
Does this have not a higher rating because of racist ignorant people that were offended by diversity or is it just a mediocre film and not worthy of my time? I haven't seen the movie and am not throwing shade just really wondering..


i'm so sick of people looking for this *beep* everywhere. They went out of their way to bring a cast of diverse people at the expense of the story and you're still not happy ? Surprise surprise.


Does this have not a higher rating because of racist ignorant people that were offended by diversity or is it just a mediocre film and not worthy of my time? I haven't seen the movie and am not throwing shade just really wondering..

I know this threads a bit old but it's funny how heated up ppl got over your post, when we can now see how the user score is much higher (71) than the Metacritic score (54), which, it turns out a lot of publications, including more liberal biased ones voted it low.

Bunch of morons lol.

I blame the media-blamers


this movie sucked
stick to the classics
and if you seek diversity watch the samarui version its filled with japanese actors


The only problem I have with the movie is the lack the racism in it I mean this movie is supposed to be circa 1879 so why their not lynching Denzel Washington's character.

Come on back then almost everyone was racist(I guess)... at least the outlaws probably were.

Pure and simple this movie is not racist enough they're white washing the story.


Don't know what "throwing shade" means, but this is just a fun 'remake' with good action. Not great, not awful.


Excellent excellent movie. But from the very first 20 minutes in I already anticipated white people losing their sh** . Just like they always do when they are not the irreproachable, guileless, pinnacles of virtuosity, the sole center of attention, the saviors of the day, or all combined. And to top it off, not a single racial slur hurled towards the black lead of the movie......in the 1870's for crying out??!! Nah, That was just too much to take.


old post I know but if you haven't seen it yet I thought I'd convince you to try. I'm a huge western fan, and film is a passion of mine. This remake won't go down in history as anything. However it was a very entertaining movie, it was well-acted, and different. I think a lot of the hate comes from it being a remake of a remake, and the fact that the film is diverse. People are used to things being a certain way, (myself included) I thought it was just a gimmick to get people to watch it. If it was, it worked. I've shown this movie to a lot casual film goers, and they all love it. I think Chris Pratt does a good job in this movie, I like him better as a co-star. I think this movie will stay more relevant to me, over the original remake because between the two, I know this cast better. Seven Samurai is undisputedly one of the best films of all time, and the first remake was good but the fact that it isn't original keeps me from loving it. Same thing with a fistful of dollars. Anyway just thought you should know that you're missing out on a fun movie.


No, the movie is just mediocre. Not everything is a conspiracy.

Working in the movie business since -92
