Does this have not a higher rating because of racist ignorant people that were offended by diversity or is it just a mediocre film and not worthy of my time? I haven't seen the movie and am not throwing shade just really wondering..
shareDoes this have not a higher rating because of racist ignorant people that were offended by diversity or is it just a mediocre film and not worthy of my time? I haven't seen the movie and am not throwing shade just really wondering..
sharePeople voted low scores 2 weeks before the film came out. Its going back up.
shareIt's also hip and edgy for people to trash remakes in order to make them feel smart.
sharetrash remakes in order to make them feel smart.
I just saw it. It is a terrible movie period.
shareThis guyb is a liar. He didn't see rhe film at all. People that actually see films and don't like them leave descriptions of why they don't like the film they don't just say it was terrible. It was fine. It was a good film worth a watch in the theater.
share@guer....I think a lot of people trash remakes because so many remakes that get made are pure trash and deserve to be trashed. That said.....this was a fine reboot of a beloved series of films. They did a very good job. I saw it yesterday and gave it an 8/10.
sharelol, yea let's blame white people/racism again .... it's the in thing to do now , how come people can't not like a movie because it SUCKS????? why does everything have to have a agenda now ??????
will black people ever get tired of playing that card????(serious question)
I guess hearing white people call people *beep* and "spics" where I live is just all in good fun, right?
sharewhite people get called crackers all the time , do you see us blaming black people if a white movie sucks or bombs???? NO, get over yourself , denzel is a A list star , it's either a good movie or it's not .
shareYeah, getting called a "cracka" doesn't have the same effect as being called a *beep* or *beep* I don't recall white people being enslaved for 200 years, then segregated against, then systematically oppressed by law enforcement. The word cracker comes from when the white men whipped the black man, so how exactly is that even offensive?
What are you even on about blaming this or that about a movie sucking? I never even made that claim, nice job insinuating *beep* I never suggested in the first place. All I did was point out that racism clearly still exists. Only an ignorant bigot would say otherwise. Keep living in that little bubble though, *beep* Sincerely, a fellow white man who doesn't ignore the realities of the world around me.
i haven't seen the movie yet , i like denzel as a actor tho , so i'm not saying it sucks , i'm just saying just cause they don't like this movie doesn't mean it has to do with racism . if the word you say is SO BAD , why do yall insist on constantly using it on each other ???? isn't that kinda stupid ???? Sure their might be a few bad apples but for the most part it seems like you are lumping alot of white people all together which in itself is very RACIST. When have you or any of your people been enslaved??? 150 yrs ago???? you have just as much rights as i do and actually more because when something doesnt go my way i can't play the race or victim card only you can.....i'm just the white 😈 apparently which is the blame for everything wrong in the world.(sarcasm)
A sort of brotherhood to share and relate that their a generation of people who have been enslaved and oppressed. I don't see why this is so hard for you to understand.
In case you haven't noticed, systematic oppression and racial discrimination still, and very obviously, exist. The race card is justified when people are getting shot for no reason other than their skin color.
Poor white folk also face similar discrimination as the problem is also about class.
Because that's backwards logic. Take something that was used as a derogatory term and call one another that term. Replacing "er" with "a" doesn't make it less hurtful, because if someone outside of the race says it with an "A" people are still offended. People of color would call eachother brothers and sisters, and even now a lot of people of color do that. Brotha or Sista, as a bonding term. Soul brotha or soul Sista, because they've been through so much they use these terms to bond with one another.
Even in their own culture they don't use the term in certain places because it's disrespectful. Good example is a church you wouldn't hear a male or female use that term even with an "a" in a church. IF they would they sure wouldn't in front of the pastor. Why? It's a disrespectful term.
This is absolutely true. It still exists and it's pretty obvious that it does, however it is nowhere near as strong as it was in the past. The fact it still exists is a huge issue though that needs to be tackled, but we can't as a people expect it to go away over night. We need to work at it as a unified nation not split it on baited out race wars. Which a lot of radicals on both sides have done. The media especially is heavy to blame for this only showing certain aspects of things to make one side look worse to the other with a bias spin put on it to keep conflict going. It's how they get their ratings.
One of the major issues with this country right now, currently is the bad seeds in the police enforcement. Those need to be weeded out and done away with before those seeds can grow into something worse. I.E fathers getting their sons and daughters in the force that believe the same bad logic they do and actually hunt down people of color like we have been seeing happen. In addition you have cops that don't need a skin color excuse and just take their frustrations out on whomever is there.
Yes there are good cops and plenty of them but the bad currently far exceeds the good. At least that is again how the media is spinning it. You hardly ever hear or see anything about a cop doing his duty properly or anything like that. Simply because they don't want you to.
Poor anything face discrimination, just in general. I really wish people would look passed race on an issue like that. Poverty I mean. Poverty has no racial bias it has no allegiance to power, it's like an illness if it gets you, it gets you.
It isn't really, though. I'm not the type of person to say it but I know plenty who do and there isn't a racist bone in their body. I've always viewed it as a predominantly cultural aspect of verbiage. Context is everything.. Ff a white man is saying it maliciously with the oppressive rhetoric of a slaver, then I'd say its apparent that individual is in the wrong. If a black man says it to his fellow black man as a substitute for "bro", "dude", "brother", etc.. Then I would say calling it hurtful is a bit of a stretch.
I know my isolated experiences don't speak for everyone, but where I come from, you hear it everywhere. Hispanics, latin, black and brown, even white boys occasionally. At this point in history it barely resembles what it used to.
Well of course segregation and slavery don't exist as it did, but our government has implement laws to prevent such things from reoccurring, not to mention there are still subtle cues in the guise of private property that people can push if they don't like someone whether it be for sexual orientation, skin color or how much volume your hair has. When laws need to be installed to prevent these things, then I'd say it's merely hidden in plain sight rather than openly advocated. It's really a shame. I hope we can unify and fight the powers that be..
Agreed. Oh my god, is this... are we experiencing UNITY?!
Also agreed, its a war of the classes, as its always been.
I'm part white, part hispanic, so my ancestry is mixed.
No, not really. You're bet is absolutely incorrect and my original statement holds true. Now kindly *beep* off.
share"I don't recall white people being enslaved for 200 years, the segregated against, the systematically oppressed by law enforcement."
The level of ignorance in your post is astounding, try reading up a little about slavery, Irish, Jews, Christians, currently several countries have slave labor going on. It's disgusting that it ever existed but to spew your ignorance about the issue is bad as it gets. Try googling Irish slavery for a start, then try looking up actual FBI stats on the incidents of cops killing based on race, you'll find quickly that the numbers don't support what the media would have you believe. Segregation was bad, I still can't fathom why it ever existed, however it exists still and in recent cases against whites, again a little research about this topic might shed some light for you. Or you'll call me names and question what I've said because it doesn't support your need to be push the victim agenda and blame others for shortcomings. Or more likely it's your white guilt, I have none, my family arrived after the Civil War and never owned anyone and in fact were leaving oppression in their home countries.
Here's a link to just one story, http://settingrecordstraight.blogspot.com/2015/03/irish-forgotten-white-slaves.html
As for this film, I will go and see it for myself, I'm a huge Denzel fan and considered this remake a great idea, made even better with the cast especially Denzel in the head.
Yes, most Irish arrived here as slaves and were enslaved all the way up until civil war! Yes! Oh, wait....no that didn't happen. Most African Americans are descended from slaves who even as free man didn't have the same rights as white Irishman. Take your revisionist PC history and stick it up your butt!
shareHow do you feel about how they treated their own kind in their homeland of Africa? Mind you I'm not making light of what happened here in America because it was horrible and should have never happened. However there was a war fought over it, a lot of people died to try and change this, and it did. A lot of blood was shed to try to right that horrible wrong, but it seems like the people who died for that cause are forgotten as well today. Many Black and White men fought along side one another in that war and died together trying to unite a people. I really feel they would be highly displeased with the way events have come about in modern times.
I've baited my hook with my own underwear. Is it wrong that I hope to catch a fish I can relate to?-Ragdoll.
Most blacks are mixed with white. They descend from the slaveowners that had female black slaves. Should they be held responsible for what they did to real blacks?
shareThe level of ignorance in your post is astounding, try reading up a little about slavery, Irish, Jews, Christians, currently several countries have slave labor going on. It's disgusting that it ever existed but to spew your ignorance about the issue is bad as it gets.
Try googling Irish slavery for a start, then try looking up actual FBI stats on the incidents of cops killing based on race, you'll find quickly that the numbers don't support what the media would have you believe.
Segregation was bad, I still can't fathom why it ever existed, however it exists still and in recent cases against whites, again a little research about this topic might shed some light for you. Or you'll call me names and question what I've said because it doesn't support your need to be push the victim agenda and blame others for shortcomings.
Or more likely it's your white guilt, I have none, my family arrived after the Civil War and never owned anyone and in fact were leaving oppression in their home countries.
Here's a link to just one story, http://settingrecordstraight.blogspot.com/2015/03/irish-forgotten-white-slaves.html
what kind of *beep* bs is this. Yes white slaves have existed and exist but it was never something that empires depended on like the african slave trade. So please sit down and think about how you can be less of a racist
shareOh, so there are certain races, such as whites, that you can be racist against because your very selective (shall I say... racist?) view of history makes you believe that all whites are bad because a small group among them were slave owners? Ignoring the fact that many white folks have also lived their lives as slaves throughout history, some even being driven into slavery by black pirates raiding the Italian and French coasts up to the 11th century? Are you aware of your racism, or you're just a plain ignorant racist? Or you're just being sarcastic? Please, tell me you're sarcastic.
shareOh, so there are certain races, such as whites, that you can be racist against because your very selective (shall I say... racist?) view of history makes you believe that all whites are bad because a small group among them were slave owners?
Ignoring the fact that many white folks have also lived their lives as slaves throughout history, some even being driven into slavery by black pirates raiding the Italian and French coasts up to the 11th century? Are you aware of your racism, or you're just a plain ignorant racist? Or you're just being sarcastic? Please, tell me you're sarcastic.
Lol I think honestly remakes just have a harder time being liked if people are a fan of the old movie. I liked it but also never have seen the old movie nor tend to enjoy remakes of things I really like.
I thought the Indian and Asian were pretty darn attractive hahaha
It's a truly horrible film, but oddly enough the diversity didn't seem forced as is typical in these sad PC days. The Indian & Asian were the best two of the seven and I would have liked to have seen & heard more of/from them. Racist writers, director & editor limited their roles.
I can't believe the rating is so high, and you will agree when you see the mess they made of this.
Yeah man, because if there's one thing that's horrible, is seeing people of various races play in movies. Hollywood deserves to be white and Jewish, with the occasional *beep* thrown in. I guess. /endsarcasm
shareAs one of the previous commentators said, the diversity thing actually comes off very natural.
But I wouldn't give this film even a 7. I forgot most of it the moment I walked out of the theatre. It's neither bad nor messy, but it struggles to find its ground. I can't put it in the "pure popcorn fun" category but it's neither serious nor dramatic enough to become something bigger.
Hey, Denzel Washington is always a draw for me - despite his own well documented anti-white feelings. So you can take the racism off the table in my case.
The film was just very hollow I'm afraid, it went from A to B to C and yawned en-route. Chris Pratt played Chris Pratt, the samurai did samurai stuff, everone went from being a bad arse to being a wannabe martyr without any motivational reasoning explained.
It kind of felt like Suicude Squad in the wickee-wild-wickee-wickee-wild-wild-west to me. No character development at all.
Hey, I'll buy your horse but you have to die for this cause.OKAY!
Not paying for Indian scalps no more? Come die for this cause.OKAY!
You a lone Indian on a solitary path? Come die for this cause.OKAY!
I'm employed to kill you, even tho you have a gun on me you should come die for this cause. OKAY!
You know someone I know tho we won't say how. Come die for this cause. OKAY!
Ethan Hawke gets a pass I guess.
Agreed.. and to top it all off, it was two and a half *beep* hours long. Why?! So much filler, with a lame, mustache twirling villain.