I'm one of the many that feels there really was no need for a sequel.
It's a bit like 'Ocean's Eleven.' Everything we needed, was in the first film. The sequel just seems to say, 'oh, you thought it was over, well forget about that, Julia!'
It's a bit like the Nostalgia Critic's review of 'Waterworld,' where he just mentions how lots and lots of stuff happens...that's this film!! Lots and lots of stuff, but you don't really care about anyone...but then again, that's usually the way a Roland Emmerich film works.
He and Dean Devlin just got incredibly lucky in the summer of 1996, and he's been coasting on fumes ever since.
I was bored and watched his film "Stonewall," which even on a smaller scale, was pretty ridiculous.
"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."
- Toy Story 3 (9/10)