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These alien invasion can happen in real life

So the Universe is pretty huge and its very possible that this can happen in real life.After watching the movie I started researching more about aliens and found that they might be real. This video is also very

So it is possible that alien invasion is possible.


Oh Christ..did you really go to YOUTUBE to do research. Well, with that, you just showed the world that you are a 10 year old. And like all 10 year olds, we will ignore you.

Yes..the universe is HUGE...which is exactly why they would NOT be coming here. Here is what needs to happen for this to be possible:

There has to be a very advanced species. This sounds like a certainty. And it probably is. But some idiots things there must be billions of them. Except here is the thing..there doesn't just have to be a planet capable of intelligent life. There has to be one that is capable of intelligent life for MIULLIONS of years without any ELE events. Here on Earth, we are EXTREMELY lucky. WE not only have the right conditions for life..but we have a GIANT protector (Jupiter.) nearby catching most giant asteroids that could wipe out all life on our planet. And yet we STILL have had multiple ELE events in the short history of our planet. Without Jupiter sucking so many asteroids into its gravity and keeping them away from the Earth, human beings would not exist.

Suddenly, the number of planes with super intelligent life goes WAY down. Now...let's say here are still some. They would have to be SO advanced hat they just randomly go planet hopping. Because to any other intelligent life, the Earth is a dark planet with NOTHING to offer. Before you embarrass yourself about all the radio waves we have been sending out...realize that first of all, we have only been doing so for about 75 years. That already limited the number of possible life bearing planets that could see them. But forget about that. Because after just 15 or so light years (Which is shorter than ANY life bearing planet is to the Earth) our radio waves degrade into basically nothing. Completely indistinguishable from the background radiation of the universe. In other words...nobody is seeing any signals coming from Earth.

So again...this alien species has to be SO advanced that that just randomly travel hundreds of light years just randomly checking out planets. And if that is the case, there would be no invasion. Any battle with a species THAT advanced would be over before humans even knew it.


I actually read this entire thread. Dear mr. Aliens. There is no intelligent life here. Move along.


If they are that advanced though they would be able to slipspace travel so they could reach incredible distances in days. Yes we are incredibly lucky but i think you are still not realising the vastness of the universe, just our galaxy is larger than most people can even imagine.

Aliens attacking us however i just don't think is possible, the whole species would have to be united as one, it would cost them an incredible amount of money, we would have to have something they need (it couldn't be our resources or planet because there would be so many planets like this one between us and them.


Forget the "universe is so big" and "we don't know everything" tripe - we most CERTAINLY know certain universal physical laws that ANY civilization, not matter how advanced, must comply with.

The construction of a space ship of such huge proportions is impossible for many engineering reasons.

Faster than light "drive"? Nah. Only on television and the movies.

The is very good chance that other intelligent life exists out there - but don't expect them ever to come here, and it is only a slim chance that we will detect them or us, and communication over the interstellar gulfs would be a nightmare of slowness receive/response.


Everyone on of you need to get out and get laid. Seriously. Lack of vagina is causing some serious mental issues.

State champ in martial arts, trained with firearms, I eFF'n dare you!


LOL well for the same reasons aliens most likely exists they also most likely haven't made it to earth (at least not during the blink of an eye that humans have existed on this planet), the universe is a huge place. But sure sure I guess it's not impossible . But then again, opposed to the movie we'd be *beep* if a species with the technology to get to earth managed to get here AND wants us dead. There would be no way to fight back, we'd be done for.


The chances that we will encounter aliens ever. And I mean EVER. Even if we survive till heat death, are probably as close to 0% as makes no difference.

You realize the universe is expanding at a rate of 73 km/s / megaparsec of distance and that even if we blasted off at c right now we'd never get further than our own local group.

And the expense of interstellar flight and all the associated problems..

It's UNSCIENTIFIC to just assume "we'll be able to do it later!"

That's childish.


Your assuming alot. What if Mars used to be colonized by...Aliens ? or maybe we ARE Aliens lol...who knows. Maybe the pyramids were built by Aliens (or us or a version of lifeforms that we may have been bred from/or created by.) Who knows.

Or..maybe not and we will never see aliens.

We don't even know what is outside the universe, the entire universe could be like a droplet of water, within something even larger that we cannot even "comprehend" (a human word that might have no relation to such things.)

Who knows. I wouldn't say its like highly likely...but I can't rule it out either.


I think it's likely we'll find aliens in our own solar system even. Those aliens will of course be microbial. Our own local group contains at least 1.5 trillion stars, I think it's pretty likely there are at least millions of planets with life on them. I doubt we'll ever get in contact with life that is as intelligent or more intelligent than us. Not because it doesn't exist but because it's probably rare and the universe is big.


by nandhugp
ยป Thu Jul 7 2016 00:06:34

These alien invasion can happen in real life
So the Universe is pretty huge and its very possible that this can happen in real life.After watching the movie I started researching more about aliens and found that they might be real. This video is also very
So it is possible that alien invasion is possible.

Bullsh!t. Yes, primitive, single cell life on other planets in our galaxy is possible and even probable.
But it is extremly, extremly, extremly, extremly, extremly, extremly, extremely improbable that there is another intelligent higher technical civilization in our galaxy in our present time.

So many perfect good coincidences have to happen to create a live friendly planet in the right size and position and course in a matching solar system with the right sun type in the right position between two spiral arms of a galaxy in the right distance from the dangerous center of a galaxy with the many exploding stars and novae and wandering black holes in it.

The Earth had the perfect collision with a Mars sized planet billions of years ago which created our very big Moon - compared to the other planets and moons in our solar system. Our Moon stabilized the spinning of the Earth and created a good climate over the billions of years.

The big planets Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus protected the Earth with their strong gravity and catched 90 to 99% of all dangerous wandering comets and asteroids over the billions of years.

But there were still some big asteroid collisions on Earth - but not too big - to drive evolution and create new animal species. For example 65 million years ago, when the dinosaurs were exterminated but the mammals became the big chance.

Furthermore a planet needs good live friendly smooth climate, free water, some plate tectonics, minerals, oceans, salt, vulcanic activity, free oxygen, some earthquakes to bring evolution ahead. But not too strong and not too often!

Earth had all that in a perfect combination. Yet homo sapiens was nearly exterminated IIRC ca. 75000 years ago in a climate catastropy. We had incredible luck!

There are so many positive factors needed for a good avolution and so many negative factors which could destroy all higher life on a planet.

Summary: Extraterrestrial life is possible in our galaxy. Bacterias, fungus, algae atc. But no second intelligent civilization.
Maybe Andromeda galaxy has one higher technical civilization in our lifetime too.

But whatever, all interstellar and intergalactic distances are far too big for spaceships to travel and visit other possible civilizations.

Look at Ockham's razor.'s_razor


The ever present subject of 'invasion' or whatever. We can suppose for ever and a day but 'the chances of anything coming' well according to HG Wells that was then Mars so what did he know? Someone has tried to explain the speed our universe is expanding and boy is that hard to process let alone the idea of space travel. We are restricted greatly and even if the trope of FTL faster than light speed is ever gong to be possible how far will taht take us? Not within a normal lifetime I woudl suppose.

Of course with the Big Bang estimate as being many more billions of years before our puny Solar system took shape there might be older life forms. Our brief portion historically has shown us to be adventurous always looking for that greener grass and conquering or trading with whatever is over the horizon. Would all other sorts of things have similar outlooks on their life? I have always thought in a SCI FI manner that we are a creation that will in time be cultivated harvested for an ingredient. Killer Whales hunt down a specific whale to eat a small precious part of that whale. we have done things with animals to create certain delicacies so why not have a race that wants our pineal glands.I read somewhere that this changes in people who are homosexual so could it even be for that ever increasing [gender]?

There was a movie about a [alien] wanderer who was killing humans for some substance they injected like a drug.

If we are to be seriously visited it will be more likely that it is not out of any kind of altruism. Possession.

I enjoyed the tale BATTLESHIP as it really gave no reasoning for the Earth people. Te viewer knows that some sort of space thing went wrong and it was no different than for egample the Black Hawk down scenario. Equipped to more damage than imaginable they were quite restrained in the battle scenes. As are our troops expected to be in certain scenarios.

I do wonder why things are done to make us think that we are being visited and why so many feel they have been abducted. Perhaps to become INTERESTING.


Yeah it's possible and as time goes in it will become more and more likely. I still don't think it's very likely anytime soon, but even if it's not likely it's still most certainly possible.

Nest. Use it, live it, love it.
