To begin with, I am not exactly a diehard fan of X-Men (my original preference has always been for 'Justice League' in the comic books and the animated series as well). But, yes, I will still answer your question, nonetheless.
To be frank, I still feel that 'The Wolverine' is still very underrated, despite the fact that it has some glaring flaws in its writing and characterization. To begin with, it is completely unlike any other superhero film in the genre- it is far more toned down, less packed with mindless SFX, has a couple of genuinely intriguing characters, the fight scenes are far more muscular than just mindless explosions and the acting is quite good, in fact mostly better than the crap that is usually rolled out.
But the problems are quite serious as well- the Yakuza angle in the plot could have been more fleshed out- the angle of that lovelorn Harada is completely unconvincing and it is all patched up in the climax in a rather shoddy way. I would not really blame James Mangold for this- he did a fab job of stylizing the film in the real noir mood and It was fun to see Svetlana as the Dr. Green and some scenes were absolutely knockout. Jackman was awesome but his supporting cast, while excellent, are essentially being made to play as typical villains- Shinghen for example was a typical buffoon whom Wolverine could easily knock out...
It has its large problems and plotholes but for most part, it was excellently shot, paced and directed. For me, however, to date, I loved 'X-Men First Class' the most because it was downright fun, inventive, amazing and very refreshing as a superhero film (please note that I am not really a fan of the comics so I don't really give much thought to how faithful a film is)