Is there Gravity on Mars?

It looks like in the trailer there's gravity on Mars. I mean I could accept it in the base, but walking/running on the surface?

Am I missing something or will all be explained in the movie?

We're all in strung out shape, but stay frosty, and alert.


I don't mean to be overly rude, but your question has me seriously concerned for humanity's future. How can anyone over the age of seven be this ignorant? The worst part is, you don't even realize how stupid you are. If ignorance is truly bliss, you must be one happy dolt.



It certainly is. Am ignorant, can confirm.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


This is the very problem with internet movie reviews. The internet is INFECTED with freaking idiots, commenting on things when they don't have even a modicum of intelligence. This fool is now able to down rate this movie when he/she doesn't even understand the simplest of scientific facts.


Are you seriously this stupid or are you just trolling?

If you are this stupid, before you go posting stupid things on message boards, try searching for the answer and doing some research on your own.


Gravity is related to mass, so yes, like all other planets, Mars has gravity. There's just varying degrees of it. Even the Moon has gravity, which is why astronauts could walk around it, but it's just much lower than on Earth.


"Everything" (as we perceive it) has gravity, every form of energy, including of course matter. A great demonstration, at least in theory, is the attraction and bending of light waves into a black hole.

Obviously, it would be a lot easier to run on Mars with a lot longer strides than here on the much more massive Earth.

Mass of Earth: 6.1 x 10^24 Kg
Mass of Mars: 3.42 x 10^23 Kg
Mass of our Moon: 7.32 x 10^22 Kg

That vaguely puts Mars half way between the mass of Earth and the mass of our moon.

Venus is much closer to the mass of Earth at 4.97 x 10^24 Kg.



Am I missing something?



Ignore these people calling you stupid. They have demonstrated their own stupidity by confusing stupid with ignorant. You're not stupid, you're ignorant (I'm not insulting you). The only "cure" for ignorance is knowledge. How do you acquire knowledge? Well, one method is to ask a question, which you have done, and as a result, you are no longer ignorant (on this topic at least).

"There are naive questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand the world. There is no such thing as a dumb question" - Carl Sagan.
Some people really need to pay more attention to the movies they watch.
