MovieChat Forums > The Wolverine (2013) Discussion > Is this the most boring superhero movie ...

Is this the most boring superhero movie or what?

I mean the most boring, not the worst.

When I watch *beep* like Superman IV and Batman & Robin, they are so bad I have a good time watching anyway by simply pointing out the laughable points.

But The Wolverine, it nearly got me to sleep halfway. That never ever happens to a superhero movie. Not Watchmen, not Punisher, not even Super.

I just can't get excited seeing this. Wolverine fights some samurais or ninjas, that's supposed to be awesome! But instead the action scenes are so mediocre and few there's not a single memorable fighting scene.

And there's the so-called romance. Wolverine knew these people for like 5 seconds and suddenly they're his responsibilities? None of these characters are properly introduced and I'm supposed to care about what happens to them?

This awkward relationship which takes half of screen time has no beginning nor end, it's like a joke, a revenge against the *beep* old man and her father. She's supposed to compensate for the loss of Jean?


I guess it depends on what you are looking for from the film. I was hesitant to bother with a Wolverine film, but I was drawn in and quite invested in the characterization the film gave us. I very much liked how it explored Logan's pain after losing Jean, his desire to not go on any more, how Jean in his dreams represented this depressed mindset, and how he was finally motivated to move on and let Jean go. I thought it was very well played, well, aside from the finale which I felt was a tad silly at times.

In any case, the film is easy enough to ignore if it is not your cup of tea. It's basically just a character piece and is not necessary viewing to enjoy toe Xmen series. I think it enhances the Xmen series, but that is just my opinion.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


I think decent effects and action is something superheroes movies have to deliver, but I'm also into character. For instance, I think the best scene from DOFP is when old Magneto silently leaves the room for battle upon learning the Sentinals' arrival, and Xavier watching his back with equal silence.

But I can't find this kind of emotion in this film. I don't give a damn what happens to Mariko, and I can't understand why Logan should. I don't see where this love could possible originate and obviously neither of them took it seriously. They parted in the end despite there's no proper reason why they can't be together. I find very little credibility in this movie.

And about actions, is is just me that expects awesome action when it comes to Wolverine in Japan? Isn't that exactly why this has been demanded all along?


Definitely agree. DOFP was perfect though.


"I was drawn in and quite invested in the characterization the film gave us."

Yeah, because immortal guy facing the weight of immortality and dying guy wanting to live forever are such fresh characterizations.


You are not really contradicting hin.


Yeah, found this one a slog to sit through. Good action sequences but overall it could have been shaved by 20 to 30 minutes.

Lost count of how many times we see the standard scene of Wolverine taking a blade/bottle/whatever to the face/body that spins him around then he slowly stands and turns back to his opponent while the wound visibly heals. We get it... he's cures near instantly. No need to replay this scene over and over again.


Thank god, someone here actually shared my sentiments regarding this movie!

Wolverine: Origins was much better than this one.

The Jap characters could have more depth...but here they just got a superficial treatment.

And Viper could have been more bad ass...but her death seemed so effortless...and...too quick.


@ SexyDolceVita - Please explain how you could possibly consider that horribly atrocious Wolverine Origins "better"?

That film was savaged (pun intended) by critics and fans alike for utterly crap-tastic it was.

Just about the only thing they got right in the film was the name Wolverine. Everything else was rubbish.


I know this is not popular opinion, but I totally agree that Wolverine Origins was better than this movie. At least it had cooler action scenes and Wolverine wasn't a depressed mess for half the film.

"Angels to some, demons to others..... Now you must come with us!"


Sign me up for Origins being better than this. It was more to-the-point, had some good humour, great action, better characters, and wasn't a big wank on Japanese stuff.

Just a wannabe-writer writing


I liked this movie more than the Avengers.

In a time of ancient Gods, Warlords and Kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero The power the passion the danger


Oh no. Avengers might not have been as great as everyone keeps hyping it up to be, but it was heads and shoulders better than this god awful mess.


I disagree this movie was way better than the Avengers.maybe Joss Wheadon should take some advice from Peter Jackson on how to make a good 3 hour movie

I must become someone else. I must become something else.


He gave his opinion, no need to get so defensive. I definitely like Avengers better than this, but this movie ranks high on my list of favorite X-Men movies.



Yeah, this hardly felt like a super hero movie and more like a weak action/drama.


I guess you forgot "Daredevil" and "Ang Lee's The Hulk".

"America isn't ready for a gay, mexican chicken sandwich" - Poultrygeist


Superman Returns


kevinchengxin wrote: "Is this the most boring superhero movie or what?"


I thought exactly the same thing while trying to get through this god awful piece of cinematic fecal matter.

There were a lot of noises and fight scenes going on that were so supposed to be interesting. But for the life of me I just can't remember all that much about them.

As you mentioned, there were some samurais and some ninjas and a Japanese version of Green Arrow dressed all in black doing some parkour moves as he leapt from rooftop to rooftop.

A scantily clad Jean Grey who kept popping up in Wolverine's bed throughout the film... but only in dream sequence for some odd reason.

Then there was the one-dimensional romantic interlude with Mariko that was supposed to be important for some reason, but utterly failed to convince that this wasn't shoe-horned into the script.

Yes, Wolverine is supposed to have a very complicated romantic relationship with Mariko (in the comic books). But in this film is just seemed like an afterthought that they threw together for some reason. I guess to balance out the fake romance with ghost Jean they needed a real person for Wolvie to get his rocks off with. No more mental masturbation for you Logan.

I still don't understand why Viper was in this movie. Or why the Silver Samurai was turned into a mech suit for some old Japanese guy (guess they were trying to cash in on Iron Man) instead of the young Japanese samurai who has fought Wolverine several times.

But what's even worse is that the character of Yukio was butchered beyond recognition. She went from awesome azz-kicking Ronin (in the comic books) to basically Mariko's bee-yotch slave for no good reason.


I read the miniseries like 20 years ago and remember nothing about it, and while i'll agree with most of what you're saying, i thought yukio was the only genuinely likable character in the movie and wish it would have started at the ending with her and logan going on an adventure.


Agreed with all your points, Kevin! I'm glad I waited til this movie premiered on cable; the thought of spending even two hours of my life stuck in a theatre seat was too much to bear....Wolverine was crap!

The acting from the female leads was really uneven. One minute there's tears, the next there's laughter. Not sure if this is supposed to be a cultural statement or what but it was just odd.

Plus I couldn't get past the feeling that there seemed to be a "dirty old man" vibe throughout Jackman's character and the leading ladies. And the foul language and risque scenes. I hope adults didn't take their kids to see this Marvel wonder (less) movie. Definitely not age appropriate.
