I found it to be pretty much the epitome of studio produced remake/reboot mediocrity. Neither truly terrible, nor in any way actually good. Hollow, soulless, and strictly by the numbers. Watchable, but entirely unremarkable, with most of the characters being underwritten cyphers, and most of the comedy falling pretty flat. The effects were mostly decent enough, the ripping off of so much from the original film, only to recreate it in a way that wasn't quite as effective, got a bit grating after a while, as well. As did all the cameos and callbacks. A film that felt desperate to please everybody, ultimately missing the mark at truly pleasing too many at all. Or that was my honest take on it all, anyway.
Personally I'd wait for rental, but it depends on how much you expect from the price of a cinema ticket, I guess. And whether okay at best/mediocre at worst is worth spending your money on.