Hypothetically, yes, such invasion could happen. However, in reality, such invasion won't happen for the simple reason that alien species are - benevolent. How do we know that? We know it because they no doubt visited us many times before. How do we know they visited us? Just look at the numerous UFO close encounters with civilians and military. It's always been the military - mostly the military of both superpowers, USA and USSR/Russia - that was hostile towards those craft we call UFOs. They always initiated the attack on and went into pursuit of those craft. One just needs to look at the available data. It is indeed us (the humans) who are the real threat (in REAL WORLD, not in movies), not the aliens. In movies, it's the aliens who attack and invade, in reality, however, it's the humans. So it's actually the other way around, and we don't have much to fear as well. It is ourselves we have to fear. The movies like this, however (well, this one maybe not so much), are fun. It's fun to see such an invasion take place, but I would bet million dollars without any hesitation that such invasion in real life is not possible nor will it ever occur.