MovieChat Forums > Left Behind (2014) Discussion > Questions for atheists

Questions for atheists

The purpose of this is not to offend anyone or put anyone down. I just want to understand why you are an atheist. First I will start with a little bit about myself. I do believe that there is a universal creator and an after life. I do not follow any religion but I do believe that there is more then just us in the universe and that everything was created by a universal creator. So now for some questions.

1. Why are you an atheist? I am curious why you would close your mind to the possibility of something more then just us and that there is any existence after death.

2. Why do some atheists put so much energy into something they don't believe in? By this I mean I know and have met some atheists that have their beliefs and don't care about my beliefs and are happy to do their thing and let me do my thing belief wise. Then there are atheists I have met that feel that it is their life mission to bash God and bash peoples belief in God and I just don't understand why you would put so much energy into something you don't believe in. I'm not talking about defending your beliefs as an atheist. I am talking about atheists that go out of there why to bash God or someone's belief in God. When no one is putting down their beliefs.

3. I have herd a lot of atheists say that they don't believe in a universal creator or God because they believe in evolution. My question here is why can't you believe in a universal creator and evolution. I believe in both. How can I do that you ask well let me explain. We now that evolution is true because things change and evolve. What we have not been able to prove is the theory of evolution as to how everything was created. So with the theory of evolution and the theory of creation both being unproven I don't see any reason why we can't look for proof of both. I mean if there is a universal creator who's to say that they didn't create everything by evolution. I mean the father of the big bang theory was Georges Lemaître a catholic priest He discovered it before Edward Hubble. If some of our greatest scientists have been catholic or catholic priests and they believe in a universal creator why don't you? nce_and_religion.html

4. Why don't atheists believe that a man named Jesus lived? I understand why an atheist would not believe that Jesus was the son of God but I am curious to know why many of you say that Jesus is a myth or never lived. First I would like to start with the bible. I know the bible is not 100% fact. What I am getting at is that the bible was all written as separate books before is was all put together as one book so why would four different people. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John write four separate books about their lives with Jesus if he never lived. And why would the apostles go out and spread the message of Jesus and start a church based on his teachings if he never lived. All of this can be found in the book of Acts another book written separately by Paul and other apostles. Also Jesus has been written about outside of the bible. e Why is it that people have no problem believing that historical figures like Plato, Aristotle, Alexander the Great, King George III, lived but when it comes to Jesus, suddenly a different standard is offered. Even though the historical evidence for Plato and Aristotle is in written form and people have no problem with that when it comes to the same standard for Jesus, many people won’t accept it. Why the double standard?

5. Lastly I would like to address some terms I have heard atheists use that make no sense to me so please explain. 1. "They believe in a talking dead guy" God is a spiritual being who has never lived a physical life so therefore he has never died. And if they mean Jesus Yes, we do believe in a ‘guy’ that died. No, in the 3 days he was dead, his body did not produce any speech however after he rose from the dead, he spoke. So who is the talking dead guy that we believe in? 2. "Magical sky daddy" those of us who believe in a universal creator don't believe God has any magical powers or that God lives in the sky. We believe that the spiritual plane that God exists in is in a whole other dimension.

I hope to have some good conversations about the questions I have asked. Again I do not want to offend anyone or put down anyone's beliefs. If being an atheist works for you that's great. I just want to know why. If you are going to reply to my post with something like you just don't get it please explain what it is you feel that I don't get.

Look up in the sky....


There is no human knowledge without assumption (unsupported belief) as a basis. Even our most fundamental tenet, René Descartes' cogito ergo sum requires belief in existence and cogitation as self-evident. And in reflection, that is the point where human knowledge ceases to exist. All else is conjecture and supposition.

Everything we form as fact requires belief, assumption without proof. Hence, nothing in the realm of consciousness can be considered irrefutable. Nothing can be proven beyond a doubt, only believed from a sense of repeatability in our sensory memory.

In order to give ourselves some sense of social dignity, we have created a system of language and semantics to satisfy a need for stability in our lives, something to pass the time of our lives without sheer boredom. The schools of belief use repeatability as the founding tenets, and use repeatability convince others who share cultural similarities to join their schools of belief. Usually, the reason for joining a school is to find social standing, gaining community comaraderie, philosophical reinforcement, security, and political power. The schools solidify their standing by holding their tenets to be the truth in the form of believed history.

From these schools, we create political parties, religions, nations, etc, and all the aspects that support them. There is much talk of truth in these structures, but in reality, it is merely belief. The truth falls into tangible and intangible, those which we can sense repeatedly, those which are based solely upon concept, and those which apply concept to repeatable sensory experience.

We tend to be drawn to schools by a mix of attraction and eloquence. Attraction begins at the base by our survival instincts regarding contropy and entropy. Our revulsion of entropy is the primary reason that we seek a sense of life after death, because death is the point where entropy claims our bodies in finality, where we ultimately admit defeat to it. Eloquence derives from sensory resonance within our semantic structures. That which resonates the most intensely we consider art.

Christianity is a conceptual religion that is adopted to avoid the view that the universe is chaos and that our lives are a product of random chance. One can not see, smell, taste, hear, or feel God as a distinct entity. One who believes in God does so because of semantic induced belief. We are not born believing in God. We do not believe in God until we learn language and build it into a semantic structure. And we do not conceive of God until someone explains God to us. It does not come from within.

Does God exist? No one knows. Plenty believe in God, but knowledge doesn't apply, only belief. God can not be proved or disproved in fact, only in belief. And that is why the argument continues on and on and on. And it is why the argument is different each time it is brought up, because we each have or own unique semantic structure.

I could go on and on, getting into much finer details. But this covers the basics.


1. Simply because no religion has been able to present a single shred of evidence for their claims of a deity and an afterlife. This is imho the main difference between most religious people and atheists, if you provide real evidence I will change my mind but no matter how much evidence science compiles most religious people will not.

2. I go out of my way because my world view and my beliefs are based on what we have evidence for and to the highest extent what is true. Religions try to impose on that worldview without evidence just based on faith. I think that religions are holding us as a species back as it has done on numerous occasions throughout history by suppressing knowledge and learning.
We can take a modern example, we all know that people have sex not just for procreation but for enjoyment and we also know that condoms is the only protection against AIDS in sexual encounters. Yet the Catholic church are going out of their way to discourage people in Africa to use condoms because "it's against gods will" which have lead to the massive spread of AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. About 70% of all AIDS-infected humans live in sub-Saharan Africa, there are around 25 million people infected with HIV and frequent condom use could prevent the rapid spread of AIDS.

3. I think some people have touched on this, Evolution is a fact. The start of life is Abiogenesis and I can't remember their names now but two different scientists have actually successfully created living matter from non-living matter.

4. Because no contemporary historical accounts of anyone remotely similar to Jesus exist. The earliest written texts about Jesus is written some 30-40 years after his alleged life and death. The four gospels was written at least 80 years after his "death". All these other people you mention have historical accounts from many different contemporary sources and in some cases even material they wrote themselves still exist. There are also many older similar myths from India, Greek mythology and Egypt that almost exactly correlates with the Jesus myth.

5. Don't really know how to address this one cause I don't really understand where you are coming from here. You don't believe in the god of the bible but you believe in Jesus? You call him/her/it "Universal Creator" in what way does that differ from the god of the bible?

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”


eddiewinehosen »-

DO you know what I find really irritatign about modern Militant Atheists? It's not realy about Atheism, or even Religion, it's about rejectign Christanity first and foremost, Theism secondarily but not really qyiet s Hostilly, and finally abour invovlign onesself in a mythlogy of 'Ahtirsm" that see's Atheism and Science as basiclaly the same thing, and Humanism as the same as Athesm and Scence.

The relaly frustratgnthign is, nothign you've written isoriginak to you. You didnt come toany of these conclusiosn on yru own, ad havent den the slightest research. What you just posted coudl have been wrtten litterally by any onlien militant Atheit. Its just recycled garbage. The relaly Ironic thign is, as mch as you berate
"Religious people" for blidnly followugn the leader and midbessly parroting the thigns htey are tolkd withotu qeusitonign them, it never dwns on you to uesion the thign syou say.

1. Simply because no religion has been able to present a single shred of evidence for their claims of a deity and an afterlife.

Not all Reigions even beleive in Deities or an Afterlife.

Also, this isn't True. Philosophical arguments for the existence of God have been offered, and all of them, even the 'Debunked" ones liek Aqinas's (WHich aren't as discredited as a lot of Atheist sites say, buy thats much more compelx an issue than I'll get into right now) rely on some form of evidnece.

Lets take a look at one fo them, the Anthropic Principle, or Arugment form design. Please odn't offer counterarguments for it, as I'm not using the Argument to prive that God exists, I'm usign it to prive that evidence is offered for God's existence.

The Argument, in its simplest, and therefre not enturely best, form is that the Uniese seems fine tuned tfor life and the chancesof this are astronomiclaly small. Well, that's base don Ohysical observation, and thus is evidence. Now, there are countrarguments, but one fault of Militant Atheist is the assumption that offerign a COunerarugment means you have proven the originl arugment wrong. This, of ocurse, isn't True. Just oerign a counterarugment means an alternatve explanation for the evidnece exists. The point I'm making then is that, regrdless of if the evidnece ocnvinces you or not, there is evidnece for the existence of God.

In fact, pepel have wrtten enire books on the topic. Rene Des Carte came up with a famous Ontological Aerguent for it, for example, and modern Theologians liek Geilser have too.

So let snot try the "No evinece" bit, tis relaly not acurat.

It's also no why you re an Atheist.

This is imho the main difference between most religious people and atheists,

Atheists are Religious people. Religion is not the opposie of Atheism. Theism is the opposite of Atheism. Religion is not anothr word for Theism and doesnt require it. ( And i've seen the Google definition. CHeck Britannica instead.)

Religion is a Philosophy about how we udnerstand the natue of our exitence, and Ateism can be as much a tenet of a Relgiion as can Theism.

if you provide real evidence I will change my mind but no matter how much evidence science compiles most religious people will not.

This is a bold faced lie and we both know it. Its a trope that Ahtiet ar elogical and Raitonal thinkers who objetivley evaluate Facts hwolst Relgiiosu peopel merleybelive or "Have Faith", but its just propaganda,

I neithe beleive Relgiiosu Peopel (Your usage) are as unwillign to hinslty examien evidnece, or do I beleive that Atheits typiclaly ar eopen minded and will.

Especially form a Christ Myther who talks abotu how Jeuss was simial to other gods.

But more on that later.

2. I go out of my way because my world view and my beliefs are based on what we have evidence for and to the highest extent what is true. Religions try to impose on that worldview without evidence just based on faith.

No they dn't.

Faith foens't even mean beleivign in soemthign without evidence.

This is, again, a claim that's made by Militanrt Atheists, but that is never actually supported.

In fact, its Iornic sicne your makign an assertion withotu any evidence at all right now.

I think that religions are holding us as a species back as it has done on numerous occasions throughout history by suppressing knowledge and learning.

It's part of yoru own Religions mythology that Relgiiin hods back Sicnece and Learning. Relaly if you look at the actual evidence from History, the enture COnflict moel that says Science and Relgiion are at odds, and the Historical Narrative f hos relgiion hodl sback the advancement of Knwoeldge, has no credible bakcing.

It is another Iornic claim sicne its more beleif withotu evidnce.

The best ou cna do is tropt out Galileo and Darwin again of ocurse. Nevr midn that Galileo's Trial wasnt uely about sayign the Eaeh went roudn the SUn, and modern Hisotrians reject the simplisitc point, or that plenry of christain suppored Darwinism evn in the 19th Centiry.

We can take a modern example, we all know that people have sex not just for procreation but for enjoyment and we also know that condoms is the only protection against AIDS in sexual encounters.

No we don't. In fact, what you've just said is entirely wrong.

Poepel ar eprogrammed for sex ourely for rproduction. It is mde enjoyable and peopel are rewared for sex because that way it ensures it happens.

Also, COndoms don't always ebsure that peopel don't catch AIDS, and one can eaisly simply not have casual sex.

By the ay, Critisisng the Catholic CHurhc on this topic is stupid. I'll get to that now.

Yet the Catholic church are going out of their way to discourage people in Africa to use condoms because "it's against gods will"

It's God's Will,not gods will, God is a name n this sentence and thus is capitalised; and you're both oversimplifying the Catholic position, whih is not merley "God said it", and overlooking the Reality of the Situation.

which have lead to the massive spread of AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa.

This is actually a TOta Lie, and collapses when you even just think about it.

I mean, seriosoy, the peopel Listen to the Cahtolic Curhc and refuse to wear COndomns but astill have sex wth random prtners or hookers? Does the Catholic CHurch only condemn COndmn use?

You see, he Catholic CHurhc also teaches Chastity. You are supposed to remain without a Sexual Partner until Married, and then remain Faihtful in Marriage. If this were followed, AIDS woudl nto spread.

To suggest that peopel refuse to use COndomsn ebcause the chruch said so onyt obreak its moral Teahcigns on Sex in another way by banign random women they picked up or prostitutes is to make a leap f logic that is comleltey unjustified.

Why aren't the people following the Cahtolic CHurhc on the rest of the Teachings?

Also, the Highest infecton rates are in Muslim Populated Areas. WHy woudl Muslims listen to the Catholic CHurch. ( No I do not blame ISlam n the infections, its just an interestign point that they have the ighest infection rates.)

Also, read this.

It's from Harvard,not the catholic CHurch. ard-square/kathryn-jean-lopez

I know this is a popular arugmwent ut its loony. Its also boring since its oversed, like the rest of this garbage.

All you reveal is that you arne't intereste din objective Fact, just discresitign "Religion".

Oh, that remidnds me, hwo does the Catholic CHurhces action prove Relgiion is wrong here? Religion is not one big entity, you know. Just because oen religion does soemthign wrong doesnt mean all of Religion itself is guilty.

Plenty of Protestnats autlaly handed out Ondomsn in africa, but I guess that fesn't help your "Relgiion is bad" agenda.

About 70% of all AIDS-infected humans live in sub-Saharan Africa, there are around 25 million people infected with HIV and frequent condom use could prevent the rapid spread of AIDS.

Not accordign to Dr. Edward C. Green, who says there is no evidnece for this.

3. I think some people have touched on this, Evolution is a fact. The start of life is Abiogenesis and I can't remember their names now but two different scientists have actually successfully created living matter from non-living matter.

And "Religion" is not "Creationism". For that matter, "Religion" is not "Christainity" and "Christainity" is not "Creationism".

Seriosuly, you can't say your an Atheist because Evolution is a Fact, and expect that to be a good arugment. Evolution bign a fact does not mean God doesn't exist.

4. Because no contemporary historical accounts of anyone remotely similar to Jesus exist.

The Jesus Myth Theory is bunk. No Historian takes this seriosuly, and frankly, there's more evidnece for Jesus livign than the vast majority of Ancient Hisotrical Figrures. The New Testament alone, whoel rejected as "One soruce", is acutlaly 27, and the earliest parts were wrtten within a decade of the events. Tjat'd be Pauls EPistles.

Seriosuly, thee woudkl be far more problems with a Mythical Jeuss than a Real One.

But you dn't have to take my word for it...

Here is the Critissm section. Its the tip of the ICeberge. I can give a lot mroe later.

Main article: Historicity of Jesus
Historicity refers to the question of whether alleged past persons and events are genuinely historical or merely mythical. The study of whether the Jesus mentioned in the Christian New Testament was a real person is covered in the article Historicity of Jesus.
In antiquity, the existence of Jesus was never denied by those who opposed Christianity, as would have been expected if there had been any doubt at the time.[203][204]
There is widespread disagreement among scholars on the details of the life of Jesus mentioned in the gospel narratives, and on the meaning of his teachings.[17] Scholars differ on the historicity of specific episodes described in the Biblical accounts of Jesus,[17] and the only two events subject to "almost universal assent" are that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and was crucified by the order of the Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate.[14][15][16] Biblical scholar John Dominic Crossan, highly skeptical with regard to the Gospel accounts of miracles, wrote in 1995
That (Jesus) was crucified is as sure as anything historical can ever be, since both Josephus and Tacitus... agree with the Christian accounts on at least that basic fact.[205]
Nevertheless, Christ Myth theories find very little support from scholars. According to Bart D. Ehrman (a former Evangelical Christian turned agnostic who has written extensively about the questionable accuracy and authorship of the gospels), most people who study the historical period of Jesus believe that he did exist, and do not write in support of the Christ myth theory. Among professors of early Christian history and religious studies, Ehrman writes that opinion is almost unanimous:
Of the thousands of scholars of early Christianity who do teach at such schools, none of them, to my knowledge, has any doubts that Jesus existed.[206]
Ehrman also notes that these views would prevent one from getting employment in a religious studies department:
These views are so extreme and so unconvincing to 99.99 percent of the real experts that anyone holding them is as likely to get a teaching job in an established department of religion as a six-day creationist is likely to land on in a bona fide department of biology.[207]
In 2012, Ehrman published Did Jesus Exist? defending the thesis that Jesus of Nazareth existed in contrast to the mythicist theory that Jesus is an entirely mythical or fictitious being woven whole-cloth out of legendary material. He also writes that "most common epithet" of Jesus, "Christ", sounds similar to the name of Indian God, "Krishna".[208] He further suggested that Christians did not create Jesus, but invented the idea that the messiah had to be crucified.[207]
Christ Myth Theory authors Richard Carrier, Rene Salm, D. M. Murdock, Earl Doherty, Robert M. Price, Frank Zindler and David Fitzgerald wrote a response to Bart Ehrman's Did Jesus Exist? in the 2013 book Bart Ehrman and the Quest of the Historical Jesus of Nazareth: An Evaluation of Ehrman's Did Jesus Exist? [209] There have also been online responses to Ehrman's works from Carrier,[210] Thomas L. Thompson,[211] and Philip R. Davies.[212]
Maurice Casey also notes that the belief among professors that Jesus existed is generally completely certain. According to Casey, the view that Jesus did not exist is "the view of extremists" and "demonstrably false", and that "professional scholars generally regard it as having been settled in serious scholarship long ago".[213]
Leading historian of ancient history Robin Lane Fox states "Jesus was born in Galilee".[214] According to classical historian Michael Grant the idea that Jesus never lived is an "extreme view" and wrote
If we apply to the New Testament, as we should, the same sort of criteria as we should apply to other ancient writings containing historical material, we can no more reject Jesus' existence than we can reject the existence of a mass of pagan personages whose reality as historical figures is never questioned.[215]
According to Grant, "modern critical methods fail to support the Christ-myth theory". He adds that 'no serious scholar has ventured to postulate the non-historicity of Jesus' and says that the idea has been "annihilated" by the best scholars because the mythicists "have not succeeded in disposing of the much stronger, indeed very abundant, evidence to the contrary".[216]

Of coruse you won't change your midn with evidence. You'lll just deny it.

All in the nae of Reasn of course.

The earliest written texts about Jesus is written some 30-40 years after his alleged life and death.

Actually, the Earliest Wirtten Texts were from about a Decade after his Death. THe Pauline EPistles began then, ad mention him quiet a lot. You just ean the Gospels.

Also, this is only a compellign rugment if you ignroe the fact that this was absurdly common in the Ancint World.

Think abotu it, we have one soruce and one soruce alone fot he existence of Socratee,and that's Plato. Plato write of Soctratese 40 Years later.No one doubts Socratese Existed. Alexander the Great had nothign written abotu him durign his ifetime. Hannible? The Earliest known text is form over a century later.

This was the norm for th TIme, not some unisual blip.

The four gospels was written at least 80 years after his "death".

No they weren't.

Modern Academics htink the Three Synptoc GOspels are related, with Mathew nd Luke borowign from Mark. Mark is thguht to have been written around 60 or so AD, durign the Persecution of CHristains by EMperor Nero. As Jesus died sometime in the Mid 30's AD, that's abotu 30 Years later, not 80. Mathew and Luke are thught ot have come *beep* after, maybe 65-75 AD range. A best then 40 Years later.

The Gospel of Jihsn Hisotry is more complicate dbut unnessisary for now. I'l cover it if you ask, but , the other three prove that you were wrgn about the 80 Year gap.

All these other people you mention have historical accounts from many different contemporary sources and in some cases even material they wrote themselves still exist.

Such as?

I idnt see his list. Do tell.

There are also many older similar myths from India, Greek mythology and Egypt that almost exactly correlates with the Jesus myth.

No, there arent. The claim that variosu ealrier godmen saviours were born of virgins, gthred 12 disiples, healthed the sick, and wwre crucified and rose again, it's all bunk. It was made up in the 19th Century by Gerald Massey and Kersey Graves. You won't find a single shred of evience to back up this ridiculous notion.

And ironiclaly, you claim you only beleive what you have evidence to beevi ein!

Lets face it, all the talk of Ratioanlity, Science, and Evince is a ruse. You, and other Militant Atheists, just get off on attacking Christainity.

You didn't fact check any oftis crap, you just got stock argmentsd from Atheist websites and regurgrtate them. It never even dawned on ou t be Sceptical of these caims. Instead, you blidnly accepted them because they told you what you wanted to hear.

Makign you what you claim to condemn.

5. Don't really know how to address this one cause I don't really understand where you are coming from here. You don't believe in the god of the bible but you believe in Jesus? You call him/her/it "Universal Creator" in what way does that differ from the god of the bible?

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

Sicne literlly all of your arugments came ff websites, why not do a basic net searhc on this one too? It's been anseered loads f TImes.

As fo me, let me ask this first. WHy do you beleive withotu evidnce crappy argyments abotu Jeuss not existign and his life beign copied form earlier Pagan Myths? WHy do you belive iwtout vidence that the Cahtoic CHurch kills Afrcans by denyign them COndemns? WHy do you asusmer Relgiion as a whole is guilty of what the Ctholi Curch does? WHy do you ignore the Evidencr that God exsts thats used in Argumetns for God's existence, and claim there is no Evidnce at al?

O better yet, why do you visit Athest websites and copy dwn these arugents nayway? WHy interna;ise hatred of Christains? WHy bother?

If you want to be an Atiets, be an Ahtiest, but why not lay off the hate?


When you can write in comprehensive English I could be bothered to read what you wrote until then seek help, this is so full of spelling errors and outright lies about where I get my information from it's not worthy of any other response then the one I offer below!

"Debating an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the pigeon will just knock over the pieces, *beep* on the board and strut around like it won anyway"


by eddiewinehosen -

When you can write in comprehensive English I could be bothered to read what you wrote until then seek help, this is so full of spelling errors

I'm DYlexic. No SPell Chekc is not the easy solution.

Tht said, my Grammar is flawless. Only my spelling is off. WHat I wrote is comprehensable English.

and outright lies about where I get my information from it's not worthy of any other response then the one I offer below!

The onlyplces you coudl have gotten informaiton about the Jeuss Myth being based on older Pagan godmen wholead near identical lives is from Militat Atheist websites. Thee isn't a single Acadeic website that says this.

So we all know what sort of websites you got your information from.

"Debating an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the pigeon will just knock over the pieces, *beep* on the board and strut around like it won anyway"

Calling me an idiot after advocatign somethign that can be proven false within 3 minuets using a basic searhc engine is far les sinsulting.

So let me ask three core quesitons;

01: Even if we accept that the Catholic CHurhc is responcibel for making far worse the spread of AIDS in Africa by refusing to hand out condimsn and tellign People they arne't effective (Which itself isn't the Truth but a slanted depiction) how does that prove religion in and of itself is rsponcible? After all, you didn't use that as an exampel fo why Catholsisim was bad, or even Christanity, but Relgiin as a wole? Well, most Religions don't beleive the same thigns as the Catholic CHurch. Not even all Chirstains do. So how is tht a good exampel of the proems in Religion?

One can just as readily point to the Soviet Union's rejection of Genetics and QUantum Theory to prove that Atheism is bad, not ot mention that Mao's Great Leap Forward did kill load of people.

What you're describign isn't what "Relgiion" does, its hwat the Cahtolci CHurhc does.

02: Why do the peopel in Africa liten to the Catholic CHurhc about why they shoudk not us Condomns, but ignore the rest of the Chruches Teaching regarding Sex?

Does that even make sense?

03: Can you show any real evidence that ther wer previosu stories of other saviour godmen who lead similar lives to Jesus? I don'tmean Acharya S's "Truth Be Known" website or soem other sit emakign the same assertion, I want to se the original Myths.

Do you have evidence that these Myths actulaly existed?

Calling me an idiot won't make me wrong. Caling what Ive said Lies won't make them Untrue.


Doesn't matter. S/he's one of those people who use the Bible to prove the Bible is true.


I am on the road less traveled...


ssllaasskk -

Why aren't you a collector of unusually shaped potatoes?
Its a perfectly fine hobby, and surely i couldn't hurt you to take it up?

Why do you have to close your mind to this wonderful hobby?

Why are you offending collectors of unusually shaped potatoes, by not joining them?

What is wrong with you?

Why wont you defend your decisions of becoming a non-collector of unusually shaped potatoes, to each and everyone who demands you to do it?

Wouldn't it just be easier to simply embrace this hobby, and all the joy it brings those who love doing it?



This isn't a real argument. One is abotu what one accepts as True about the actual Word one lives in, and the other is abotu what one chooses to do with ones Tie. The biggest flaw to comparing Theism to a Hobby is that A5heists don't just choose not to collect Potatos, but rather insist that Potatos don't exist.



I'm Dyslexic.



I have Dyscalculia. But the thing is, when I use numbers, in anything, I don't showcase it to others based on my disability. I check, and recheck it, and if need be: have someone else check it before letting others see it. My disability shouldn't be their disability.

Your excuse is your laziness.


I am on the road less traveled...


Because I got a working brain, that´s why. Also, the word "atheist" is redundant. A*beep*eater


sugarpuffextreme -

Because I got a working brain, that´s why. Also, the word "atheist" is redundant. A*beep*eater

An yes, another Dawkins Trope. You prove you think ffor yuself by parrotign idnelslsy Dawkins.

Of coruse, you compared lakc of belefi in gods to someone physiclaly eatgn soemthign unplessant. That's stupid. Choosign nto to engage in a specific behaviour is not the same htign as lackign beleif that somethign else exists.

But no one ever said Dawkisn Drones were all that Bright...

By the way, Atheist doesn't actually mean soemone who lacks beleif in a god. Dawkins made that definition up as a polemic tool to help in arguments. Dawkins cotnradicts it himself when he then makes actual argumetns agisnt the existence of God. You cannot argue that soemthign "Most liekly"
doens't exist without takign the position hat it doens't exist. But if you tae the position thta it doesn't exist, then you aren't illustratign hat you simply lack beleif in it, you're tellign others that it is a fact that such a thign does not exist.

Atheists do't lack beleif in gods, they actually beleive there is no God.

In fact, a Lack of beeif in gods isn't really possible sicne the Athiests who define themseles that way have a cncept pf what a god is supposed to be, and yoru Midn has to proccess that informaitn as either True or False. It can't "Lack beeif", it has to do somehtign with the concept of "God". The whole premise of Athiesm beign a lack of beleif is an absurdity ayway.


Are you a *beep* retard or smth? Theres no need to have a debate if there is a god or not unless you are 5 years old or younger.. or a *beep* retard.


1. Why are you an atheist?

Burden of proof.

2. Why do some atheists put so much energy into something they don't believe in?

Because the world is run by crazy people who make it up as they go along, and it's cost us all dearly, and continues to hold us back as a species.

3... why can't you believe in a universal creator and evolution.

You can. You just can't be a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu or Norse god worshipper etc.

4. Why don't atheists believe that a man named Jesus lived?

Burden of proof again. There is zero historical evidence for Jesus.

5. Christianity in particular, or at least as the religion I know best having grown up with it, makes very little sense. I could poke holes in it all day, but you're already ahead of me on that ;)


Plenty of Christains, Jews, Muslims, and Norse god worshippers acutlaly accept Evolution, and the claim that there is no Hisotircal evidence for Jeuss is not True at all. Thre's mroe for Jesus than for most ther peopel in History of that Time pPeriod.

In fact, even the New testament Alone ahows he existed, as actyal Historicl evaluation woudl rule out that he was invented.

Please dotn tlel me the enture New testament was written decades later, as it snot nly not True but also ignroes that this is True of most peopel we know.

There's alos evidence fr God's existence of you read up on it.

Given you buy the Jeuss Myth tommytrot and think you can't be a Christian and beleiv ein Evolution, I doubt you understand even the Christintiy you grew up on.



Thank you fpr proving a poitn about the maturity level of Militant Atheists.


I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.


smythbob » -

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.

This quote never even made any sense.

Not only a eyou preing it into serice withotu akcnowledign its a quote, btu you don't seem to ralise hwo absurd it is.

First, its credit. Stephen F Roberts said it.

Now, on to why its absurd.

Reaosn 1: If soemoen ebelives in a god, he is not an Atheist. You don't become an Athiest to speific gods, andnot others. Christians arent Aheists to the Greek gods, yet nottheir own. That's not what the term means. To be an Atheist, you have to beleive no gods exist. It's not an individual thing.

Even the rest of its fals though. Not all theists ar emonotheists, so he "Accets one fewer god than you do" make sno sense, at elats if used as a pithy quote.

Bu evn if you us iton CHristains, it makes no sense. Did Stephen roberts reject the Christain God for the ssme Reason Chritaisn reject all other gods? Because Christaisn typically reject all other gods because christainity itself is Monotheistic, and specific;y teaches there is only oen god. Its due mroe to the absolutism of thee beign only one God thst causes Chridtaisn to reject the rest. So by this ogic, Stephen Roberts rejects the christain God becuas there is only one God.

Does that make snese to you?


I contend that you like to spew nonsense on a keyboard , and not very well at that.

Here's a quote for you......................

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
Stephen Hawking


If that's a cack ay my spelling, Im dyslexic. If not, just address what I've said and don't try to be ute about it.


Apparently, you also have trouble with typing and any kind of cognitive thought.


ognitive THogth I'm fine with, bette than yoin fact. I am however Dyslexic.


1. Why are you an atheist? I am curious why you would close your mind to the possibility of something more then just us and that there is any existence after death.

Because religion is a positive assertion. I'm not saying "There is no God," but rather you're saying "There is a God." Therefore, the burden of proof is on you to sufficiently demonstrate that. In the same way, if I said purple unicorns exist, it would be up to me to prove to you that they do, not for you to prove to me that they don't. And in my experience, there simply hasn't been any sort of sufficient proof or evidence to suggest that God is in fact real.

2. Why do some atheists put so much energy into something they don't believe in? By this I mean I know and have met some atheists that have their beliefs and don't care about my beliefs and are happy to do their thing and let me do my thing belief wise. Then there are atheists I have met that feel that it is their life mission to bash God and bash peoples belief in God and I just don't understand why you would put so much energy into something you don't believe in. I'm not talking about defending your beliefs as an atheist. I am talking about atheists that go out of there why to bash God or someone's belief in God. When no one is putting down their beliefs.

Because I'm an American, and so it matters in what is supposed to be a secular nation as written by our constitution. My money says "In God We Trust." My pledge of allegiance says "One Nation Under God." I am disallowed the right to run for political office in my own home state constitution because I am not religious. I am told who I can have sex with (although I'm not gay, gay rights still matter) and when I can have sex (abstinence over protection being pushed in schools and political platforms). In some areas I cannot by alcohol on Sundays due to Blue Laws. And I could go on and on. The point is, this is why you sometimes see the 'ugly' side of atheism. Religion tells me what I can do, say, and feel, and when I say "Hey, I don't mind that you want to live your life in a certain way, but please stop telling me how to live mine," it is met with "HOW DARE YOU BE SUCH A MILITANT ATHEIST!"

Think of it like a master and slave. The master tells the slave what he can do, what he can say, what he can eat, how he can act. One day, the slave finally gets angry and tells the master to screw off and stop controlling how he lives. Then the master has the audacity to say "Oh, why does it matter to you so much?"

3. I have herd a lot of atheists say that they don't believe in a universal creator or God because they believe in evolution. My question here is why can't you believe in a universal creator and evolution.

Because there's no reason to believe in both. Religion often moves in stages as it continues to be disproven. First it was the metaphorical "God in the cave." Everyone had to worship the god in the cave, and nobody was allowed to ever enter the cave. Then one day when someone decided to break the rules, they found out that there was in fact no god in the cave, and religion had to change. Then God became a god of nature. God WAS the trees, the water, the sun, and whatever else. That was fine for spirituality, but it didn't give leaders a way to control the masses, so it had to change again. Then God became the god of smite and fortune. When he was appeased, it would rain. When he was angry, a volcano would erupt. Then once people learned why it rained and why volcanoes erupt, God once again had to change. Nowadays, it's the omnipotent, omnipresent God. It's like the ultimate trump card of a child.

The same applies for evolution. First it was a vehement denial. Then as it became more substantiated it went to "Well, MICRO evolution is real, but macro isn't." And now that it's been even further proven, people like yourself now say "Fine, it's real, but God did it." Essentially, you can never win because at the end of the day, the 'God did it' trump card gets pulled once a solid fact about science is proven, even if the premise started out as something that was lauded as fake (like evolution), by religious people. As soon as it gets too hard to deny anymore, it becomes "Well God must have done it then" rather than accepting it just as true science without a need for God.

4: Why do atheists deny that a man named Jesus lived?

I frankly couldn't care less whether or not Jesus was a real historical figure. I make no issues about that. But assuming I believe he DID exist, then the only thing I can say is that I would consider him an off-his-rocker prophet, just like the plethora of others going around preaching holy words during his time, rather than an actual divine figure.

I admit, question 5 was kind of boring.


My take on religion is it almost always boils down to geography if you are born in town A you are a muslim,town B you are jewish and town C you worship the pineapple or whatever.Really crazy when you think about it.As for the bible ,i'm no scholar but wasn't it just a collection of stories that were voted in like X Factor and others disregarded as unsuitable circa 400 AD?Apparently Jesus also preached about worshipping god in your own home, not needing a church of worship or words to that effect but thats not what the people that put it together wanted at all so that went.Not sure if there is or isn't a god but i am pretty sure if there is you shouldn't need organised religion to follow him/her/it ,that's just a man made invention to control the masses and gain power.


ben101-1 »-

My take on religion is it almost always boils down to geography if you are born in town A you are a muslim,town B you are jewish and town C you worship the pineapple or whatever.

Have yoy ever heard of the Geneti Fallacy? Becaue you are aplyug it. You cannot prove somethgin si wrong by sayign people only belive in it due to where thye were born. Also, Athiwsm is Highest concentrated where Athestic Philsophies prevailed in the 18th and 19th Century,m and soreadin the same way other Religions do. (Plesse dot hand me the "Athis is not a religion" crap, I never said it was, but modern Athism is largley just Humanism, which is a Religion, and Athies never spreads on its own. its always on the back of a Philosophy. like THiesm is.)

The Truth is, thiws can be applied to anything. It means nothing.

Really crazy when you think about it.

Not really. THings have to be taught, includign Athistic Idals, and it makes snese that peopel i a given area teachign those ideals woudl produce CHildren who beleivein them.

Its also not enture Tue as peopelk do conert to other Relgiions,and you do have blended societies.

As for the bible ,i'm no scholar but wasn't it just a collection of stories that were voted in like X Factor and others disregarded as unsuitable circa 400 AD?

No. You're compeltley wrong here.

Firts off, it snot just a COlleciton fo stories. In fadt, most of the Old Testament lacks any Narrative at all. Wisdom Litersture and Propheticv Books make up the bulk of it, and the Prophets themselves usually wrote Political Ommentary relevant for their TIme.

Even the "Stories" thought wer emainly Historicl CHronicles of their people.

All of this was accepted as Scripture long before CHristainity.

The New Testament contiasn four GOspels, Acts, then a bunch of Leters written to specific audinces, not "Stories" either.

And the New Testament ws pretty wel codified by the middle of the Seocnd Century.

The ida that there was this big vote in 400AD and they just icked and chose is pure fantacy and it's this kidn of shallowness that relaly prevents me from tskign seriosuly the claism of Logic and Evidence from Atheists.

Apparently Jesus also preached about worshipping god in your own home,

Its God, cap G. Its used as a name. It doesnt matter if you beleive in God or not, its stll used as a name, and pleas edont tell me god is not a name, sentnece structue sys otherwise.

And yes I have bad selling. I am dyslexic.

Also, try Reading the New Testament rather than commentign on fragmented verse syou heard form peopel criticsl of Christains.

not needing a church of worship or words to that effect but thats not what the people that put it together wanted at all so that went.

Jesus was Jewish. Publi Worship had been mandated by the Law Of Moses.

WHen Jesus said to pray in yoru own Houe and not Publiclaly, he refered to the outward, very showy prayers of the Pharisees whose Prayers were mroe to shwo off hiw Righeosu they were, rather htan sincere appeals to God. It was not a call to abolish the mandated by God Oublic Worship.

The two are very different.

Also, the Powers that be werent as corruot as you hink, please learn actual Hisotry.

Not sure if there is or isn't a god but i am pretty sure if there is you shouldn't need organised religion to follow him/her/it ,that's just a man made invention to control the masses and gain power.

Bunk. Orignised Relgiion wasnt invrnted to cntrol the masses and gain powr, its the byproduct of shated beleif and wantign to espress it. No diferent htan Table Manners.


Oh, I don't know about your last point so much. I haven't been to many dinner parties where guests declared a crusade or jihad or (insert your favourite religeous violence here) against other people at the table. That wouldn't be good manners for a start.



The thing about money "In God We Trust" and "one nation under God" - is that THOSE WORDS WERE ADDED later!!! They are recent additions. ugh!


"In God We Trust" has been on some form of American money and/or government facility since the 19th century. The other was added in the Pledge of Allegiance in the 1950's because of Communism.


I am on the road less traveled...


Some people are servants to alcohol other are servants to partners . jobs , drugs and some are servants to their thoughts .
well i prefer to be a servant to GOD .


To reply fairly bluntly, I've seen nothing to convince me (or even persuade me gently) that there is a higher power of any kind, or title, whatsoever. And if I say I don't care what you or anybody else thinks, does that sound harsh?

I only care about religeon and belief when somebody tries to force me to do or not do something because of their irrational (i.e. lacking in fact or reason) beliefs.

To quote a very famous lady: "I think having religeon is like having a penis. It's all very nice and I'm sure you're very happy and proud of it, but wave it in my face and we are going to have a big problem!"
