The flag at the end...
why was it shown with such dramatic effect? American propaganda?
shareIf you don't like our flag...then stay out of our country. If you don't like our movies, then QUIT WATCHING THEM! DON'T LIKE OUR FREEDOM? OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS??? OUR DEMOCRACY????? THEN FIND ANOTHER COUNTRY TO LIVE IN!!!!!!
I'm SICK of America bowing down trying to keep from offending other people...DON'T LIKE IT? TOUGH! THIS IS AMERICA! GOD BLESS AMERICA!
With the advances of modern technology, the differences between our nations has become smaller. I for one don't think we are the freest country in the world but we're doing pretty damn good for being pretty young. Let's face it, we have a long way to go before we're ever as hated on a global level more than England has been over the course of history.
The U.S. has it's faults, quirks we're still trying to work out that's for sure, but there also have been some major advances in the last several decades. Sure our debt and economy are currently taking a hit, but this isn't the first time, and we will climb out of it. We have in the past and will do it again.
This is a country where a poor black boy, who may or may not have been born here, can grow up to be president. Many people from across the pond like to point out our race issues, but really, can anyone in the UK say that's a possibility? Who was England's last black King or Asian Prime Minister?
Oh, and news flash. Guns aren't the only way to kill people and crazies exists in every corner of the planet. If it weren't guns it would be knives, or bombs, or fire, or just plain ole fists in the streets by hundreds of 'demonstrators'. In my entire life I can't remember two sections of people wanting to kill one another because one group was protestant and another catholic. I've read about it but never experienced it first hand.
To me, and probably to many that live here in the US, that is some stupid @ss *beep* Who cares who, what, where you worship, or no one at all. My parents never questioned the religion of anyone I ever dated, they didn't care. I didn't even know, nor cared what they were. The UK, Ireland, and Europe have some serious crazy religious nuts. Let's pull up those statistics of how many people died over something as trivial as that.
So, before you go and throw statistics and links proving why we are a bunch of morons, go and research your own back yard. Show me a country that doesn't have race issues, class distinctions, and a growing crime rate.
We are a country built up from hard work and loyalty. We don't produce goods like we once did, now we're more of a service industry. But one thing's for sure, we definitely know how to produce a handout to any other country in crisis when needed, when so many others have turned their backs.
When Katrina happened, sure our government failed in many ways, but the people came through in spades. So many countries couldn't offer a helping hand but everyone that I know sure donated their hard earned dollars, or time, for those in need. I live up North and know many people who opened their doors to take in the displaced. We're like a large family. We can have our own individual disputes but when the dominoes fall most are there to help each other out.
9/11 proved that beyond measure.
~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~
If you hate Americans so much, stop watching these kinds of movies. Nobody is forcing you.
I never understand why other countries give a damn about us and what we do, especially concerning our movies. I can guarantee you, I never give a second thought to any of you. None of us care about what you THINK you know about the US.
where your government monitors your private conversations and e-mailsAnd yours doesn't? LOL!!!
To answer the OP, Americans like that sort of douchey sentimentality. They could have done without it.
shareSeriously? Americans are the only ones with patriotic pride? FFS!!! Look at how most of Europe and South America get VIOLENTLY worked up over something as stupid and irrelevant as football (soccer)!
I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
While you make love to your flag and country your country screw you over by taking away your rights systematically. But better still you are even praising your country for doing so. Your police are already acting like it is the Wild West and many innocents have fallen victim to this. Your soldiers are being killed in wars that serve no purpose other than to fill the wallets of the big time weapon companies. Your education system is failing. Your media is being censored and making you think you are actually the greatest country in the world why you aren't. So by all means be ignorant my friend. Ignorance is bliss they say.
The CB Association
Propaganda is bad because? The problem with people like you is when you here the word PROPAGANDA you think Joseph Goebbels.
shareIs there really butthurt over a flag? You people need to grow a set.
Whenever there is a major disaster in the US, there is ALWAYS someone who hangs a flag. They did it at the WTC, they did it at the Northridge quake and it makes perfect sense in the movie. They do it because it is a rallying point, it shows that the people will survive, honor those lost and then rebuild. To those that think it is some form of propaganda, you must live shallow, meaningless lives.
Actually, the butthurt people are the "Pro-America" people. Each comment that says "eh, it was pretty cheesy" is bombarded by "YOU HATE AMERICA, DON'T LIKE THE COUNTRY LEAVE, 'MURICA F@$# YEAH!"
And while you do make a valid point about how we put up flags after large-scale disasters, it never happens NEARLY as fast is it did in this movie. They either implied that someone scaled this random, crumbled building to put the flag up, or the flag miraculously stayed in place during the massive earthquake and the building partially collapsing.
Just because you are too stupid to understand it, it does not mean that it is a plot hole
Is there really butthurt over a flag? You people need to grow a set.
Whenever there is a major disaster in the US, there is ALWAYS someone who hangs a flag. They did it at the WTC, they did it at the Northridge quake and it makes perfect sense in the movie. They do it because it is a rallying point, it shows that the people will survive, honor those lost and then rebuild. To those that think it is some form of propaganda, you must live shallow, meaningless lives
Your media is being controlled by the powers that be. They go out of their way to hide the truth. What would you call that kind of censorship? Speaking of Goebbels. I think some of your right wing politicians are worse than him.
The CB Association
Look at his display name,he's Vietnamese,those damn Commies are usually too brainwashed stupid to know what propaganda really is.
shareBut you never beat them.
You had to flee.
The CB Association
Absolutely, I think it's probably contracted into all films that they have to show a big waving american flag. Personally, it wasn't needed, looked out of place (and RIDICULOUSLY huge) and came across as cheesy.
But you get used to it, especially if you watch Michael Bay films.
It's the whole "Murka! *beep* Yeah!!"
Reading the pro murkan comments is quite funny considering they are the same ones complaining that The Wolf of Wall Street included a city scape shot of London and was copying Murkan cinema
Made me wanna vomit