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Questions for atheists

The purpose of this is not to offend anyone or put anyone down. I just want to understand why you are an atheist. First I will start with a little bit about myself. I do believe that there is a universal creator and an after life. I do not follow any religion but I do believe that there is more then just us in the universe and that everything was created by a universal creator. So now for some questions.

1. Why are you an atheist? I am curious why you would close your mind to the possibility of something more then just us and that there is any existence after death.

2. Why do some atheists put so much energy into something they don't believe in? By this I mean I know and have met some atheists that have their beliefs and don't care about my beliefs and are happy to do their thing and let me do my thing belief wise. Then there are atheists I have met that feel that it is their life mission to bash God and bash peoples belief in God and I just don't understand why you would put so much energy into something you don't believe in. I'm not talking about defending your beliefs as an atheist. I am talking about atheists that go out of there why to bash God or someone's belief in God. When no one is putting down their beliefs.

3. I have herd a lot of atheists say that they don't believe in a universal creator or God because they believe in evolution. My question here is why can't you believe in a universal creator and evolution. I believe in both. How can I do that you ask well let me explain. We now that evolution is true because things change and evolve. What we have not been able to prove is the theory of evolution as to how everything was created. So with the theory of evolution and the theory of creation both being unproven I don't see any reason why we can't look for proof of both. I mean if there is a universal creator who's to say that they didn't create everything by evolution. I mean the father of the big bang theory was Georges Lemaître a catholic priest He discovered it before Edward Hubble. If some of our greatest scientists have been catholic or catholic priests and they believe in a universal creator why don't you? nce_and_religion.html

4. Why don't atheists believe that a man named Jesus lived? I understand why an atheist would not believe that Jesus was the son of God but I am curious to know why many of you say that Jesus is a myth or never lived. First I would like to start with the bible. I know the bible is not 100% fact. What I am getting at is that the bible was all written as separate books before is was all put together as one book so why would four different people. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John write four separate books about their lives with Jesus if he never lived. And why would the apostles go out and spread the message of Jesus and start a church based on his teachings if he never lived. All of this can be found in the book of Acts another book written separately by Paul and other apostles. Also Jesus has been written about outside of the bible. e Why is it that people have no problem believing that historical figures like Plato, Aristotle, Alexander the Great, King George III, lived but when it comes to Jesus, suddenly a different standard is offered. Even though the historical evidence for Plato and Aristotle is in written form and people have no problem with that when it comes to the same standard for Jesus, many people won’t accept it. Why the double standard?

5. Lastly I would like to address some terms I have heard atheists use that make no sense to me so please explain. 1. "They believe in a talking dead guy" God is a spiritual being who has never lived a physical life so therefore he has never died. And if they mean Jesus Yes, we do believe in a ‘guy’ that died. No, in the 3 days he was dead, his body did not produce any speech however after he rose from the dead, he spoke. So who is the talking dead guy that we believe in? 2. "Magical sky daddy" those of us who believe in a universal creator don't believe God has any magical powers or that God lives in the sky. We believe that the spiritual plane that God exists in is in a whole other dimension.

I hope to have some good conversations about the questions I have asked. Again I do not want to offend anyone or put down anyone's beliefs. If being an atheist works for you that's great. I just want to know why. If you are going to reply to my post with something like you just don't get it please explain what it is you feel that I don't get.

Look up in the sky....


Its cool that you are religious and believe in Evolution.

There are some nice aspects of religion, its a sense of belonging to a group of people... but obviously there are facts in life we know that over-ride the writings from men thousands of years ago. I have many friends like you and we have no problems getting along.

But for the hard-core "Bible is everything" type of person... they are blind to the facts... they think non-believers are sad or angry. They should look at other religions and see how "silly" they seem.

To make things easier... I recommend these simple graphic charts:

Quick and Easy Guide to God

The Mormon Flow Chart for your soul

So you still think Homosexuality is sinful s-o/s1600/Diagram.jpg

Typical "Christians" seem... very odd. They want me to pray to a "being" who is vengeful, has an ego problem and is a mass-murder... not the "loving god" they sing about.

What this guy says... is very nice and polite.
"15 things to NEVER say to an atheist" by The Atheist Voice


Neo, everyone is Religious. The divide between Religious people and Atheists is a completley synthetic one. Religion is just another word for "Worldview", and everyone including Atheists, have Religion.

Also, how do you deifne a "Bible is everythign" type? After all, plenty rf Eastern orhtodox beleive every word fo the Bible, and still accept Evolution. it's ot relaly true that mdoern Knwoeldge supercedes the writing sof men thousands of years ago, and yoru charicterisation fo the discussion itsel fpresumes the Bible says that Young Earth Creaitoist ae Riht, and those hwo don't accept that and accept Evlution semhow reject the Bible. But is this a fair assesment givne that a "Literal" Reading of Creation as rejected very ear;y on?

Also, abot God beign vengeful, having an ego problem, and beign a Mass Murderer, don't you think that this trope gets old over Time. God isnt described nt he Bibel as Vengeful, doesnt have an Ego Prohlem, and is not a Mss Murderer. This is just a rdiculous ciam made by peoepl whp want to depict the Bicial Accoutns as awful, but which are, s with the "SUperceding knwoeldge" claim, just bunk.


Speaking of "trope"...........

A bit of English,grammar and spelling on your post would render it intelligible.


My Grammar is actually flawles, its only my spelling thats off.

I don't se why peopel keep sayign "Grammar and spelling" as if they are both bad, as if soemhow if I'm too stupi to spell I must also use bad Grammar.

By the way, I'm Dyslexic.


Yeah, you're a real genius.


Your grammar is fine. If you want people to stop commenting on your spelling then write first in a writing program that has an autocorrect spell check, and then copy it here. It's a lot of work but people will stop commenting on it, and you won't have to continuously keep telling people about your disability. As I stated before: we live with our disabilities, others shouldn't have to. Especially in a world where reading is the primary application in discussion.


I am on the road less traveled...


No, atheism is not a worldview. Atheists don't have religion. It is the lack of religion. I don't know why this is hard.
You either play baseball, or you don't play baseball. If you play baseball, you are a baseball player. If you do not play baseball, you are not a 'not-baseball player.' You just don't play baseball.

As the old saying goes, "Atheism is a religion in the same way that not collecting stamps is a hobby."


ThaFreeWorld » -

No, atheism is not a worldview. Atheists don't have religion. It is the lack of religion. I don't know why this is hard.

Given that you quote Sam harris, and even think its an "Old saying" at the end, maybe the real problem is that you don't relaly pay attention to facts that contradict you narraive.

First off, I never said Athesm itslef was a Religion, but modern Atheist Thouyght has become as much a Religion as anythign else, as it's taken Atheism away from "Mere Atheism' and onto a rather uniform Humanist perspective.

That I woudl call a Religion.

Also Atheism is not a lack of Religion, its the beleif that there are no gods. Religion and beleif i a god arent the same thing.

Religion also doens't require beleif in a god.

Atheism is the opposite of Theism, not the opposite of Religion.

You either play baseball, or you don't play baseball. If you play baseball, you are a baseball player. If you do not play baseball, you are not a 'not-baseball player.' You just don't play baseball.

Which is a silly coparrative sicne playign Baseball is an action you undertake not soemthign you beleive to be True about the fundamental nature of Reality.

The same problem exists for the "Not collectign stamps" sayignfrom Sam harris below. Not doing somethign isn't the same thign as not beleivign something.

As the old saying goes, "Atheism is a religion in the same way that not collecting stamps is a hobby."

This entire quote is base don a fallacy you know. The assumptin that Atheism is not a beleif, but a lack of beleif in gods. However, Atheism has always been defined as a beleif there are no gods, and the man who issued this wuote, Sam harris, has activley argued that there are no gods, meanign he's talken the position that no gods exist. he dosn't merely lack beleif in gods himself.

It shoudl also be noted thta Non-Stamp cllectirs don't write 450 page books beratign stamp collectors, or goigj to grea lenght as describigb themasIrrational or a danger to society.

The "Lack of beleif in agod" outine collapses again when you consider this, and the whole "Not collectign stamps"routien makesno sense inlight of the ative Atheist Commnity which has to "Attakc Relgiion", which simply doens'teist for peopel who simply don't collect Stamps.


Given that you quote Sam harris, and even think its an "Old saying" at the end, maybe the real problem is that you don't relaly pay attention to facts that contradict you narraive.

Actually the stamp quote is attributed to an anonymous. Many people have said it, but the oldest is attributed to James Randi. But it has been known to be repeated by those the like of Sam Harris, Penn Jillette, Richard Dawkins, and the like. But I see that this is actually already a mistake you have made, so it seems appropriate to tell you that you're the one who should be paying attention to facts. Let's begin.

First off, I never said Athesm itslef was a Religion, but modern Atheist Thouyght has become as much a Religion as anythign else, as it's taken Atheism away from "Mere Atheism' and onto a rather uniform Humanist perspective.

That I woudl call a Religion.

And you would be wrong. There is no major view to atheism. The only common factor for atheists is that they reject the claim of an existence of God. There can be vegetarian atheists, humanist atheists, left wing or right wing atheists, strong or weak atheists, gnostic or agnostic atheists, nihilist atheists, existential atheists, civil rights atheists, whatever. There is no set of dogmatic beliefs that all atheists follow. This is what separates atheism from religion. There are not '10 commandments' for atheism. There is no proper way to 'follow' atheism. Every atheist can believe a completely different view from another politically, socially, morally, or otherwise. We have no rules concerning that.

"Which is a silly coparrative sicne playign Baseball is an action you undertake not soemthign you beleive to be True about the fundamental nature of Reality.

The same problem exists for the "Not collectign stamps" sayignfrom Sam harris below. Not doing somethign isn't the same thign as not beleivign something."

You undertake a view in the same way you undertake a task. If you don't like the idea of baseball, you don't play baseball. If you don't like religion, you don't follow religion. To believe in religion is an action, the same as playing a sport. You don't 'just believe.' You commit to an act of believing.

"The assumptin that Atheism is not a beleif, but a lack of beleif in gods. However, Atheism has always been defined as a beleif there are no gods, and the man who issued this wuote, Sam harris, has activley argued that there are no gods, meanign he's talken the position that no gods exist. he dosn't merely lack beleif in gods himself."

No, it's not. Atheism is not 'belief there are no gods.' Literally it translates as 'without a belief in god.'
A- without (lacking)
Theist - belief in god
ism - a particular movement

What does that mean? Lack of (or without) belief in God, NOT 'does not believe in God.'

And Sam Harris is not a sole authority on atheism. This is an 'argument from authority' fallacy, trying to equate what one person says as what we all think. Sam Harris might have his own interpretation, but it is not reflective of my interpretation. Why? Because as stated, there are no rules for atheism.
Some people like Sam Harris can be strong atheists: Someone who lacks a belief in God but also asserts that there is no God to believe in anyway.
Then there are people like me (weak atheists): I cannot determine whether or not God exists, but given the lack of evidence to support the hypothesis that God does exist, then there is no reason for me to believe in him until shown otherwise.

This is why there is a whole point to atheists not having a particular set of dogmatic beliefs. We don't say what an atheist can or cannot eat. We do not say what an atheist can or cannot wear. We do not say what an atheist can or cannot morally think or do. None of this has to do with atheism. How someone wants to interpret how strong or weak they are to atheism is up to them. Anything outside of that can be completely different.

To continue to take words from Sam Harris is like me telling you that you must follow the cult leader Ted Haggard who hates gay people but was busted for sleeping with a male prostitute. So you must agree with his choices because he's a Christian and so are you, right?

Sorry, but your last point was actually unintelligible.


You call me wrong but in the end you don't really address what I'm saying. Instead, you just repeat that Atheism is a lack of belief in gods and that I'm wrong, using the same old rubbish that clealry ignores my point.

Lets start with the actual definition of Atheism. You claim the word literally means “Without belief in a god”. Well, no, it doesn't. A does mean Without, and Theos does mean god, but where is “beleif” in this? Atheism means “Without a god”, not “Without belief in a god”. In fact, when the Word was first coined in Greece 3500 Years ago, it didn't even refer to ones beliefs at all. An Atheist was simply someone who did not formally belong to a specific cult (Which itself doesn't have the Pejorative meaning it does today) nor has a Patron god. One was literally without a god. It didn't mean you didn't believe the gods existed, or “lacked belief in gods”, It only meant you didn't personally follow any given god, specifically. Many Ancient Greek Atheists actually still offered incense and sacrifices to various gods, they just never took one as a Patron.

Early Christians were also referred to as Atheists.

The term “Atheist” has never meant “Without belief in a god”,and when you break it down to its components, it simply lacks the “Belief” part you need it to have to make “Atheism means without belief in a god”. The Greek word translated “Belief” is Pistis, which is the same word Translated as “Faith” in other texts as well. The term, if it means “Without belief in a god” would be Apistitheist”, not “Atheist”.

So you are mistaken when you say “Atheism means “Without a belief in a god””, it doesn't, it means “Without a god”, not “Without a belief in a god”.

Which brings me to the modern English definition. Even today it doesn't really mean Lack of belief in a god. In Reality it means “Rejection of belief in a god” or “Belief that there are no gods”. This is how Standard Dictionaries define the term, and how the word was used by Atheists themselves until about 20 Years ago, when the “No beliefs” movement to started. You see, back then Atheists didn't attack the word “Faith”, they attacked the word “Belief”, and the argument went that all beliefs could and should be questioned. Many even said a belief is something you only think is True, not something you know is True, and ridiculed it. But when people began to apply the same standard to Atheism, by pointing out that it was also a belief, Atheism was redefined as a Lack Of belief in a god to avoid this criticism. In other words, it was just a polemic tool used to shelter Atheism from the same criticism it levelled at Theism. Before all this, Atheists like Bertrand Russell, The Huxley Family, and H. G. Wells all understood Atheism as specific rejection of Theism, not as a mere lack of belief in a god, and all of them said as much. All you have to do is read their works to see how they understood Atheism as a Philosophical Position, rather than as a lack of a position.

For that matter, even modern Atheists who insist that Atheism is a mere lack of belief in a god, like you do, undermine this claim by then Asserting as a fact that God doesn't exist. Don't take that personally or try to shift this to you by saying “I never did that”, a snot only would I suspect otherwise,but it doesn't matter if you personally have or haven't, enough “Lack of belief in a god” advocates have. Richard Dawkins has, so has Sam Harris, and so have a lot of Internet based Atheists. I'll explain how.

If you outright say that God does to exist, or that there are no gods, or that all gods are imaginary and created by Man, then you aren't expressing a mere lack of belief, you are asserting as a fact that gods do not exist. This is especially True if,like Dawkins in his Ultimate 747 Argument, or Dan Barker in his FANG Argument, you actually make an argument fo why God, or a gods, cannot exist or is not likely.

Think about it for a minuet. If you actively argue against something's existence, then you have to take the position that this Something doesn't exist. That something can be anything, from Dark Matter, to Alien Life, to God. Still,the position has to betaken that X does not exist. You can't “Merely lack belief” and make an assertive argument to demonstrate that X doesn't exist. To make an assertive statement, or a complete argument designed to convince others, that X doesn't exist, you have to take the position that X doesn't exist.

It is simply disingenuous to say that Atheism is a mere lack of belief in a god, only to say for a fact that God doesn't exist, or to make an Argument that God doesn't exist, yet this is exactly what a lot of Atheists these days do.

Defining Atheism as a Lack of belief in a god also has an Ontological problem. The Human Mind must classify all Ideas that come into it. It cannot stand a Vacuum and always fills this void. If you know what a god is supposed to be and someone has told you of gods, then your Mind has to process this information in order to fit it into everything else. You can decide that gods don't exist, or that they do, or tat there's only one god. You can decide that you don't know if they exist or not, but you cannot merely lack belief in them. You have to do something with them in your Mind to make them fit into how you understand the World. They are, after all, part of the Information you have been fed, and you now have no choice but to categorise them as Real or not Real. Lack of belief in gods is really only possible if you are ignorant of what a god is supposed t be and have never heard of them. Since people who define themselves as theists clearly know what a god is, it's pretty silly to see them as ignorant of what a god is supposed to be, and thus not really tenable to see them as merely lacking belief in a god.

I know what I've said will be rejected by you but, just telling me that I'm wrong on this won't really prove that I'm wrong, nor will saying I refuse to see the Truth. I realise that defining Atheism s a Lack Of belief in gods has become an important milestone in modern Atheism, but that doesn't mean its correct and doesn't mean people need to accept it. Or even all Atheists accept it. Even some Militant Internet Atheists like the people who run Evil Bible reject the idea of Atheism as a Lack of belief in a god. You even admitted this yourself when you said “ The only common factor for atheists is that they reject the claim of an existence of God.” Well, rejecting a claim for the existence of a god is not a mere lack of belief, its a refusal to believe, or a belief that the claim is wrong. You yourself don't even define Atheism as a Lack Of belief functionally, only when you need the “Formal” definition to prove people like me wrong. So, lets not play pretend that Atheism is a lack of belief in a god. A means without, Theos means god, but out them together you don't get “Without belief in a god”, and that's never been what the word Truly means, and doesn't stand up to scrutiny. But the fact that you will reject what I say out of hand and call me wrong, and insist that Atheism is a lack of belief in a god, and the fact that you whipped out the “Not collecting Stamps is a Hobby” line, prove another point for me. You claim that Atheists have nothing in common but a shared Lack of belief in a god, yet I hear the slogan “Not collecting stamps is a hobby” a lot. In fat, there are a lot of things I hear from modern Atheists that are repeated over and over and over again. I hear all sorts of slogans over and over again, and have read Article son what it means to be an Atheist and to live Free of Religion, from various writers who clearly agree on abroad ideal. This is because if you honestly traced the History of Thought behind Atheism, you'd realise that it's not really all about individuals questioning and then giving up Religion on their own, and coming to Atheism. Rather, modern Atheism is the product of Philosophical discussions held in the 18th and 19th Century. Atheism, like Theism, doesn't stand alone and requires other Ideas to give bit shape and meaning. It is the assemble of Materials that make a House, and the assemble of Ideas that make a perspective.

Contemporary Atheism, the kind of Atheism practised by most of the Western Worlds Atheists, is in Reality built up from the 19th Century Freethought movement, an its attempts at reviving the Philosophy of the Enlightenment, only modified with the Progressive Ideals of its day.

Of course, you say there are different Kinds of Atheists, which clearly proves me wrong. They can't all have a common Philosophical Core. Why, there are vegetarian atheists, humanist atheists, left wing or right wing atheists, strong or weak atheists, gnostic or agnostic atheists, nihilist atheists, existential atheists, civil rights atheists, whatever. There is no set of dogmatic beliefs that all atheists follow. This is what separates atheism from religion. There are not '10 commandments' for atheism. There is no proper way to 'follow' atheism. Every atheist can believe a completely different view from another politically, socially, morally, or otherwise. We have no rules concerning that.

Well, here's the thing, Theism can make the same claim. There are vegetarian Theists, humanist Theists, left wing or right wing Theists, strong or weak Theists, gnostic or agnostic Theists, nihilist Theists, existential Theists, civil rights Theists, whatever. There is no set of dogmatic beliefs that all Theists follow. Just like Atheism. Even The Ten Commandments aren't followed by all Theists.

But that's the real problem with your Paradigm, you use “Theism” and “Religion” as synonyms, and seem to equate them all with Christianity. But, not all Theists are Christian, and not all of them care about the Ten Commandments. Do Hindus follow The Ten Commandments? Do Wiccans? Are they Atheists I your Mind?

Again, Atheism is not the opposite of Religion, it's the opposite of Theism. Atheism is not a rejection of Religion, its the rejection of Theism.

Which also bring sup an interesting point. You say the difference between Atheism and Religion is that Atheists can be anything, whilst Religious People are bound to specific Ideas like the Ten Commandments, but is this True? Given that you can believe in a god and still be vegetarian, or Left Wing politically, or Right Wing politically, or an Existentialist, or a Nihilist, or anything else, one has to really question your stance. You basically frame this as a debate between Religion and Atheism, as if these two forces are opposites, and yet seem to think all Religious People agree on topics whilst Atheists don't. Is that really what we see?

Now,keep in Mind, I am not arguing that all Atheists are the same, completely, but neither are all “Religious people” the same. Heck, not even all Christians are the same. Did you know Barrack Obama is a Christian? So is George W. Bush, is predecessor. So is Tony Blaire and David Cameron, and I'd be willing to bet these four have some rather stark differences with each other. For that matter, Prince Charles is a Christian, and so is Sarah Palin. Do you think these people are all the same and have the same Political, social,moral, and economic views? After all, your idea is that unlike Religion, Atheists can be whatever. Religion has Dogma that forces all its adherents to believe the same things, right?

That's the kind of oversimplistic constructed narrative I see all too often within the contemporary Atheist Community, though, the idea that there's this big thing called “Religion”, and all Religious people blindly follow it and have no Freedom to disagree, unlike Atheists who are all Freethinkers and ever so Diverse. Well, that narrative is complete Garbage and Religious People aren't all alike and don't walk in blind conformity with each other.

If you can't understand that, then you really will just get mad and call me wrong on what I'm about to say to you.

Not only is it not True that all Religious People blindly follow Dogma and thus all agree, it's also not True that all Atheists are a diverse lot with no Dogma and Doctrines.

In fact, the entire story of how Religion makes people into blind puppet who all just repeat what Religion tells them and how unlike Religion, Atheism allows you to think for yourself and Atheists are Freehthinkers with a diverse range of opinions is itself a sot of Dogma. It's part of the overarching Theme of the superiority of Atheism, its links to Rationality and Science, and how it leads to Truth and Tolerance whereas Religion leads to Ignorance and Fear. The entire Narrative that's followed in contemporary Atheism that views the situation as a are seen as in direct conflict with each other and irreconcilable, with the requisite story of how in the end Reason will Prevail and Religion will die so Mankind will at last be Free to explore the Universe and live in Harmony is just a Dogmatic Mythology constructed to suit the Egotism of the modern Atheist Movement.

The whole “Salvation through Science, Damnation through Religion”mythos, or the idea of Science and Religion being in conflict, with Science as Truth and Religion as Ignorance, is remarkably prevalent in contemporary Atheist Thought and is often repeated as a basic way to understand the World, and reads as both a way to understand the modern World, and a Prophetic Vision of a Scientifically based Utopia that will emerge once Religion has die and Reason has prevailed.

Its so incredibly common a narrative that its simply absurd to say it doesn't exist and isn't shared by a significant portion of the Atheist Community in the Western World.

For that matter,the whole idea of Science VS Religion, or Faith beign beleif without evidence, or Religion itself beign made up nonsense, whereas Science is Truth, all of that helps form the basis of the way contemporary Atheism defines itself in today's World. It is in a conflict with Religion, in the hopes of Vanquishing Religion in the name of Reason.

Of course Religion can't just be wrong, its also Evil, and responsible for Wars, and Genocides,and Death, and wherever Religion holds sway you have intolerance and Hatred and murder and the suppression of Science and Freedom is destroyed. Are you going to tell me you never heard that one?

Even more moderate of the Contemporary Atheists who don't go to quiet the extremes still basically frame the discussion as “Science rather than Religion”.

All of this can be traced back to the 19th Century Freethought movement and the books that began the entire concept of Science VS Religion written by Draper and White.

Then there's the concept of a self existent Universe, the rejection of Dualism, Materialism, and the general notion that we could all just become on in a big Brotherhood of Man by embracing Liberal Western values (Liberal in the original sense here) are rather common in Atheism today.

For that matter, the idea that Man's existence should be dedicated to the complete Realisation of his Personality and Self Enrichment as well as he Enrichment of society at large is a recurrent theme in today's Atheism. This is also the product of the Humanism that spawned it.

All of those similarities are culturally derived, and come from various writers who built on each others ideas and gradually, over Time, built a sort of loose consensus, that helped define what”Secular Values” were ad what it meant to Truly be an Atheist.

This is pretty easy to verify too if you wan tot do the reading

Even today Atheists know that Atheism spread s by convincing others of its beliefs and values, not form “mere lack of belief” coming to individuals, hence why so many people are outspoken Atheistic Evangelists, like Dawkins or Harris. Modern Atheists have to promote their ideas and convince other to adopt their specific Dogmas an Doctrines, they just say tis not Dogma or Doctrine and they “have no beliefs in common', and see this supposed Freedom Of Thought as a selling point. But come on, too many Ties we see people embracing Atheism on the backs of its criticisms of Religion and then spewing the same rubbish both about how awful Religion is and the usual Reason and Science Gibberish. We know these ideas are shared in a per group, not arrived at individually, so why bother trig to deny this?

I'm sorry but, seeing Atheism as a mere lack of belief in a god, that develops on an individual level with no outside Influences is just silly.

Now, I'm not arguing that all Atheists are alike, but modern Atheist Thought did develop form a known and easily traceable set of ideas, making most moern Atheists far more alike than you want to admit to, and even the Atheists who don't follow modern Athism, like the few Adherents of Nietzsche, or Ayn Rand's Objectivists,still follow a premade Philosophy that explains the World in More than just if there's a god or not.

It's the total Philosophy, be it Humanism, or one of its various offspring, Neitchism, or Objctivism, all Atheistic, that I call Religions. It may be preferred by Atheists today to say they are Philosophies, not Religions, and the Peanut Gallery modern Atheists may even say its not that, its a mere lack of belief in a god, but we both know better.

So, here I am saying it again. Atheism is not a Religion, but neither is Theism. However, being an Atheist doesn't mean you have no Religion, and Atheism is not a rejection of Religion. This is because Religion is not another word for Theism. Atheistic Religions exist, and Religion itself is nothing more than Philosophy. Everyone adheres to some form of Philosophical Understanding of the World,and that is their Religion, and modern Atheists have a whole lot more in common with each other than they, or you,let on.


You call me wrong but in the end you don't really address what I'm saying. Instead, you just repeat that Atheism is a lack of belief in gods and that I'm wrong, using the same old rubbish that clealry ignores my point.

You said 'atheists have religion too.' That was your whole initial point. My point was that there is no dogma to atheism, so there is no 'religion' to it. End of conversation.

You broke down 'A' and 'theist' but you disingenuously left out the suffix '-ism.' What does '-ism' mean?
Definition: "A distinctive practice, system, or philosophy, typically a political ideology or an artistic movement."
That's where 'belief' comes from when breaking down the word 'atheism.'
A set of practices, systems, philosophy, or ideology (beliefs) that one is 'without' or 'lacking.'

Everything you've said about the 'modern definition' is just parroting what fundamentalists will say in order to get around the burden of proof. The burden of proof is the one thing you can't deny, so you try and find a way to make it seem that atheists have a burden of proof as well. Everything else you've said is just contrived BS.
The bottom line is, you can't handle that religion has a burden of proof and atheism doesn't. So you try and reword a bunch of philosophy in order to make it seem like atheism and theism are on an equal platform. I'm sorry, but that's not the case.


ThaFreeWorld »-

You said 'atheists have religion too.' That was your whole initial point. My point was that there is no dogma to atheism, so there is no 'religion' to it. End of conversation.

This is why I say you aren't really paying attention to what I'm saying.

You say this is "End of Conversation", but its not.

You see, Theism has no Dogma, no Doctrine, no shared beliefs, nothing. The only thing you need to be a Theist is to believe at least one god exists. That's it. Theism has no Religion to it.

Yet if I say all Theists hold to some Religion, you'd not really contradict this. But if I say the same thing about Atheists, somehow tis wrong because Atheism has no Dogmas ect...

Well, my initial point wasn't to say that Atheism in and of itself was a Religion, but that everyone has a Religion, which includes Atheists. So, saying that Atheism has no Dogma and no "Religion' to it is meaningless. it doesn't matter if Atheism has no Dogma, what matters is that everyone who calls themselves an Atheist still has Dogma they follow. They may be Humanists, or Objectivists, or Neitchan, or something else, but they still adhere to a Philosophical understanding of how the World Works, built from a range of ideas that are placed together to form a cohesive understanding of how the World works, who we are, how to live, and other basic questions.

That's what a Religion is, a Religion is a Philosophy that explains our existence to us. It doesn't matter if the Philosophy is Atheistic or Theistic, its still a Religion.

But you're arguing against a claim I never made, that Atheism itself is a Religion, and arguing against it in such away that it makes the whole talk silly. Theism isn't a Religion either, and yet you seem to equate Theism with Religion and frame the entire debate as "Atheism VS Religion", as if belief in a god comes with Dogma and Atheism never does.

That's what I objected to even from the Start.

You broke down 'A' and 'theist' but you disingenuously left out the suffix '-ism.' What does '-ism' mean?

That's because I broke down "Atheist" not "Atheism", and "Ism" can refer to a process, Action, or State of being.

What Ism doesn't mean is "Belief".

Judaism is the STate of being a Jew, and Hinduism is the State of being a Hindu, not belief in Judaism or belief in Hinduism.

So the stymantic worddgame still doesn't play out well for you.

Definition: "A distinctive practice, system, or philosophy, typically a political ideology or an artistic movement."
That's where 'belief' comes from when breaking down the word 'atheism.'
A set of practices, systems, philosophy, or ideology (beliefs) that one is 'without' or 'lacking.'

That's a stretch and again, it ignores the Greek original meaning and ignores the fact that Atheism means "The state of being Without a god".

I know the whole "Lack of belief in a god" definition of Atheism has become important to the New Atheist movement and modern Atheist subculture, but its still garbage.

Everything you've said about the 'modern definition' is just parroting what fundamentalists will say in order to get around the burden of proof.

No, its based on the actual etymology of the word, and I get really tired of Militant Atheists dismissing things I say by calling me a Fundamentalist or an Apologist as if that alone invalidates what I say. This act proves again that your own Atheism is not "mere Atheism" but part of an overall movement with a distinctive Philosophical perspective and self identity that needs to be preserved.

The burden of proof is the one thing you can't deny, so you try and find a way to make it seem that atheists have a burden of proof as well

I told you that the word "Atheist" doesn't mean "Lack of belief in a god", and somehow this is about the Burden of Proof being shifted away form me? Your insane if you think this stock argument from your Religious cult works here.

This isn't about shifting the Burden of proof, its about the meaning and origin of a word.

. Everything else you've said is just contrived BS.

This doesn't work as an argument any better than saying what I said was what Fundamentalists say.

It's a way for you to shift the Burden of Proof away from yourself and onto me, the same way you accused me of earlier. You don't want to actually address my points, so you just ridicule them as stupid and classify me as a Fundamentalist and problem solved. After all, you are an Atheist which means you are Rational and Right by definition...

The bottom line is, you can't handle that religion has a burden of proof and atheism doesn't.

My argument is that the debate is not even between Atheism and Religion. Atheism is not the opposite of Religion, it's the opposite of Theism.

I also went to great lengths to explain this position.

So the whole "Religion has the burden of proof, not Atheism" speil is completely meaningless in context of what I said.

So you try and reword a bunch of philosophy in order to make it seem like atheism and theism are on an equal platform. I'm sorry, but that's not the case.

Says the guy who won't even honestly address what it is I've said.

Why not try to discuss my actual points rather than just try to dismiss them using stock rebuttals form your Religious Cult?


This is why I say you aren't really paying attention to what I'm saying.

You say this is "End of Conversation", but its not.

You see, Theism has no Dogma, no Doctrine, no shared beliefs, nothing. The only thing you need to be a Theist is to believe at least one god exists. That's it. Theism has no Religion to it.

That's not true. Theism does have dogma.
Definition of theism: "Theism, in the field of comparative religion, is the belief that at least one deity exists. Example, In popular parlance, the term theism often describes the classical conception of God that is found in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism."

Now your next reply may be, "Well just believing in God doesn't mean you have dogma."
But that's not true.
If you believe in a God, then what you are saying is that you believe to be true the characteristics and dogmas that are commanded BY that God. Otherwise believing in that god would be arbitrary.
So if you believe in a God, and that God commands "Don't eat pork on Sunday," then if you truly believe in Him and trust Him, then you are agreeing to His views. If you do not agree with His views, then believing in Him is pointless.

"Do you believe in God?"
Because I believe he exists."
"Because I believe he exists."

There needs to be a reason, which is dogmatic.

"Do you believe in God?"
"Because I believe he exists."
"Because here is a book with explanations for why and how he exists, and dogmatic commandments that I must follow if I am to be a proper worshipper of him."
These commandments outline his nature (such as benevolence, omnipotence, kindness, merciful, and so on). If you disagree with his nature, then you disagree with him. If you disagree with him, there is no point in following him or believing in him. This is part of the reason you choose to believe in your particular god instead of some random tribal god. Someone can tell you the random tribal god exists, but if you disagree with the teaching, then you simply ignore the premise.

His nature may be left up to interpretation, but you must acknowledge he exists before you can assess what you believe his nature to be. If you are willing to interpret his nature, then you are acknowledging dogma.

End of conversation.

This isn't about shifting the Burden of proof, its about the meaning and origin of a word.

It is about the burden of proof, otherwise there would be no point in arguing over what the word means. You want to convince people that atheism means "Does not believe in God" in order to make atheism seem like a position that is just as contingent on belief as theism or religion. You want to be able to say "You not believing in God is just as equal of a philosophical position as me believing in God" which is not true.
This goes back to baseball or stamps or unicorns or whatever.
I don't 'believe unicorns don't exist.' I simply have no reason to believe that they DO exist. Likewise, I don't 'believe God doesn't exist,' I don't have any reason to believe he DOES exist.
It is literally as simple as that.

Why not try to discuss my actual points rather than just try to dismiss them using stock rebuttals form your Religious Cult?

Because you've already shown that you have no rational points to discuss. You've already made up your mind. Unlike you, if someone can demonstrate that a God does exist, with true empirical evidence, I would believe it. Not just toying around with words that does not do anything to prove he exists. Show me a miracle, and I will believe. But in your case, there's nothing anyone can say that would make you NOT believe him. Because you're the one in the cult. The cult of all religion. The one that flies planes into buildings, imperializes nations, cuts off children's genitalia, tells AIDS rampant communities not to use protection, moves into poor areas and convinces innocent people to give up their money every Sunday tax free by scaring them into believing a man up in the sky is watching. This is what religion does. You might say "Well MY religion isn't that bad," but that's only because people like me in the secular Western world would knock you down before you tried to burn me at the stake for being a 'heretic' just like in the old days.
(I'll be waiting for the Hitler/Polpot/Mao response, but don't bother).

Even now, this whole conversation is pointless. Why? Because you still haven't proven a God exists, which is your claim. We can toy around with semantics and words all we want, but your claim that God exists hasn't moved anywhere. (And here is where you'll try and use the burden of proof, but don't bother).

And I can say "don't bother" all day, because no matter what words you try and twist or whatever examples you try and use to say that atheism is evil, you still haven't demonstrated that God is real. You can say atheism is bad all you want, and you know what, maybe you're right. But it still doesn't prove God exists. You can say you dislike atheism all day, but it does nothing to prove your point that God is real.

If I may quote Scot Clifton: "So my advice for you, starting right now, is that you begin to operate under the assumption that the very next question, the very next objection that pops into your head, is a product of your own biological illiteracy, and not some piece of brilliance mysteriously overlooked by everyone in academia over the last two centuries."


ThaFreeWorld » -

Isaid this.

You see, Theism has no Dogma, no Doctrine, no shared beliefs, nothing. The only thing you need to be a Theist is to believe at least one god exists. That's it. Theism has no Religion to it.

In responce, you said this, from Wikipedia. (Though you didn't cite it.) You use this to somehow prove that I'm wrong.

That's not true. Theism does have dogma.
Definition of theism: "Theism, in the field of comparative religion, is the belief that at least one deity exists. Example, In popular parlance, the term theism often describes the classical conception of God that is found in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism."

This segment from Wikipedia doesn't prove that Theism has Dogma. It specifically says its simply the belief in at least one god. Even the later part that says "In popular parlance, the term theism often described the classical conception of God that is found in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, and Hinduism" doesn't negate this, as that simply means that Theism is often associated with the belief in a Personal Creator God, not that this is the full definition of the term, and certainly not that it has any sort of Dogma. Keep in mind that you went on about Vegetarian Atheists and Left and Right Wing Atheists to prove they don't have Dogma, and yet somehow if you believe in a Personal God its proof that Theism has Dogma? Are there no Vegetarian Theists? No Left Wing ones? Or maybe no Right Wing ones? Theism has the same diversity in it that Atheism has, and people who are Theists are not bound to any specific idea about Politics, Vegetarianism, or anything else. To be a Theist means you believe a god exists, and that's all it means, and to try to say otherwise is just stupidity.

Also,did you know the Wikipedia Article on Atheism is as long as the on on Theism? It doesn't just say "Atheism is a lack of belief in gods, and this is all there is to it" and stop.

So the whole idea that Atheism is a mere lack of belief in gods and nothing else, an Theism has Dogma whilst Atheism doesn't is just pap from you. It's petty obvious that you're just trying to force the evidence to fit your argument at this point.

Then there's this.

Now your next reply may be, "Well just believing in God doesn't mean you have dogma."
But that's not true.
If you believe in a God, then what you are saying is that you believe to be true the characteristics and dogmas that are commanded BY that God. Otherwise believing in that god would be arbitrary.

Which god though? And what about people who believe a god exists but takes no active interest in his Creation? Deists are also Theists, and guess what?Deism postulates God as removed from his Creation and never being invested in it. What about Theists s who see God as unknown and unknowable? What about Theists who just kinda sorta think there's some sort of thing out there somewhere but that doesn't issue commandments?

For that matter, Judaism, Christianity, and Hinduism were all listed n the Wikipedia cut and paste you did but all disagree on exalty what God wants, and there are disagreements within each group as well. EG, you have Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform Judaism which have deep, impressive divides between them in how God is understood and what he wants. And look at Christianity. DO all Christians understand God the same way? Do Catholics and Protestants have exactly the same understanding of God? Do all Protestants? Do baptists think of God in the same way that the Methodists do?

The problem is, you think to be a Theists means you believe God exists and therefore belief in a specific set of commandments and thus have Dogma, which is absurd.

Meanwhile, you classify Atheism as a mere lack of belief in a god whilst ignoring that any Atheists you meet will also have ways to understand Humanity and how to live and what "Reason"demands, that often clashes with others.

There's as much Dogma and Doctrine in Atheistic Thought as in Theism, and no specific Dogma is shared by all Theists just as all Atheists don't agree on everything.

So you're Proof that Theism has Dogma makes no sense. It either proves that Atheism has Dogma, since nay given Atheist Philosophy will;, or else it proves only that Theism doesn't stand alone and is incorporated into a larger network of Ideas, but the same is True of Atheism.

So if you believe in a God, and that God commands "Don't eat pork on Sunday," then if you truly believe in Him and trust Him, then you are agreeing to His views. If you do not agree with His views, then believing in Him is pointless.

But what if Joe believes in God and thinks God said "Don't eat Pork on Sunday" and Peter believes in God and thinks God is OK with eating Pork on Sunday, or any day of the week? What if John comes along and says God ordered them to never eat Pork?

The thing is, just being a Theist doesn't mean you automatically think God doesn't want you to eat pork on a Sunday, just like merely benign an Atheist doesn't mean you will think Humanity should unite as one by getting rid of private property. There is nothing inherent in Theism that says "Don't eat pork on a Sunday", and if it's possible to be a Theists and not believe the don't eat pork on Sunday rule, then it's not really a Dogma of Theism.

You can't prove that Theism has Dogma by citing the Dogma of a specific Religion, as that's a Dogma of the whole Religion, not just Theism.

Just like Atheistic "Non-Religious Philosophies" have Dogmas that one can reject and still be an Atheist.

Your argument doesn't prove that Theism has Dogma, it proves that other beliefs are associated with Theism, but the same is True of Atheism.

"Do you believe in God?"
Because I believe he exists."
"Because I believe he exists."

There needs to be a reason, which is dogmatic.

"Do you believe in God?"
"Because I believe he exists."
"Because here is a book with explanations for why and how he exists, and dogmatic commandments that I must follow if I am to be a proper worshipper of him."

The same is True of Atheism. Plenty of Atheists follow the Humanist Manifesto, or became Atheists via reading Carl Sagan, or worse, Richard Dawkins, and absorbed their criticism of Religion as well as their comments on Sicnece as motivation to become Athiests. Have you ever read a "De-Conversion"story? Thy often give Reasons why people;l become Atheists.

Yet somehow being convinced by an Atheist argument, and then following an Aesthetic Philosophy, is not Dogmatic,whilst Theism is?

These commandments outline his nature (such as benevolence, omnipotence, kindness, merciful, and so on).

But you can be a Theist and not think God is any of those things. For that matter, you can be a Theist and think God doesn't communicate with Man,and just set the Universe in Mtion then left.

And again, there will be different "books" and different"Interpretations" which makes any claim of Dogma silly.

Just like tis silly to ignore the fact that Atheism is in the same position since no one is ever just an Atheist, Atheism has to connect to some sort of Philosophy for it to work. People who become Atheists do so by following a Philosophy that is Aesthetic, which also has commandments and rules and such to live by.

Just read the various Humanist Manifestos for example. Or Ayn Rand's works. Or Neitche. Or Rousseau. Or any writing by an Atheist Philosopher specifically advocating Atheism.

If you disagree with his nature, then you disagree with him. If you disagree with him, there is no point in following him or believing in him. This is part of the reason you choose to believe in your particular god instead of some random tribal god. Someone can tell you the random tribal god exists, but if you disagree with the teaching, then you simply ignore the premise.

His nature may be left up to interpretation, but you must acknowledge he exists before you can assess what you believe his nature to be. If you are willing to interpret his nature, then you are acknowledging dogma.

End of conversation.

No,because simply acknowledging God exists doesn't mean you will automatically agree with any given Dogma about him, which means that Theism in itself has no Dogma.

What your saying is that people aren't just Theists and connect Theism some other teachings. Well, the same is True of Atheism. No one is ever just an Atheist, they connect Atheism to a host of other ideas and principles, making it identical. If Theism is inherently Dogmatic, then so is Atheism since all Atheists follow some sort of Philosophical Ideology set for them that they accept as True.

You can't have it both ways. Either Theism itself has no Dogmas, or Atheism does. And for the same Reasons.

This isn't about shifting the Burden of proof, its about the meaning and origin of a word.

It is about the burden of proof, otherwise there would be no point in arguing over what the word means. You want to convince people that atheism means "Does not believe in God" in order to make atheism seem like a position that is just as contingent on belief as theism or religion.

No, I want people to understand that Atheism is a belief because it is a belief.

I also find it silly that Militant Atheists want to argue that God doens't exist. only to say they don t take the position that God doesn't exist.

You want to be able to say "You not believing in God is just as equal of a philosophical position as me believing in God" which is not true.

Actually it is True.

Especially since Antsiest then go out of their way to explain why they don' believe in God, and many,like Richard Dawkisn, make specific arguments of why God doesn't exist.

You can't make an argument and say "I didn't take a position". Its pretty obvious that Atheism is in fact a position.

This goes back to baseball or stamps or unicorns or whatever.
I don't 'believe unicorns don't exist.' I simply have no reason to believe that they DO exist. Likewise, I don't 'believe God doesn't exist,' I don't have any reason to believe he DOES exist.
It is literally as simple as that.

Its a semantic. There is no Rational distinction between believing God doesn't exist and not believing he does exist.

And this gets even less tenable if you toss in the fact that Atheists often specifically say God doesn't exist by calling him a Fairy Tale or Mythological Character, or make explicit argments to say he doesn't exist.

Why not try to discuss my actual points rather than just try to dismiss them using stock rebuttals form your Religious Cult?

Because you've already shown that you have no rational points to discuss.

No you haven't. You've danced around them,called me wrong, and used an irrational double standard to show that Theism has Dogma that also applies to Atheism, though you refuse to accept this.

You haven't proven that I'm wrong, you've just used double talk.

You've already made up your mind. Unlike you, if someone can demonstrate that a God does exist, with true empirical evidence, I would believe it.

I really don't believe this. For one thing, the usual crap about how Theists don't care about evidence and reuse to change their Minds is a canard, and its stupid to think of you as open minded and willing to change your Mind when you pull this card out, especially when you won't even consider that your wrong about anything in this post.

Lets face Reality, the idea that "Religious people" refuse to accept evidence and simply believe is a Lie told by Modern Atheists to depict them as Irrational, and the claim that Atheists accept anything they have Impractical Evidence for is equally mythological. You've made up your Mind that God doesn't exist and would refuses evidence that you could, and plenty of Theists are Willing to change their Minds if given Reason to do so.

Drop the rubbish stereotypes.

Not just toying around with words that does not do anything to prove he exists.

I wasn't trying to prove that God existed, though.

Show me a miracle, and I will believe. But in your case, there's nothing anyone can say that would make you NOT believe him.

And your evidence that I refuse to give up belief in God no matter what anyone says or shows me is what,exactly?

Because you're the one in the cult. The cult of all religion.

There is no such thing as "The cult of all Religion"

You being stupid here.

The one that flies planes into buildings, imperializes nations, cuts off children's genitalia, tells AIDS rampant communities not to use protection, moves into poor areas and convinces innocent people to give up their money every Sunday tax free by scaring them into believing a man up in the sky is watching.

And from this rant, which is just a amplification of the usual crap arguments we hear from the Militant Atheist community, we can conclude that your Open Minded and will change your Mind if given facts but I won't?

I'm sorry,but it's pretty clear that you want to vilify all Religion, and since you equate Religion with Theism, its silly to think that you'd change your mind about God's existence if shown evidence. You aren't an Atheists be cue you have no evidence that God exists, your an Atheists breccias it gives you a ready-made Mythology that lets you feel superior to others and licence to practice a specific moral code you prefer, all while making you feel better about it by telling yourself your better than others. If this wansn't so, you'd not need this shallow, one sided, obviously biased, clearly slanted trash to make your case.

So the whole "Nothing anyone says or shod you will convince you that God doesn't exist but I'm open to Changing my Mind unlike You'”talk amounts to anything. It's completely undermined by your rant about how Evil Religion is, especially given you think Religious People want to burn you at the stake and are held back only by brave Secularists who would smack them down if hey tried. Its just you stepping into the ready made cookie cutter claims made by your own Relgiiosu Cult that needs to lump all Religion together and depict it as bad, irrational, and wrong, and all Religious people as blind Faith heads who refuse evidence unlike the Oh so Rational Atheists and who are dangerous and want to kill others.

It gets old and is simply nonsense.

The mere fact that you repeat this crap proves you neither think for yourself nor care about evidence, you just blindly parrot whatever Dogmas your Religion gives you.

And his “Religion is evil” crap is Dogma.

This is what religion does.

So, how many people have the Amish killed by beheading ? How many Airplanes have Jaines flown into buildings? How many Quakers have mutilated peoples Gentiles?

Because, their all Religious so they must do those things,Right? Since this is what Religion does?

If not, then your oversimplistic narrative that see's Religion as one big entity is a load of garbage.

Its also a Religious Myth in itself, a Dogma that you follow. You need to see Religion as doing nothing but bad things and holding Humanity back,but he idea of Religion doing nothing but evil is a Dogma.

You've just proven that your "Atheism"has Dogma.

You might say "Well MY religion isn't that bad," but that's only because people like me in the secular Western world would knock you down before you tried to burn me at the stake for being a 'heretic' just like in the old days.
(I'll be waiting for the Hitler/Polpot/Mao response, but don't bother).

See,this is why you're an idiot.

Tell me, if a new Island was created and then settled by the AMish who founded an Amish Nation, how ,many Heretics would they burn at the stake there?

No, "Religious people" don't refrain from killing you because Secularists restrain them, nor do all "Religious people" want to just kill "Heretics". This is, again, just a Dogma of your own Militant Atheism, that wants to classify all Religious people as the same and all of them as Violent, and explains the lack of Violence on the success of Secularism whilst saying you need to remain Vigilant since "The Religious people" would burn you at the stake if they had power to do so.

Its all just silly, stupid, ridiculous nonsense but its Mindlessly believed in by morons like you, who "Have no Dogma".

Come on, this is Dogma, and we both know it.

Even now, this whole conversation is pointless. Why? Because you still haven't proven a God exists, which is your claim.

No,my claim in this discussion was that Atheism is a belief, and that everyone has a Region. My claim is that Atheism is not the opposite of Religion and that Religion is simply another term for Philosophy.

In never brought up if God actually exists or not.

You're also falling back on he usual Dogma of your Faith, in that you think the whole "Well you can't prove that God exists" canard works to shut down all discussion.

It's a stock argument.

We can toy around with semantics and words all we want, but your claim that God exists hasn't moved anywhere. (And here is where you'll try and use the burden of proof, but don't bother).

Can you quote me in this thread as saying that God exists? When did that even become the discussion?

And I can say "don't bother" all day, because no matter what words you try and twist or whatever examples you try and use to say that atheism is evil, you still haven't demonstrated that God is real.

I don't think Atheism is Evil. I just don't think its a rejection of Religion, and my actual claim is that Religion is simply another word for Philosophy, and Atheists still form a Philosophical Understanding of the World, which is usually derived form cultural Influences.

How is that saying "Atheism is Evil"?

You're the one saying Religious people woidl burn you at the stake except Secularists are her e to smack them down. Aren't you just saying Religion is Evil?

This smacks of Projection.

By the way the idea that Religious People always see Atheists as Evil is yet another Dogma.

You can say atheism is bad all you want, and you know what, maybe you're right. But it still doesn't prove God exists. You can say you dislike atheism all day, but it does nothing to prove your point that God is real.

My actual Point is that Atheists aren't fundamentally different from Theists, and that Religion is no the opposite of Atheism...

I didn't bring up if God exists or not.

You're the one who wants to depict Religion as one universal thing that goes about lopping heads off and flying planes into buildings.

If I may quote Scot Clifton: "So my advice for you, starting right now, is that you begin to operate under the assumption that the very next question, the very next objection that pops into your head, is a product of your own biological illiteracy, and not some piece of brilliance mysteriously overlooked by everyone in academia over the last two centuries."

Which doesn't mean anything since you're now moving the goal posts. Your lying about my claim by saying I claimed God existed when I really claimed that Atheists areas Religious, and as Dogmatic., as Theists.

This is wha


I also find it silly that Militant Atheists want to aruge that God doens'texist.only to say they dont take the position that Gdo doesnt exist.

There's no such thing as a 'militant atheist.' Atheists are only reacting to the oppression of religion. If religion didn't exist telling people who didn't follow their religions that they are evil, and at worst kill them, then there would be no reason to have a discussion about atheism.
This is like supporting rapists. Let a man rape a woman, and when she fights back, call her 'militant.'
Let a religious leader burn a man at the stake, and when he fights back, call him 'militant.'

Frankly, I'm too tired to carry on. There's just too much you don't understand over a simple topic such as what the word atheism means and what it doesn't, and there's no point in going over something you don't understand. It's funny, because my buddy Scot also had this to say:
"Again, this is an idea you have made up all on your own, because you don't know what you're talking about. The questions you and other [religious people] raise are so ignorant, that they require [us] to spend time and energy teaching you about what philosophy is, in order to explain why your objection is about something it is not. And that's exactly what's taking place. And when someone isn't up to this task, as they often aren't, religious people claim this a victory and use this as yet another excuse not to educate themselves. You want a simple answer to your simple question? Here it is. Not applicable. Are you an [atheist] yet?"


You want to convince people you don't have any Dogmas you follow,but you fall back on how Evil Religion is and how Religious People want to kill you, and lets not forget how Atheists are only react to the oppression of Religion, and there is no such thing as a Militant Atheist. Isn't al this just Dogma though? The need to bash Religion as this dark, oppressive force, even comparing it to rape and talking about how Religious leaders burn people at the stake, is really just part of a constructed narrative that justified your “resistance” to it. Its like how Americans think King George The Third was a Tyrant. America was founded on a Revolution to get rid of him, and America's Founders called him a Tyrant, so of course he was. We need not look at nay other facts.

The thing is, your claims are simplistic nonsense. Religion doesn't cause people to kill those who are different or oppress others. Religion, in a very real sense, doesn't even exist. There are different Religions n the World, with multiple permutations in each, but no single thing called “Religion”, and yet this is what you seek to oppose, Religion itself. You're basically fighting a Phantom, but really it's all a ruse since when all is said and done, your Atheism is more about the Revolt against Religion than about a Lack of belief in a god. You prove hat by veering this entire discussion in that direction even though it wasn't the topic I began on and no one else really lead you into it.

For that matter, even your claim that there is no such thing as a Militant Atheist rings hollow. How can you justify that when you obviously are a Militant Atheist. You aren't reacting to how Evil Religion is and to the oppression it causes, you're pulling out how Evil Religion is and how Religious People would burn you at the Stake if not for Secularists who stand the way who would knock them down if they tried all because you need to justify an irrational hatred of Theism, which you equate with Religion, and just to make legitimate all this rather stupid hatred.

You can talk about how I don't understand the topic all you like but, in the end, it's really obvious that I do understand it, and have seen through he ruse you and other Militant Atheists use. It's all talk. All you have is Propaganda to assist in a Cultural movement and that secures a Culturally derived Identity. You equate Atheism more with rejecting Religion than with Lack of belief in a god, and prove that by endlessly discussing how Evil Religion is, or how I somehow hate Atheism and think its Evil or that Atheists are bad people when really I never said that.

You've basically made a Religious Sacrament out of this kind of debate, which is what defines you as an Artiest. Atheism to you is all about the fight against Religion and struggle for a Secular society based on “Reason”, and a the same Time you conflate terms like “Reason” with whatever you happen to believe in, all while denying anything Religion can be Rational.

It's pretty obvious that you do, in fact, have Dogmas. One Dogma is that Religion is Evil, and that Religious People hate Atheists, and would Kill anyone who disagreed with their Religion if given the chance, and that Religion is Anti-Science and against Free Thought. All of this is Dogma, and all of it has nothing to do with if God exists or not. Mindlessly parroting it not only proves that you are Dogmatic in your thinking but completely destroys your claim that your Open Minded and would change your mind about God's existence if shown evidence. No you wouldn't, since your whole identity is based on this struggle against Religion, which you equate with Theism.

It's this Philosophical and Ideological perspective that I'm saying is a Religion, and that I say has Dogma and Doctrines. It's also self evidently True, and only rejected by you because your own Identity depends on the distinction between Religion and Atheism being there.

You refuse to question that distinction, or the terms you use, because it would destroy your own Identity to do so.

The whole narrative of how Religion is evil and oppressive is what justifies your fight against it but It's also easy to prove wrong. Not all Religions are alike, and plenty of Religions teach Pacifism. This includes many forms of Christianity. The Amish,Mennonites, and Jehovah Witnesses, for example, would never engage in a purification of society, or go about systematically killing those who disagree with them. It'd go saint their strict beliefs about not harming others. These Pacifist Groups can't really be reconciled with your claim of how oppressive and violent Religion is, so you just ignore them. You'll instead talk about the Crusades and Inquisition, Historical events you know nothing about,before moving on to modern”Attrocities”you know nothing about like 9-11 and the Catholic Church not allowing people to use Condoms in Africa. Somehow this proves that Religion is oppressive and Evil.

Don't you think that this hatred you level at Religion and the need to bash it, even when no Reason is presented, proves that Militant Atheism does exist and isn't just a reaction to Religious oppression? Because you're bashing all Religious people everywhere based on negative examples you find in stock arguments as if all Religious people everywhere are responsible for the actions of all other Religious people everywhere,which isn't Rational and is just an excuse to bash and hate. It'd be like if I said all Atheists were evil mass murderers because Mao was an Atheist and so was Lenin. What you're saying is unjustified since Religious beliefs are diverse and many,many Religious People eschew Violence, or forswear it all together, and would never dream of oppressing anyone. You choose to ignore this fact,but it remains a fact.

In the end, your Atheism isn't Atheism, our Atheism is Anti-theism and Militant Atheism is proven to exist precisely because of this irrational,bigoted hatred you display.

And in the end, you prove that you do, in fact,have Dogmas,that you refuse to question.


You want to convince people you don't have any Dogmas you follow,but you fall back on how Evil Religion is and how Religious People want to kill you, and lets not forget how Atheists are only react to the oppression of Religion, and there is no such thing as a Militant Atheist. Isn't al this just Dogma though? The need to bash Religion as this dark, oppressive force, even comparing it to rape and talking about how Religious leaders burn people at the stake, is really just part of a constructed narrative that justified your “resistance” to it. Its like how Americans think King George The Third was a Tyrant. America was founded on a Revolution to get rid of him, and America's Founders called him a Tyrant, so of course he was. We need not look at nay other facts.

Because debating empirical fact has nothing to do with discussing the subjective opinion of two sides of history.
Whether the Japanese were right or the Americans were right, a bomb was still dropped on Japan killing hundreds of thousands of people.
You can try and twist the Crusades or the Spanish Inquisition or the invasions of Africa or whatever else you want. You can say that religious people had their reasons for conquering natives and forcing them to be religious. But at the end of the day, religious people still oppressed non-religious people. Was it not the famous case of De Las Casas versus Sepulveda in which the conversation of whether or not the native people of the Americas were to be considered humans or non-humans simply because they weren't Catholics? This is what religion does. There is no narrative.

It's this Philosophical and Ideological perspective that I'm saying is a Religion, and that I say has Dogma and Doctrines. It's also self evidently True, and only rejected by you because your own Identity depends on the distinction between Religion and Atheism being there.

You refuse to question that distinction, or the terms you use, because it would destroy your own Identity to do so.

Whatever I agree or disagree with religious people's words has nothing to do with whether or not God exists. I could disagree with everything you say, but if God came down from heaven right now, I would be forced to accept he is real. So no, it doesn't destroy my identity. But you would never change your position that god is possibly not real. Because of your cult.

You equate Atheism more with rejecting Religion than with Lack of belief in a god, and prove that by endlessly discussing how Evil Religion is

I reject the notion of God because there is just no reason to believe in him because there is no proof. But considering there are so many people in the world who will believe in God anyway, then the best I can do discuss why even having a God that is anything like one in the Bible or Quran is not a good idea, because I am stuck with people like you. Ones who believe A god who murders, silences women, wants to stone homosexuals, and more is good. This is why having a discussion of why religion needs to be talked about. Because I have to live with people who believe in a magical murderer, homophobic, sexist. I don't find that to be comfortable. And people use him to justify their actions.
Once some religions decided to include the ability to repent, now this opened the doors for people to do whatever they want. They can rape and murder and steal and all they have to do is say "God, forgive me" while on their death bed and they think it's okay. But if the only thing stopping you at the end of the day is raping and murdering is because you don't believe in the ability to repent and you think God is watching you, then you're a sick person.
This is why some atheists feel like discussing the horrors of religion is an important topic. If religions weren't throwing planes into buildings and raping women and cutting off children's genitalia then there wouldn't be anything to talk about. If people kept religion to themselves and stopped threatening others, we wouldn't have to worry.
But since I have to live with nutjobs who do those things without remorse, it's more of a civic duty.

You've basically made a Religious Sacrament out of this kind of debate, which is what defines you as an Artiest. Atheism to you is all about the fight against Religion and struggle for a Secular society based on “Reason”, and a the same Time you conflate terms like “Reason” with whatever you happen to believe in, all while denying anything Religion can be Rational.

Reason is not blowing people up if they don't believe in my book.
Reason is not chopping off children's genitals.
Reason is not condoning stoning gays.
Reason is not telling women to shut up and stay in the kitchen.
Are these positions not reasonable?

The Amish,Mennonites,

They're intolerant jerks who split families and ostracize communities for not agreeing with their order. They make a child choose his beliefs or his family and community if he disagrees with some teachings. This is disgusting. If you don't follow us, you lose everything you love and know. Gross.

I understand rape apologetics is hard to understand. When you're in power, you don't see it happening. But that doesn't mean you're not wrong.

"Again, this is an idea you have made up all on your own, because you don't know what you're talking about. The questions you and other [religious people] raise are so ignorant, that they require [us] to spend time and energy teaching you about what philosophy is, in order to explain why your objection is about something it is not. And that's exactly what's taking place. And when someone isn't up to this task, as they often aren't, religious people claim this a victory and use this as yet another excuse not to educate themselves. You want a simple answer to your simple question? Here it is. Not applicable. Are you an [atheist] yet?"

I'm done having a conversation. You can reply if you want but I'm not responding. We can just let other people see how irrational your position is for the record.


ThaFreeWorld » -

It's comments like this that really highlight my problem with your presentation, and which sow that you really don't think about the issues at all.

Because debating empirical fact has nothing to do with discussing the subjective opinion of two sides of history.
Whether the Japanese were right or the Americans were right, a bomb was still dropped on Japan killing hundreds of thousands of people.
You can try and twist the Crusades or the Spanish Inquisition or the invasions of Africa or whatever else you want. You can say that religious people had their reasons for conquering natives and forcing them to be religious. But at the end of the day, religious people still oppressed non-religious people. Was it not the famous case of De Las Casas versus Sepulveda in which the conversation of whether or not the native people of the Americas were to be considered humans or non-humans simply because they weren't Catholics? This is what religion does. There is no narrative.

So, the Natives of South America were not Religious until the Spanish came to the New World? Were they all Atheists, like you? You do know that the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans all worshiped various gods, don't you? Given that you in the past defined being Religious with being a Theist, how do you now justify calling the South American Natives non-Religious?

Oh, that's right, so you can have a fantasy version of History that says Religion oppressed non-Religious people, and thus hijack them as if they were fellow Non-Religious people who suffered.

That's one of the biggest flaws to you'r entire thinking. You see Religion as oppressing the Non-Religious, but you select deeply Religious, even by our own definition, Native South Americans to represent the Non-Religious. You in fact call them No-Religious. Quetzalcoatl would be disappointing to learn that he had no worshipers.

Of course that's not True.

Neither is it True that De Las Casas versus Sepulveda was about if the Indians should be Treated as Human or not simply because they weren't Catholic. Rather, Sepulveda argued that the Indians should be enslaved because they were Barbaric and committed great Crimes against Nature, and because, in his view, they were predisposed to slavery anyway. Ironically, Sepulveda argued from an almost totally Secular position, basing his arguments on Aristotelian Philosophy and on Pragmatic social conditions, whilst De Las Casas was a Dominican Friar and Bishop whose arguments came from Catholic Theology nearly exclusively, and it was the one who argued from"Religion" that out forward the proposition that the Indians were fellow Human Beigns and needed to be treated with dignity and respect. SO, how is this debate really supportive of your case against Religion? Well, it's not, but I doubt you know anything about the Valladolid Debate at all, you probably just heard of it from an "Atheist" website and decided to use whatever small claims they made here, which you took at face value.

But ironically you do prove there is, indeed, a narrative. The narrative is that Religion oppresses people, and especially Non-Religious people. You use the Valladolid Debate to prove this, because the argument was that the Indians should be treated a subhuman because they were not Catholic. This is Historically innaccurate, but who cares, it proves that all Religion is base don oppression, right? Because all Religion everywhere can be judged based on what a few Catholics did in South America in the 1500's.

So, modern day Buddhists living in Japan are guilty of the horrible crimes committed by Spanish Catholics in South America 600 Years ago, because they follow Religion and Religion is to blame!

Of course this is just silly. It commits the same fallacy I just commented on. You lump all Religion together as if it's one big entity, and all Religious people are the same,with the same beliefs and ideals and the same reactions. If one Religious Group commits an atrocity in the name of their religion, then all Religion everywhere is to blame. 9-11 made all Religious People guilty of 3000 American deaths. After all,it was done in the name of Religion, so all Religion is to blame.

That's not Rational, that's insanity. Even if we accepted your simplistic and incorrect version of events regarding the Spanish colonisation of South America, that at best implicates only the Catholic Church, not Religion in general, just like 9-1 at best implicates Islam, not all Religion. Not all Religions are the same, and they aren't part of some large, all encompassing orignisation called "Religion" either. Religion, as a big, single entity doesn't exist. Religions are autonomous from each other,teach different beliefs, values, and moral codes, and have different leaderships and social impacts. To blame all Religion for anything is just stupidity. It's stupidity that is compounded when you cite an example and get your own facts painfully wrong.

By the way, due to Bishop De Las Casas's case, the Laws were reformed and the Treatment of the "Non-Religious"indians was made better. It wasn't perfect and he didn't get all the reforms he had hoped for,but the Treatment they got was vastly improved due to the efforts of the Dominican Friar, based on his Religious Convictions.

So, when you say "This is what Religion does", do you mean it helps people? Because I kind of think that isn't the image you want to present.

Then there's this.

It's this Philosophical and Ideological perspective that I'm saying is a Religion, and that I say has Dogma and Doctrines. It's also self evidently True, and only rejected by you because your own Identity depends on the distinction between Religion and Atheism being there.

You refuse to question that distinction, or the terms you use, because it would destroy your own Identity to do so.

Whatever I agree or disagree with religious people's words has nothing to do with whether or not God exists. I could disagree with everything you say, but if God came down from heaven right now, I would be forced to accept he is real. So no, it doesn't destroy my identity. But you would never change your position that god is possibly not real. Because of your cult.

I've already told you that I'm not trying to prove that God exists. Also, what basis do to have if saying I would never accept the possibility that God dons't exist because of my Cult? This is just an accusation you make out of thin air base don a stereotype of what you think "Religious people" are like. I haven't given you any Reason to think this, it's just that you see me as Religious and therefore asusme I'd never accept the possibility that Go dons't exist.

Well, isn't that closedminded and arrogant of you?

What evidence do you have to actually prove that I'm like this?

Or is it just an A Priori assumption on you part?

Then again you issue yet another rant about how awful God is and how he silences women and wants to stone Homosexuals and commits mass Murder. Do you really think any of that has any impact at this point? The only thing you're proving is that your a Bigoted, irrational buffoon who can crib the usual laundry list of complaints against God or Religion from a ready-made Atheist Community. Surely you know I've heard all this rubbish before, right?

And lets face Reality, your views on how God is presented in the Bible as some wrathful violent mass murderer who hates women and gays and all that isn't based on what the Bible actually says, though I'm sure you can visit websites like Evil Bible or SAB and find a plethora of Proof Text verses to abuse here to "prove" the List somehow, it's based on a need to hate a God you say you don't believe in because, again, your "Atheism" is more about rejecting Theism, and specifically Christianity, than it is about a mere lack of belief in a god. Slanted, one sided, obviously biased presentations designed to cast God in the worst possible light really undermine your claim that you reject God only because of a lack of evidence.

Though I do want to quote you saying this.

I reject the notion of God because there is just no reason to believe in him because there is no proof.

Why do I want to quote this? Because it proves my point. Your Atheism is not a mere lack of belief in a god. If you reject the Notion of God,no matter what the Reason, then you don't merely lack belief in a god, you reject belief in a god. This is an assertion of an action you take, the act of rejection.

You've just destroyed your claim that Atheism is a mere lack of belief, at least in your own case.

Also, don't you think he whole "Lack of proof" claim is stale? While I don't want to get into the whole "Does God exist" debate, the fact is that many Philosophers and Theologians have, in fact,offered evidence based arguments on God's existence. Regardless of if you are convinced by them or not, it's not really True that no evidence at all exists.

But we both know that the talk of "No Proof" is a gimmick anyway.It's just a slogan brought over form the Militant Atheism you belong to, it doesn't really mean anything, it's just there to reinforce the whole "More Rational than thou"attitude and to reinforce the whole image of an Atheist as a Rationalist who only believes in things based on Evidence.

We both know you don't care about evidence though as you didn't even get the fats about he Valliod debate before using it as an example of what Religion does, and continue to blame all Religion for the acts of specific people in specific Religions.

That's what this whole silly list is.

Reason is not blowing people up if they don't believe in my book.
Reason is not chopping off children's genitals.
Reason is not condoning stoning gays.
Reason is not telling women to shut up and stay in the kitchen.
Are these positions not reasonable?

A better question is, are these positions "Religion" takes?

Because, again, it seems like this is just a laundry list of complaints, that don't even matter since you can't apply them to all Religions. You are again treating Religion as one big thing, as if the actions of one Relgiion make all Religion everywhere guilty.

Also, haven't Atheists killed people for not becoming Atheists? The Cult Of Reason in France did this, as did the Soviet Union, and CHina. In fact, Atheistic societies would also often promote "A book" that tells you how to think ad live and punish you for disagreeing, and can equally hate gay people. nothing in your list is really about "Religion" at all.

The same applies tot he AMish and Menonites, as you make an accusation of them but don't really support it. You also call em a Rape Apologist. How is that Rational?

It really seems you want all Religious people treated as second class citizens and stripped of their Rights and only Rational Non-Religious people like you to have a say in anything, just like you want to present a narrative that if the World was Non-Religious everything would be wonderful and no one would die over disagreement, but we both now that in ore to be fully Non-Religious you have to agree with the moral values you and other "Non-Religious"hold to now. You'd not allow dissent in your perfect utopia and would punish those who disagree, whether thy believed in God or not.

This isn't about Religion, its about you using Religion as a label to create an enemy out of anyone who disagrees with you, and as an excuse to find fault with them so you can feel better about yourself.

Which brings me back to my point. You are just as Religious as anyone else. You just prefer t imagine that Your Religion is the rejection of all Religion, but also see the world in very black and white terms. There re two forces, Religion an Reason, and you stand with the forces of Reason which will save the World, and Reason opposes this and brings oppression, ignorance, and suffering.

It's all rather simplistic and silly but hey, that's what you have, and Reason forbid you ever question it.


You could have probably asked anywhere else, maybe somewhere more relevant.

1. This is two separate questions. On the first part, for me it's because there's a lack of evidence for largely supernatural claims. If you tell me you can teleport it's roughly the same thing to me. On the second part, it's not closing your mind simply to not believe in the same things you do. If you must look at it like that, there's always agnostic atheism (which I am). Agnosticism, whether with atheism, theism or just alone simply means you don't believe that you know, or can know, whether gods/goddesses/etc exist. Basically it's "there could be but I do believe/do not believe/am undecided".

2. Same reasons some theistic people do. Anything, whether it's a lack of something specific or not, can be presented like that. To put it simply, some people have problems with it, some are just inclined to share their opinion loudly, some are *beep* etc. Same reasons, either way.

3. Those people are idiots. Evolution and theism don't clash unless you hold a specific belief that would make them contradict each other. In response to "If some of our greatest scientists have been catholic or catholic priests and they believe in a universal creator why don't you?", well dear, I'm sure you don't follow Einstein's daily routine, beliefs and hair style choice all to the Q just because he was a brilliant man. Ghandi was also brilliant, but that doesn't mean you believe in all the same things. Being brilliant about certain things doesn't make you right about absolutely everything, that's why even Einstein had to back up his equations.

4. Some do, some don't. Since nobody can really prove the man the bible is referencing, son of god or simply a very good magician, it's fairly valid to not believe he did. Honestly, it could have just been some guy who did tricks and helped people or it could have been made up. As for why multiple people would spread something about the same person, it's fairly simple, they probably believed in the same (or similar) things, heard about one guy saying X then they added on with Y. People do that a lot. Also those other figures have quite a lot more evidence than Jesus, so there's that.

5. That first one refers to Jesus, him being dead and him speaking after he died. Unless you'd prefer people saying "undead" or "zombie", you may want to stick with just "dead guy". The second one refers to... Well, like it or not the claims made in christian faith are more or less magical. Walking on water and such... That's easily called magic, it being part of a religion doesn't change that much. The sky part refers to heaven- people have a common theme of it being "up", or skywards, even if not literally in the sky. The daddy part, creation is the basic idea for that.


Surely the more obvious question is why should any one believe in a God when there is no evidence for it and would anyone believe in God including the so called prophets if they knew as much as we know through science now?

It seems that the reason is historical. I am certain that if some one was brought up without parental and social religious "teaching" until an age when they could understand some of the basic science of the origins of Universe and Evolution, they would never accept the idea of biblical god or those of eastern religions. There would be no need for it.

Belief in God was a historical necessity and it was in many ways a good, useful idea and for many it still is but that is all. It is an idea like a number, e.g. 2. The number 2 is an idea and a very useful one but it doesn't exists independently outside our mind.

Somebody said that you won't find any atheist in the middle of a battle fild and I agree with that. Even I would probaly shout, Oh my God, have mercy on me or something to that effect but that would be an expression of helplessness and loss of control and human consciousness is all about control. Therefore when we lose it an idea like God helps us to retain sanity like the idea of number 2 helps us count things.

But before science provided us with all these answers not known to our predecessors, the idea of God was even more useful, suspended confusion and gave people a sense of stability as it still does to a soldier in the middle of a battle field or a helpless person under oppression of injustice and/or ignorance. The other bits of religions came about to reinforce that idea as well as other political reasons to suit the geographical and environmental contexts.

However when it is thought to children from early an early age, it also becomes a connection to the outside, like a mother or a father. Children take it on as something to rely on emotionally like they do on Santa who only comes around once a year.

Therefore giving up that connection becomes difficult specially that unlike Santa God is supposed to be with us at all times. I would compare losing one's faith in God like breaking up a long term relationship. It is emotionally difficult and even traumatic and that is why people are reluctant to give it up and go on justify God's existence because it difficult to give it up, like after they death of a beloved we can't believe it. I went through the same thing myself at around the age of thirty. It was very difficult and like Tolstoy I tried many times to go back to it but unlike Tolstoy I knew the answers to the questions that he didn't and therefore I couldn't and gradually the emotional dependence dissipated until all that was left was the idea which I suppose I will still use if I ever find myself in the middle of a battlefield although it probably won't serve me as much as it would a "believer", a bit like someone who knows that he is in the control group and is only taking a placebo.

So here you are. This is why I can no longer believe in God the way you do and this is probably why you believe in God despite all the scientific evidence.


They just follow the hype, like in everything else.


Why am I an atheist ? Simply because religion wasn't showed down my throat when I was young. Everybody is an atheist when young.


I'm glad you did not have religion shoved down your throat when young, but that is not true for all of us. I do not believe wholeheartedly in the statement , Everybody is an atheist when young. There are probably quite a few families out there that teach their children starting at a super young age that God exists. My family included. We have a fairly large family, and I am, at the age of 40, still the only family member who is an atheist. I still get crap about it all the time. After my father passed away in 2012, my stepmother has yet to talk to me more than twice. My brother stop talking to me for year. Now he only talks to me on holidays. I didn't choose to be an atheist, but once I come to the realization that things I was taught while young could not be substantiated by proof, there was no going back. I never actually believed in God even while they were trying to teach me. I fought them tooth and nail even in six grade when they tried to teach me about being a Jehovah's Witness. Before then was being a Christian. In my room while alone, I would think deeply about the situation. I always stood firm that it was nonsense. But I did not dare say it with conviction as a young child to them. The second I was out of the house at 18, I was set free. Thank goodness the Internet was really taking off by that time. I soaked up as much scientific articles as I can get my eyeballs on.

When I lost my identicle twin boys in 2006, my mom argued with me in front of doctors, nurses and my friend at the hospital. She made excepting the fact that I had to take my last surviving twin off life support unbearable. I had to ask her to leave. She was mad at me for blaming God. Blaming God? I never even uttered the word. I simply told the doctors to not bother to bring in someone to pray over him. Never once have I tried to force my knowledge on anyone in my family. I don't understand why they continually try to force their views on me. I have a 19-year-old daughter, and a seven-year-old daughter. Both have been taught as much scientific proof about how things came to be, as I could get my hands on. They are atheists.


But you stopped believing in Santa Claus because ???


I think my reasons for being agnostic is because I find the stories of the bible to be ridiculous(honestly look at mormonism, I am guessing most christians would find some of those stories ridiculous, well I basically feel the same way about christianity the way a christian would feel about mormonism).

Beyond that when you look at the history of how christianity became what it is today I think it's a very questionable existence(started off like a small disorganized cultish thing, then it gained more support till the Roman Empire basically grabbed it, developed their own version of christianity which is the basis for the modern take of Jesus, used as a way to control the masses)

I also believe it's idiotic to think some all loving perfect person wants us all to gather 1 day a week and kiss his butt and tell him how wonderful he is while we sing songs about him. I mean wouldn't that be the definition of an egomaniac? And if God is an egomaniac would that make him somebody worth worshiping? Honestly just think how ridiculous the idea that a perfect all loving person would want his followers to do this, yet they do it on a weekly basis

As for why I put so much effort into trashing christianity, the hard core christians do alot of stuff that annoys me(basically trying to shove their morality on what I might like). I am sorry just because you not a fan of something doesn't mean you have the right to force your morality on others.

In terms of my belief in a higher power I don't deny their is a chance of it being possible(hence me not being an atheist) albeit a very small chance, that being said if their is a higher power I am fairly certain it's something that not religions whether it be current or historical has a grasp on.


First of let me say I am happy to see someone embrace discussion so openly. Its only healthy to exchange ideas and have an open mind to others opinion. I guess most your questions were answered thoroughly (I read some responses, very interesting stuff), yet I'll also give you some short personal answers ^^.

1. I became an atheist through various reasons. I have grown up being taught various religions at the same time. I saw similarities in the basics of most religions(mainly in the morality and ethical codex provided in the religions cores) yet they all taught it through different tales, therefore I decided that either there is no god, or every religion is a different aspect of the same story.

I also think a tiny bit in a proof-based way, so I wont deny gods existence, but I wont believe in it until I get definate proof. This actually caused me to become more of an agnostic/ignostic later in my life.

I think this is an important fact to consider... many people do not know the difference between atheism, agnosticism and ignosticism. I am sure theres some atheists that are open to a "higher purpose" or an "all-surrounding-spirit", yet they dont know that this makes them an agnostic. Or that many atheists are atheists because they hold "the view that any religious term or theological concept presented must be accompanied by a coherent definition. Without a clear definition such terms cannot be meaningfully discussed. Such terms or concepts must also be falsifiable." which would actually make them an ignostic. A very interesting topic area ^^

2. The same reasons some religious people put a lot of effort and energy into spreading their religion. Even though it might not represent the whole "group", there will always be the few that look to spread their idea/ideoligy. Please take into account, they are never representative of the whole. In addition to this, there are some areas in which atheists clash with religious ideologies creating situations in which they believe their believe is more beneficial/healthy for the surroundings (an example is atheists putting an effort into convincing christians that do not believe in doctors, to accept medicinal help for their children - I hope you get the example im trying to give), but again, this only explains halve the debates started by atheists... the other halve is just *beep* that believe they know better (but you get these *beep* ine very ideology/religion).

3. I believe in evolution yet not in god, but theres absolutely no reason why one cannot believe in both. If you take god as a being on a different dimensional plane, one which is present around us yet not recognizable by us, who are we do say that he/she/it was not the spark of energy that started of the first life? Maybe god is the energy that started the big bang as well as the energy that created the laws of physics and every other law that governs our dimensional plane etc. etc. The moment I recognized the endless possibilities that exist, I stopped trying to find answers - I'd rather settle for the things I can find out and know for sure, and I'll leave all the rest for some other time ^^ maybe after death we will see things through another perspective and things can be clearer... but until then, why wonder?

4. Again, theres *beep* in every ideology, and some just want to ruin others ideology. I dont see any benefit to atheists, or the human community in denying the existence of someone that might have lived 2015 years ago.. therefore I think it must be *beep* that put their effort into this.

5. Yea... see point 4.

Hope you meet nicer atheists on your future path ^^ they really are not that bad (even though some might be as closed off as religious extremists).


In terms of common reason/logic these questions seem unnecessary. I'll answer the first two. 1. Why don't I accept your(or anyone's)assertion/claim of a supernatural creator as true? A.Its a claim without evidence. B. Its an outstanding claim(with a higher threshold of proof)without any tangible,demonstrable evidence.Example: If you claimed the you car had four wheels,I would probably accept it as probably true because there is nothing special/unusual about that claim or the consequences of accepting such a claim as(probable)truth. The claim of the existence of a supernatural creator is highly unusual/abnormal(in a spectrum of claims)so my common reason/logic requires unusually high threshold of evidence(remember...there is NO tangible evidence). Not only do theologians offer No tangible-demonstrable-duplicatable evidence...the (dogmatic)doctrine in publications like the bible,perpetuate a supernatural,magical history...also without any tangible evidence.In the case of the Christian bible you could actually formulate a specific case against it(and its claimed creator)...because of its specific unfounded claims/information. So...a better question would be,why would You accept all these(or any)Outstanding claims,as truth,with actual evidence,and does Organised superstition have anything(or much)to do with Reason/Logic? Your first question begs that answer. 2. Many Atheist speak-out against Belief/Faith thinking because they see it as a political tool for Organized Superstition. Organized Superstition is responsible for most of the wars in human history(us or them,tribal mentality),the degradation of individual rights,and a negative-political force against higher education that conflicts with its superstitions. So...your question begs(rhetorically)again,why would you support Organised Superstition in Any way?
