Mine was the heads of state videolink snap vote wIth the Russian obviously voting for first strike against the orb. They did soften it with the US vote after but it was too late by then i'd already cringed my pants.
There were definitely other contenders but cant remember them now
scene when they all could communicate with each other even though they are in alien ships. scene when father and daughter are side by side taking to each other as if they are riding slow scooters.
So many horrid moments in this one,it's hard to choose. But the Alien Queen chasing the freaking School Bus wins. Dumbest scene ever. ALthugh the miracle cure for Okun after being in a Coma for 20 years (and I thought the miracle instant recovery after surgery in "Prometheus" was bad) and the cringeworthy "inspirational speeches" are a close second. All the speeches in the film were trying to be like the speech in ID4,and all failing miserably.
What was dumb about the alien queen chasing the school bus?
Seriously? How about the fact that the very existence of everyone left on Earth is supposed to be under threat in those final moments, and yet the talentless hacks who threw this trash together thought ' These stakes aren't high enough, we have to up the drama somehow. Hey I know, let's throw a bus full of schoolkids into the mix. That'll add tension to the scene'.
Plus how threatening can any alien queen be when she can't even eliminate 1 school bus driven by an old Jewish stereotype? Answer: not very.
You really have to ask how a script THIS bad gets signed off as being suitable for shooting. Then you have to remember America's crystal meth epidemic...
'And you can't p*ss on hospitality, I WON'T ALLOW IT!'
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I'm slightly annoyed that Hollywood are making so many decisions to appeal to the chinese. Did you know that Warcraft was made almost specifically for the chinese market.
I can only imagine some furious battles between the producers and directors. Most often they will compromise on creativity and quality to bring in that extra dollar. :(
The gold retriever's boat carries the instrumentation for tracking the mothership's progress in drilling to the core *within the precision of 1 second*.
Every single bit of this film was cringeworthy but if I had to pick one out it would be the scene when the big sphere first appears. It was pretty much:
"Hey this new spaceship has appeared out of nowhere that we know nothing about. Let's attack it with no questions asked."
Every time the young fighter pilots spoke any words. Talk about bad acting.
Every time they spoke, I felt like I was watching a power rangers episode
LMAO So true. Maybe it was just their poorly written characters, bad directing... or maybe they ALL just plainly suck. Bottom line, all their scenes were so laughably contrived.
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