Pretty true. Some actors do a good job directing, and some don't. Just like some directors don't do a good job directing, while some do.
Robert Deniro directed one of my favorite films of all time, "A Bronx Tale". I have no idea how he came to direct it, but he did a great job with it, and there was no reason for some big-shot or avant garde director to screw it up. Well done film with great performances and a great story.
Peter Burg on the other hand impressed me with the "Kingdom" but then followed that up with one of the worst films of all time, "Battleship". "Battleship" is where the A-list actor/best friend of the real-life Ari Gold gets anything he wants and makes a pile of crap. The "Kingdom" however was well-done. Some movies by actors are quite well done, and some fall into the latter category. You can't make a blanker statement that all actors are bad directors.
Robert Redford is also one of my favorite DIRECTORS of all time with "Quiz Show", among others, Clint Eastwood, Jon Favrea, Ron Howard, so many Oscar winning and nominated directors that started out as Actors. So, it really doesn't matter what they started out as, or base anything on 1 film. Actors make fine directors if they know their stuff, and conversely a 'director" can pump out garbage movies as well. (Cloud Atlas- the Wachowski brothers, Transformers by Micheal Bay etc.) The Wachowski Brothers and Micheal Bay were really great actors.