all my years of watching TV I have never seen a male character torture a female character like that. Talk about double standards.

I saw the original ISOYG at a drive in back in the day and I was very impressed with the strength and courage of Camille Keaton to take on such a harrowing role. That rape seemed to go on forever and no holds were barred. Everyone in the van was pretty uncomfortable as the rape progressed. The male characters were so vilified that when the revenge came everyone cheered when they got theirs.

But I guess that's the whole point of these rape/revenge movies. To make the males appear as scum with no redeeming qualities so when the time comes for revenge you're glad they "get theirs".

I don't know. It seems that empowering female characters in movies and TV has gone way too far. The violence against male characters seriously needs to be taken down a few notches. Or has society become so desensitized to it that they don't care?


Yes there are plenty of sicko women out there who are sex offenders but if there was a movie like this where the gender roles were reversed the feminists would cry blood and the movie would be banned, for those who don't believe these people exist here's a small example -


2 demon pete, but do you think there's LOGIC and REASON as to WHY the movie will be banned as such and picked on etc whereas in traditional cases, it is seen as acceptable, do you think there's MORE to it than mere "double standards" and "emotional wishful thinking" and that the fact that such reverse revenge-themed films have not been made much if at all, well, that there's a REASON for it and that those people are RIGHT?

And I say that knowing full well that at least partially, this has something to do with the fact that an overwhelingly vast majority of sex offenders in the world as well as physical perpetrators of unjustified violence in life among humans are indeed men.

So you're right feminists will complain and it will be banned, but don't you think there's a REASON for it and that people here would be RIGHT?


It seems that empowering female characters in movies and TV has gone way too far.

...yes, because men haven't dominated, in every way possible, women for a few thousand years, right? Should women have the right to vote taken away too?
Your statement is as ridiculous as the outrage on this thread about what happened to those disgusting individuals---and not that they tortured, abducted & left for dead, an innocent young woman. It wasn't even the first time they'd done it, that was made very clear.

& wah wah boohoo, if you're "sick & tired of these movies", there's an easy solution: don't watch them. Wouldn't want any empowered women stepping all over your superiority. But as this thread would have you believe, this is all just a wanton vilifying of males and we know there's no such things as rapists & serial killers in the real world.

The op sounds insane...or forgetful because it appears he doesn't recall the events leading up to that poor woman's quest for REVENGE. Cry about one scene with some pos getting what he deserves...better that she just went back the states and let those animals go back to doing the vile things they do unchecked, is what you're saying? Oh wait! This is really just about some feminists out to degrade the male population. How dare they! Pffft!

And he needs to look up the def of a "snuff movie", because he's also misinformed about that as well. (I totally lol'd when I read that)


2 Matthias001 - if you NEVER hear about it and it is well known that ONLY men can be rapists apparently, how do you and we even KNOW then that women can or are, however rarely, guilty of it too?

Or do you mean something to the extent of - it isn't as recognized or given any attention to due to some or other reasons?

Meaning your statement about how only men can be that is somewhat metaphorical?

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


Um.... No! I say let's have more of these! Love em!
Not even joking.


Totally agree with this being man hating trash.

Here is a little trick: If you see something like this, mentally reverse the genders. If after reversing the genders, you think that is not ok, you are full of sh-t if you claim to be for equal rights.

What I dont get is the idiot males who are championing this misandrist sh-t. These fools probably think it will get them brownie points with some lesbo man hater. These people have zero self respect and deserve everything bad
that they will get from the feminists.

Those manginas are the bottom of the barrel.

And yes feminist = man hater. I judge people by actions not words. And those psychos hate men.

Visit to open your eyes to just how bad misandry has gotten.


Seriously, how twisted and pathetic are you that you think being anti-rape is "misandry"?
