MovieChat Forums > 12 Years a Slave (2013) Discussion > No wonder Blacks hate Whites

No wonder Blacks hate Whites

How could you not after watching so many if these types of films . I belive it just the fact that everything was manipulated just out in public with absolutely no authority--even the bible . I don't even see how they could still be a Christin after knowing all this .


I´m glad I´m belong to the good beaner people. A lot of beaner martyrs have perished in the hands of cruel negroids and we are the clear example of modern day slavery. No blood on our hands except the American bit***chess from the Alamo incident.


As a fellow bean member, I must say, you are full of it.

You don't think us beaner folk have blood in our own hands? Just ask the Apache, Navajo, Comanche, Yaqui, or the Chinese-Mexican residence during the Revolution. It's the ignorant like yourself that make the rest of us look bad.


Unless you actually owned slaves I see no reason to feel terrible (aside from feeling empathy for the suffering of course).

Most white didn't own slaves nor could afford to. On top of this is the overriding fact that black slaves were brought from other Africans - blacks sold blacks to Europeans as slaves.

Slavery was not about race, it was economics and race was used to cement the position of slaves. I don't think anyone of any colour needs to see or read this hard part of history and come away feeling angry or guilty. The abolition movements were led by whites both Christian and Secular. Britain (at the time the biggest Empire) ended slavery decades before the USA. Today black descendants of slaves in the West are generally better off financially than blacks in Africa. There are black doctors, lawyers, engineers, presidents, bankers, inventors, scientists etc.

We've moved on. The past is a history lesson in what happened and should be seen as a benchmark on how far we have come and why we must never let things like that happen again.

There is still slavery in the world today - especially in Africa - and whites have nothing to do with it. The Arabs took more blacks and slaves over 1000 years too...why doesn't Hollywood make a film showing them castrating blacks and forcing them into service, or raping the women? IN Hollywood world only white people ever did anything bad it seems.


"You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts"




In Africa, their Negroid brothers sold them off to Jews,
Wow, what a troll!

The difference between knowing your sh**
and knowing you're sh**.


All those Scots, English, Spanish, Portuguese and French slave traders were Jews?

I know some Jews were involved in the slave trade but the were completely overshadowed by other groups. Seems someone has been reading his Protocols instead of his history.


Every race of people has its past. Terrible things happen, but, we're supposed to grow and learn from it so it never happens again.

If I were a black woman I would certainly be angry at how my ancestors were treated, but I'd also be proud at how strong and brave they were to endure such a hell.


Slavery was allowed to continue after the founding of our republic as a Devil's Bargain. In order to get Southerners on board to fight for, and to maintain the new nation, our Founding Fathers appeased the pro-slavery Southerners.

Thus, they got their new nation, but in that Devil's Bargain, they let the great horror of slavery continue. And, it took over 600,000 deaths and ripping the new nation to shreds to end that slavery.

Even after that, that horror continued in its own way through Jim Crow, again allowing Southerners to have their way, torturing and slaughtering African-Americans as they wished, in order to "keep the peace." And, again, it took more conflict to finally enact the Civil Rights Act, yet another 100 years later.

Now, 50 years even later, there is still resentment, racism and divisiveness in our nation. It goes on and on because that is a decision our Founding Fathers made. The dye was cast, and so it remains. There is little we can do about the past, but it is up to us what we do about the future.

"I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP!" - Daniel Plainview - "There Will Be Blood"


Even after that, that horror continued in its own way through Jim Crow, again allowing Southerners to have their way, torturing and slaughtering African-Americans as they wished, in order to "keep the peace." And, again, it took more conflict to finally enact the Civil Rights Act, yet another 100 years later.

The southern US was like Saudi Arabia. In truth, the southerners would lynch ANYONE disturbing the peace. Of course, though, that was wrong. There should always be fair courtroom trials, and setting examples (crucifixions, hangings) to keep people in line is barbaric.


The southern US was like Saudi Arabia. In truth, the southerners would lynch ANYONE disturbing the peace. Of course, though, that was wrong. There should always be fair courtroom trials, and setting examples (crucifixions, hangings) to keep people in line is barbaric.

Also, the laws and racist customs were over-kill. For instance, lynching a black boy for simply whistling at a white woman. Also, the laws, though claiming to enforce equal justice, were clearly biased, letting whites off the hook for the same crimes.


So what? Do you ignorant, small-minded a$$holes want to go to those Southern states, string up and hang every white man, woman and child for the crimes of their ancestors? For being religious? For being soul-folk?


Not all masters were bad, though some, maybe most were. Well, not sure about most. of course, it was a different time, bull-whippings were common then, it wasn't just in Saudi Arabia.

Because of human nature, abuse was inevitable. I even ran into a story on the net, about an 8 year old girl whipped to death.

I suppose though, that under a good master, life wouldn't be much different than being free, and might have been better, considering that many free people starved to death in those days.


Your level of ignorance about this part of history is truly frightening. Coupled with your obvious willingness to proudly display that ignorance, it makes it doubly scary. Please. Please. At least do a token search on Google before you attempt to comment on this stuff again. Please, bro. Help us out here!


Your level of ignorance about this part of history is truly frightening. Coupled with your obvious willingness to proudly display that ignorance, it makes it doubly scary. Please. Please. At least do a token search on Google before you attempt to comment on this stuff again. Please, bro. Help us out here!

It was a different, more brutal culture then. We can't really compare to modern times. In those days, slave-owners could easily argue that slaves at least had food and job security, unlike some free people.

I'm not saying that was a great culture, or endorsing slavery, but that's just the way it was in those days. If you lived back at that time, you probably wouldn't have saw it as strange or unjust. I mean, at one time, nobody thought anything was wrong with Jim Crow, yet now, and for good reason, it comes across as incredibly unjust.

I noticed in the movie, they might the best effort to show white slave-owners as monsters, but it wasn't always the case with the owners. The environment also wasn't always so uptight. People are human, and even in a slave situation, the masters and slaves had a human side.

All and all, I think "Roots" was a better portrayal of slavery than this movie, though I like this movie.


Roots was complete fiction. 12 Years a Slave was based on an actual man's experiences. Is he wrong for protraying his suffering honestly? What kind of diservice would we be doing by our history if we lied about what happened?

The movie isn't trying to guilt trip anyone. It's about the American experience. The unfortunate situation of a man being ripped apart from his family and life because of an ugly institution that was allowed to fester in his country (and he probably thought slavery had nothing to do with his life until it robbed him of his).

I'm mixed. My father is white and I have dead relatives down the line who had slaves. My mother is black and no doubt, came from a family that had been slaves. I love both sides equally. But my white side is still problematic and no amount of denying it will change the fact that they are apart of an ugly history that was allowed to continue because of complacent white men.

Regardless of how well or not my white side had treated their bondsmen and women, it was still evil. No one should ever have to be thankful for being allowed to keep their spouse, children, and family members with them at the good graces of another human being. Or their life.

Slavery is evil, period.


I might add that were it not for the enormous worldwide outrage generated in response to the efforts of Mr. Hitler and his cohorts, there would very likely still be millions upon millions of dollars invested in research to scientifically prove the genetic inferiority of the "non-white" races.

Totally agree. Actually, though, a lot of research is taking place now, but it's ignored by the media. Of course, I'm totally for unbiased research. Nonetheless, most of it is "hate" motivated. Anyhow, I've seen no real evidence that environment plays a minimal role, in making people who they are. Even if we are talking about inborn characteristics, they can be improved with mental games etc..


So you find it acceptable for black people of today to hate white people of today because of what some people did nearly 200 years ago? This is truly one of the stupidest posts I've read on these pages and you are truly a fool.
