MovieChat Forums > Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) Discussion > These alien invasion can happen in real ...

These alien invasion can happen in real life

So the Universe is pretty huge and its very possible that this can happen in real life.After watching the movie I started researching more about aliens and found that they might be real. This video is also very

So it is possible that alien invasion is possible.


We need a baby Kal-El first before the arrival of this Alien Invaders.

"Let them Hate as long as they Fear"


Finding life similar to ours is possible but improbable, if you can envision the eventual lifespan of the universe as a piece of rope that is 1 mile in length then the few thousand or so years between humans becoming civilised and humans eventually destroying ourselves somehow, that 'moment' in the history of the universe would be so miniscule that it would take up maybe a single dust fibre somewhere in the centre of that mile of rope.

We need another sapien lifeform to contact us in that exact same tiny range (which is around now), as it is however the biggest likelihood is that any other civilisations in the universe either peaked and died long before we got here or will not peak for millions of years yet when we are long dead ourselves. It's like trying to split an arrow with another arrow at great distance, a romantic notion but only existing in fantasy.

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov



Yeah but I bet the graphics blow.


If aliens could make it to our planet they could also link to our internet, read this post, and then run for their lives out of fear that the stupidity is contagious.


You are going on the assumption that there is some unknown science that gets around FTL travel

Anyway about this movie is no real reason for them to come to the earth, there are other planets in the galaxy with a molten core where there would be no pushback from the local natives.


Reading through this thread made me feel like I was in an English class and the days assignment was to go through and correct all the spelling/grammar/punctuation mistakes, now don't get me wrong I am nowhere near perfect when it comes to English but holy hell these posts look and sound like they were written by google translate, it baffles me that almost every post butchered the English language in a manner that I didn't think possible. The only logical explanation is that aliens do exist and they took to the IMDB forums to try their hand at the English language and haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet.


Reading through this thread made me feel like I was in an English class and the days assignment was to go through and correct all the spelling/grammar/punctuation mistakes, now don't get me wrong I am nowhere near perfect when it comes to English but holy hell these posts look and sound like they were written by google translate, it baffles me that almost every post butchered the English language in a manner that I didn't think possible.
I would add run-on sentences to the list of offenses.


Hypothetically, yes, such invasion could happen. However, in reality, such invasion won't happen for the simple reason that alien species are - benevolent. How do we know that? We know it because they no doubt visited us many times before. How do we know they visited us? Just look at the numerous UFO close encounters with civilians and military. It's always been the military - mostly the military of both superpowers, USA and USSR/Russia - that was hostile towards those craft we call UFOs. They always initiated the attack on and went into pursuit of those craft. One just needs to look at the available data. It is indeed us (the humans) who are the real threat (in REAL WORLD, not in movies), not the aliens. In movies, it's the aliens who attack and invade, in reality, however, it's the humans. So it's actually the other way around, and we don't have much to fear as well. It is ourselves we have to fear. The movies like this, however (well, this one maybe not so much), are fun. It's fun to see such an invasion take place, but I would bet million dollars without any hesitation that such invasion in real life is not possible nor will it ever occur.


An alien invasion could happen, but from a purely tactical proposition, would never occur as it does in the movies.

If an alien species has the technology to traverse great distances in short times, their weaponry is also likely to be as advanced, put simply, they would likely be able to take out most human defences without being anywhere near us where we would pose a danger to them. They certainly wouldn't need to enter our atmosphere and put themselves in range of our weapons to do it.

However, the likelihood of a technologically superior alien species travelling vast distances, just to have a punch up with another species that wouldn't stand a chance against them, is so unlikely as to be laughable.

I think we would be a curiosity to other species so as to understand better how they themselves may have started on their journey to technological advancement.

It is statistically unlikely that we are the only intelligent species in the entire universe, but if there are other species, and they are capable of interstellar travel, the universe is so massive, they might never find us.

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