MovieChat Forums > Civil War (2024) Discussion > You've got your head in the sand if you'...

You've got your head in the sand if you're not taking this movie deadly seriously.

I will be seeing this movie on Thursday night and I know President is a Trump stand in but you're ignoring the fact Genocide Joe is itching at the chance to turn the American Military on American Citizens based on his actions of locking up political prisoners.




When Trump wins in November, based on how the Left behaved between 2016 and 2020, I honestly don't see how we can avoid Civil War.


Perhaps...but, we probably have a good idea who will win.


I picture these mass human-wave attacks, with black clad Antifa, tattooed pink-hairs and drag queens all getting mowed down in droves as they try to overwhelm entrenched Good Old Boys.


I'd pay good money for a ticket to watch that happen.


this literally sounds about right! hahahahahhahaha

would make a good movie also


In 2016 the left cried a lot, marched in the streets, and I think on Trump's Inaguration Day they set a couple of cars on fire. It wasn't until 2020 when they racked up a body count in the Summer of Love. Thankfully I live in a red state but I'll lockdown myself in my house on election night and hope for the best.


Yeah. I am in a blue city in a red state. I am going to load up the boomsticks, stock up on supplies and stay home a couple days after voting. If the Left tries anything like Summer of Love 2020, I hope this time Trump takes off the gloves and hammers them flat immediately to teach a lesson.


Im hoping for Scorched Earth Trump.


I bet you're one of these people that has a bunker installed, and buys all the tinned food up in stores if a lefty wins an election. Then force your family to live in the bunker, convinced that above ground is going to be a wasteland until the commode is overflowing, and your family plead with you to take a look out of the hatch because they know nothing happened.

Then you all drive to McDonalds, pay with your card, eat your crap burger in the car park and browse Facebook to catch up on all the monotony you missed


I am not so worried about Antifa/BLM rioting in case of a Trump victory. We can be sure that they will do that. While it will cause localized mayhem, it wouldn't come close to breaking our country.

I'm more worried about leftist bureaucrats, Deep Staters, and Democrats who may use subterfuge to undermine Trump's lawful authority. We already saw how they used the facade of justice to thwart Trump's first term with the Russian conspiracy hoax. What will they do if Trump wins again? The actions at by people at the very top could cause a constitutional crisis that could rip our country apart.


Yes. They are going to try everything and anything to sabotage him. They have already demonstrated that they would prefer the nation to be ruined rather than successful because of Trump's leadership. I would expect the very worst things to happen over the next 4 years.


Do you really think they'll let Trump win? He caught them off guard in 2016, but there's no way they allow it to happen. They stuffed the ballot boxes in 2020 and they'll do it again this time. Last time it was the mules, this time it will be the 100s of thousands of illegals they've imported and told when, where, and how to vote. I hope I'm wrong, but I see zero chance we get a fair election. And I should add that I'm not much of a fan of Donald Trump, because I know that will be the first thing lobbed at me. I just want a fair election.


hmmm - from what i gather, it's not gonna be fair either way -
apparently in some states even immigrants can vote - without any documentation - lol


In most states you vote simply by saying a name. If the name is on the list, and that person hasn't voted yet, you get a ballot. No ID required.


True filmbuffs are usually wiser than to believe things like the ballot boxes were stuffed. What proof do you have that this occured?




Two links that provide little more than "we don't want it to be true therefore we think it's false." The film provides voluminous amounts of hard data, including video footage of people inserting multiple ballots into the ballot box. Cell phone geotracking places those same people at ballots in other states during runoffs, doing the same thing, and at Democrat headquarters at other times. I get that you don't want to admit that "your team" cheated, but the evidence is overwhelming. The Democrats paid people to vote hundreds of times each in battleground states, and flipped the election.

Perhaps rather than go back and forth about the 2020 election, let's consider the upcoming election. Is there any reason not to require every voter to provide an I.D. proving they are the registered voter they claim to be?


Cognitive dissonance.


That's the perfect way to describe your reaction. Rather than admit your side is at fault you blindly accept what you know to be untrue because it validates your beliefs. Try to be open to truth even when it contradicts what you want to be true.


I'm surprised the usual liberals at MC haven't told you to post the evidence, where's the evidence they ask and no matter what you post?? It's not good enough


Funny how there is no evidence of any of this or all of the court cases wouldn't have been tossed.

Trump carried the Electoral College because he won Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by 0.7 points each and Michigan by 0.2 points. A mere 78,000 votes carried the day in 2016.

Another funny thing, Hillary didn't send a mob down to the Capital to overthrow a legally held election and install herself as dictator.

The Trump cult formula has always been "if we don't win it's rigged" (see Trumps statements leading up to the 2016 election). With that mindset how can any election result be accepted by the losers?


There's plenty of evidence. The court cases you refer to dealt with something else entirely.


there was no evidence in 2016, yet Mueller still investigated for 2 years and found nothing.


What EVERY conspiracy THEORYist nevers takes into account is who will do the work? Where will the money come from when everybody is dead?
"Our government will kill off half the population" "this virus will kill off all the people by design"


Then who is left to WORK, keep the money segments functioning, to keep the rich people in government, rich?
Let's kill off all the workers who make us OUR money.... think about it for a second. There is no sense in these silly theories.


They are counting on their base to breed, since the Religious Right hoard have taken over the party anyway.

So even if the Magamaniacs take over and kill half the population, they will quickly breed uneducated subservients to work for minimum wage to keep the wealthy 1% happy.

The guy at 1:40 says it all, this is their mantra:


ha cute video. people.... what are ya gonna do?? Plus, our two party system voting for either of the WORST evil.... sad

EVERY financial person I know, people who run and work wallstreet, just snicker at the "kill the lower end peoples" theories.... they know the score, how it all really works. Neva gonna happen. You know long it would take to breed and raise new slaves?? Far too long.
Look at the financial hit we took just with the covid mess, and that didn't kill much of anyone, population wise. You think the rich would let 10 times that happen? Nope. Things don't continue to function that way.


Don't plan on any big trips this November. Stay put. You don't want to be stranded away from home in case something goes down.


Trump is the one who’s threatening to lock up his enemies.


While his enemies are the ones that are literally trying to lock him up ...


You've got you head up Trump's ass if you think CW is about Trump!


The filmmakers claim its apolitical but there's references to Trump. The President in the movie abolished the FBI. The FBI is nothing but the Brown Coats of the Deep State who are hunting down their Political Enemies. As nearly all political agencies have been corrupted under the Biden Regime the right has called for abolishing the FBI.
