Jesus, just how dumb are people? Yes, every celestial body has gravity because it is a function of the mass of said body. Since humans evolved on Earth, their bodies are accustomed to Earth's gravity. Any other planet would exert equal, more, or less gravity, depending on the comparative mass to Earth's. Don't they teach science in school anymore?
Anything played wrong twice in a row is the beginning of an arrangement. FZ
It's probably time that people stopped reacting to the miss-worded title of this thread, although perhaps the OP could change it. As the OP has explained, his question was really about why the gravity appeared the same as Earth's.
The real question we should ask is probably whether or not it makes a difference to the story. If the film would not be improved by getting this bit of science right and nothing in the plot depends upon it, it possibly does not justify the expense of the F/X to get it right. If it purported to be an accurate representation of a mission to Mars, then probably a different set of priorities would come into play. Of course, it would probably not then feature a space zombie situation.
If any of you have ever seen a film that did try to be accurate about about space travel (I'm thinking of, you may have found it to be so serious as to be boring, if not for the amusing errors that we now know to be glaringly obvious. And before anyone asks, I am not going to quote examples, as I have no desire to watch the film again.
This is the best reply to the post I've read. Are you the ONLY person who actually understood the question? I can understand people jumping down my throat & questioning my education, but even after I re-posted an "apology" for not wording the question correctly?
I must admit though, it is amusing to read all the replies & see the passion people have about this. I mean some used mathematics to explain the science of Gravity!!
I think people who reply with the line "you are an uneducated moron", just read the thread Title & post a reply, without even glancing @ the posts.
We're all in strung out shape, but stay frosty, and alert.
If the base you're talking about is on the planet surface then gravity in the base and gravity outside of the base would be totally different. Gravity has nothing to do with atmosphere, only with the density of the celestial body in question be it a planet, moon, asteroid, etc. Some ships or space stations have artificial gravity that is simulated by thrust or spin, but again it has nothing to do with atmosphere. Otherwise you're relying on magnetic boots or something.