Biggest cringe moment?

Mine was the heads of state videolink snap vote wIth the Russian obviously voting for first strike against the orb.
They did soften it with the US vote after but it was too late by then i'd already cringed my pants.

There were definitely other contenders but cant remember them now


It may have been mentioned already, but when that one guy decided to pee infront of the aliens.


Almost every scene where Charlie was involved.

What a cornball.


Everyone pretty much stated all of mine, but I thought it was really stupid that the Queen decided to go after Patricia in the desert. It would be like me chasing an ant. "Ohhh, that damn ant, Imma get it!!"


Every time Hemsworth's wingman opened his mouth. I don't even remember his name. It was so grating listening to him. Hemsworth himself with his wisecracks was annoying, but his wingman was terrible.

Every scene involving that wannabe secretary guy that had a hard on for the swords. Another failed comic relief character.

But, the scene with the queen chasing the schoolbus was when I just burst out in laughter as it was so ridiculous.

The Original 20 years ago was a bit over the top, and had that cheesy humor, but it worked for the most part. This time, however they tried way too hard at the humor, and it just made me cringe. They had way too many comic relief characters in this one, and even the serious parts were done so poorly that I didn't feel any suspense.
