MovieChat Forums > Pixels (2015) Discussion > Anybody miss arcades?

Anybody miss arcades?

I used to LIVE at the arcade! I played most of the games in this show... Though I am a little younger. The games I enjoyed were Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Street Fighter... Around that era.
What was your favorite video game as a kid?


I never really went to arcades as a kid (were they still around early/mid 90s or is that exactly when they died out?) but the local pizza place always had 2-3 machines that would swap out every few months. I loved Primal Rage and Rampage!


I've never even noticed that arcades were gone! There is a Timezone about 1/2 a block from my office now. However, now I think about it, it probably does not have computer games as such anymore, but more of the redemption games, like shooting hoops for tickets and things like that.



I do! Arcades were the bomb. A shame they're half assed now, and don't have a lot of variety like the good ol days.


I spent time in the arcades back in the 80s- sometimes when I was killing time waiting for a movie to start at the theater that was near the arcade in the mall near my neighborhood. I was a summer camp counselor in 82-83 and I remember a lot of the consoles in pizza parlours, bowling alleys, and other places we took the campers to. I remember going to a museum exhibition about computer games in the late 90s in London that had many of the original consoles and played asterioids and space invaders with my hubby.


They were pretty awesome, I used to have birthday parties at them. I do remember playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles..that game was sweet. But my all time favorite was Operation Wolf. Using that Uzi with the grenade button was awesome.



If you've got enough cash, you can probably buy an arcade game like Ninja Turtles at a vintage market or a pawn broker or similar.


Dave's and Buster's, arcades now with alcohol...


Mr Do

Awesome :)

But I mostly played pinball at the time.


OH yes I do. I am old enough to have enjoyed the games referenced in the movie, especially Defender, Pac Man, Frogger, Centipede and so many others. The online and phone app versions just aren't the same. I spent way too many quarters on those games, but wouldn't change any of it. So many good times. I loved this movie more than I thought I would, and am amused at how much my kids also enjoyed it. For us, Pixels is now a family movie, fine by me.


Yes, I miss them a lot!

I was a teenager in the 80's during the peak of arcades. There are still a few places that feature games near where I live, but mostly deer hunter games, Golf, maybe a couple of racing games. No classics, which is too bad. I don't know if the current generation of youngsters would 'get' them, since they are nothing like the FPS games they are used to.

I have a Man Cave with a couple of upright games, one of which is dead. I'm tempted to gut it and put in a JAMMA system to play the classics (Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, etc).


I find it quite bizarre that in this movie, Sandler referred to going to the arcades as socialising, whereas nowadays playing games would be considered anything but lol.

Here in Australia, we have a few arcades around still, but not the pixelated type of games like in this movie.

On the topic, yes I miss arcades. I used to play Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Marvel/Capcom type games, and even Daytona USA. That was pretty big here that game.

If you guys want, check out my YouTube channel, it's loaded with Classic Game walkthroughs and other little things :)

(I am a SEGA specialist šŸ˜€)
ī”Steven Seagal Fan Club Presidentī”


Loved arcades, and Pizza Hut, and movie theaters, and bowling alleys, and anywhere there were games. Galaga, PacMan, and Pole Position were the bomb. A little later, Rampage and Offroading(my misktake, it was Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off Road) were the ones. For nostalgia alone this movie was great. Whole family loves it.
