won zero Oscars.
shareCould be the Academy members are trying not to set a precedent. They want people going to the theaters. If a film that hit Netflix were to win, what would be the point?
The eligibility criteria say that a film has to have had a paid commercial theatrical run of at least seven consecutive days in Los Angeles County or the city of New York before being released to another format. The Irishman met the criteria to the letter.
shareIt's not the first one this has happened to Scorsese. Gangs of New York also won nothing with the same amount of nominations.
shareWait: you're telling me that the Academy snubbed Martin Scorsese?
You're kidding.
I watched about half of it, and lost interest. Knowing that the main characters both live took me out of it. There was no suspense.
shareHow can you judge a movie by watching only half of it. Some movies worth watching only for the last scene which is the climax. I get you. I get bored most of the time during a movie, but I often get rewarded by watching until the end.
shareThe way things are looking now, if Netflix had released this a few months later, it could have been another story.
shareOf course not, the film features almost exclusively white males and the Oscars have long since become a woke joke where you ‘win’ for either being a minority or for making a film that shoves the most SJW dogma down the throats of the audience. It stopped being about talent long ago.