Why is this movie so bad?

Someone please break it down for me.

Last night i watched it, and thought it was a fitting sequel to the original. Of course it would have been better with will.......but woudent everything? lol. Why all the complaints?


A couple of points just off the top of my head:

- Absolutely no suspense. The original knew how to build up and pay off.
- No emotional core. Most of the characters that die do so unceremoniously and with little consequence.
- Ignores the legacy of the original movie (What happened to Goldblum's wife? Killed off in a prequel novel!)
- Returning cast members are mishandled (Judd Hirsch in a pointless role, Vivica in the movie for 3 minutes after her original scenes got cut out)
- Someone thought the Lesser Hemsworth could carry a movie in Will Smith's absence. His character is grating and his wingman is even worse.
- Someone thought writing Dylan Hillard without an ounce of Will Smith's charisma was a good thing. He has the personality of a wet rag and he's mostly just there.
- The movie tries to go bigger and better but doesn't deliver. The destruction scenes are more spectacular in scale and scope and yet they lack the 'oomph' the original had. The mothership is so large it hugs a portion of the Earth but the actual camera shots and CGI make it hard to even orient a scale.
- China pandering.
- The kids. The bus. Why.
- This one hurt the most...the movie spends a lot of time bringing up interesting things we'll never see (guerilla warfare against the aliens in Africa for the past 20 years, could have been its own movie) or spends a lot a time setting up sequels that might not happen. I like the idea of expanding the ID4 universe, but not at the expense of the movie itself.


The kids. The bus. Why.

also, the dog, why?
I think they knew that this is total crap so let people get emotional and sentimental by injecting old so-much-repeated-emotional-but-failed kinda things.


The dog would have been left behind and I doubt anyone would have noticed until they were already speeding away.


Steven Spielberg popularised that crap and Emmerich is his disciple.
It's not "Sci-Fi", it's "SF"!

"Calvinism is a very liberal religious ethos." - Truekiwijoker


It's a very 90's action movie-thing, where it involvs families and kids, to have a dog to be rescued in the last minute. Also in the first Independence Day in the tunnels. I've seen dogs run from fire, lava, bullets and almost drowning in water. I guess they got sentimental. Also in that awful earthquake movie with the rock had one. I know the chearful-high eyebrow-open mouth-reaching for a resuce-look of Pierce Brosnan, Bruce Willis, Liam Neeson, Will Smith, Harrison Ford, Sarah Jessica Parker, the rock, Tommy Lee Jones, and many others.


You pretty much nailed it. Though it is still an entertaining film despite it's obvious shortcomings.


That they always wait till the enemy puts their weapons out first.

A female president only to push a certain political agenda

Judd Hirsch - not even funny

The China pandering

and this daughter:

How stupid must she be not to realize that her father would never ever forgive himself if she took his part in the suicide mission? He is an old man who had his moment, she is a young woman and his gooddamn child.

This stubborn stupidy and utter lack of empathy.
I haven't finished the movie yet, but the best she could do is to give him her blessings.
Letting him die for her, and for all of mankind.

But yeah: women are strong and no male has to tell them what they have to do...and if it is a loving father who cares only about the future of his only child.

Feminists...what a souless breed of humanoids.

Ich bin kein ausgeklügelt Buch, ich bin ein Mensch mit seinem Widerspruch.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer


I agree. In fact, the idea that any sequel would not include the victorious, exhausted humans now having a serious problem with thousands of alien warriors being loosed is beyond stupid. Just imagine the horrors for humanity that would be going on in a city held by bugs. But no, they just remade the previous film with bigger weapons. A big opportunity to lose the silliness go dark was blown.
Also, the established film logic portrays the aliens as being planet strippers, not colonists, so why the follow-up with a queen being sent to a planet they had no desire to colonize? The loss of the entire invading hive was probably more costly than the spoils to be gained from Earth.

"You will not be saved by the god Plutonium. In fact, YOU WILL NOT BE SAVED!"


It lacks the suspense and buildup that the original one had. The actors are also doing a surprisingly poor performance.

The original movie had a lot of stuff going on in the shadows and smoke and then one big "destroy the mothership" scene.
This one has everything happening in broad daylight, 3 attacks on the mothership, and then the end fight with the queen.
They tried to cram too much into it. Bill pullmans character practically died for very little reason. He sacrificed himself, and the only results was that the queen came out.


I agree. The acting was subpar from some of the more notable actors.



The actual writing itself was some of the worst for any blockbuster film I've ever seen and the performances were also very bad, particularly from the character who is Will Smith's son, the new president, the asian girl, Goldblum's love interest, and Hemsworth's love interest. The action also had a surprisingly low amount of weight, possibly because the ship's lasers are so quiet, but there was just no tension in the scenes.
The movie had a few interesting ideas like the ship having its own gravity and the little sphere thing showing up in a worm hole but the actual execution of the film was very poor.


You cannot be serious AND over 16


Glad I found this on torrents and didn't spend any money on it. They took all the sappy love stories from Twilight /Hunger Games and combined it with the worst scifi direct to tv movie. Sharknado is better than this crap.


Maybe in the next one they can combine It with Sharknado and call it


just an idea


To me, the big issue is kind of the same thing that plagued the latest 'Indiana Jones' film in 2008: it's well past its due-date, for anything more to be said.

ID4 was a product of its time, and was largely Devlin and Emmerich getting their Star Wars-meets-Irwin Allen disaster flick idea out of their heads. They basically said everything they needed to say in that first film.

There really was no need to go beyond it.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)


Twenty minute into it and I'm sooooo irritated with everyone.
The bad acting wouldn't bother me too much, but the writing is horrible also. Why does almost everyone act so smug? Characters trying to crack jokes in almost every situation.
Seriously, an angry African with a gun shouting at you for papers and your co-worker waves papers in the air says, "It looks like this."


I thought the intro was terrible. No character introduction... therefore no reason to care. Action and special effects make it passable... I give it 33%

Cardboard Box is the Future.



i respect that you enjoyed it and i wish i had also because i am a big fan of the original but sadly i didnt. For me the problem is that it felt really choppy and didnt feel that excitement of the predecessor. Btw forgot to say that the visuals were amazing but at the same time the actors infront of the green screen looked really fake.
