HONEST opinion....?

I know there are people on here that are hellbent on destroying this movie, but I would like an honest opinion. Is this movie as bad as the IMDb ratings suggest or it at least halfway as decent as the RTs reviews suggest? I would like to know if it is theater quality or if I should just wait to rent.


I liked it a lot! Give it a solid 7.5/10. I'm not sure where all the hate comes from but I guess it depends on your expectations. We went to see it in the theater because there are some movies that you just want to see on the big screen.


It's mediocre.

So what in your opinion is a mediocre film rating, 8/10? 7/10? 6/10?


I saw it in 3D on a crappy screen and it was still a lot of fun. Great special effects, great comedy. Watching superheroes beating up villains gets old after awhile and it was a nice change of pace for a blockbuster. It's a reboot so it can never be wholly original but the cast did a great job, it was directed well, and the story was fun. You really can't go wrong with Paul Feig and some of the best current talent in comedy. And Hemsworth even managed to be humorous. Lots of fun cameos. It's definitely a theater kind of film. If I could go back in time I would have seen it on a better screen but they were all sold out and I couldn't wait. Besides, supporting the film helps encourage studios to make something other than comic book movies and overdone franchises.

All the naysayers are doing is shooting themselves in the foot. Female action and viewership has already proven itself multiple times over. If Ghostbusters does poorly studios will just say that sci-fi comedy and the Ghostbusters franchise does not do well and not explore other genres, and continue to churn comic book movies out until everyone hates them. And the reality is the younger generation would not have paid to see the original cast, not to mention, one of them is dead, and all the current male comedy leads are sort of played out and have been floundering at the box office, while Wiig and McCarthy are always strong at the box office, and McKinnon and Jones are the strongest of the SNL cast and most likely to break into film. I simply can't think of any male comedy team I would have rushed out to see and Pixels and The Watch flopped.

Young male viewership is considered the most unstable and unpredictable, probably due to over-servicing that audience and most films being geared toward them. With that big of a budget studios were not going to take a risk on that audience especially when female sci-fi has proven to have a strong audience and do very well. Nothing personal, just studio math. Why do they think both new Star Wars have female leads? The male audience is not supporting the genre they are claiming to care so much about, they're just complaining when only 95% of films are geared towards them instead of the usual 99%. Seems like there are better things in the world to complain about that a fun movie.


This is a great post. I dont think the main issue with this movie is females per say (even tho people say it is I think thats their limited social skills) the real issue with this movie is the hard reboot, it was unneeded. just imagined rocky was a hard reboot, or even starwars. A hard reboot of an originally successful movie is a monumentally stupid move, especially in the twitter age. too many good memories and nothing to improve on. case in point rebooting petes dragon is a great idea, because although it has nice moments it doesnt really work as a movie and crucially wasnt a massive hit. true, taste is subjective, but audience figures and brand recognition are pretty objective and when a brand is ongoing its best to go with it than to deny its popularity.

GB is a tricky concept because that second did deserve a hard reboot as the movie wasnt really successful or that good, but the first did not. I think in this case you concentrate on the popularity of the original ala Jurassic park, which suffered 2 atrocious sequels and the reboot was that well critically received, but tugged effectively on the nostalgia of the original and gave us new characters. A much better move.

I genuinely believe there is another GREAT GB movie to be made that can be relevant, funny political and different whilst servicing the nostalgia crowd. But sony took a very shallow and condescending approach to this movie. as a consequence audiences are "meh"

I'm a contradiction 


Fan of the first two movies - male (seems like that matters with bias here).

I am no way against women, I guess you would call me more of a feminist myself. I find it ridiculous that the movie is getting bashed because of it being an all-women cast, etc.

Took my 3 children (9, 10, and 14) with my mother to see the film this morning with medium hopes. I saw the reviews and thought that some cavemen have issues with women taking roles of previous male actors, I wanted to give it a chance. My mother and my two youngest enjoyed the movie, my oldest didn't care for it.

Paid for the iMax 3D, theater had about 12 people in it including my family. I was shocked to see so little people in an opening for a film at an iMax theater that has always been packed every time I went. At that point I was concerned but glad I wouldn't have to worry about someone beside me annoying me. Wished that I paid for the non-iMax 3D instead and saved myself some money.

Personally, I didn't enjoy the movie at all. It was probably the first movie I've seen that I felt like walking out of. Instead I stayed so I wouldn't ruin the experience for my family. I found myself looking at my watch hoping for it to end soon and wondering how long it was going to take before something would have been said or done that would make me chuckle just the tiniest bit. I struggled from falling asleep an hour and a half into it.

I didn't laugh at all until the credits, the humor was that bad. Some of the jokes at the beginning of the movie weren't appropriate for my kids - but that's what I get for taking kids under 13 to a PG-13 movie. The jokes were really forced in my opinion.

The 3D I thought was top-notch, I really enjoyed it and didn't see any issue with the CGI.

What really disappointed me was the Ecto-1, for some reason seeing it and hearing it hit home with my childhood. It looked plain and just wasn't the same without the original siren. Honestly looked like they put zero effort into it's creation, it was generic looking.

The movie didn't have the same vibe as the first Ghostbusters. The music didn't enlighten you, the characters seemed awkward and to me didn't really have a great chemistry together. The strong emphasis on the new technology seemed like they were using it to distract from a how bad the movie was. As sad as it was, Chris Hemsworth dim-witted character was the most entertaining of the lot. McCarthy's performance was on par with what she's done in the past, but she didn't seem to fit in at all. McKinnin seemed to be eye-screwing you the entire time the camera focused on her.

The cameos felt weird...seeing most of the main cast, cast in roles not meant as Ghost Busters was off-putting. Very odd use of cameos for such a classic franchise.

This is something you'd want to wait to rent or wait to see on TV, you are not missing out on anything special. I tried to enjoy it, but the movie was seriously lacking. Disappointing; I think they could have done something great - the writing fell flat.

If your kids are the reason you want to see it, try to see it in 3D and opt for the cheaper theater instead of iMax - save yourself some money because there will be plenty of seats available. I would give this a 4/10 personally, and that's only because my kids seemed to like it. Rewatch the original or the second with your kids, they'd enjoy it much more. Hope this is helpful.


Went in thinking it would be better than I thought (knowing Feig's style) but it was bad. Mainly 'cuz Feig can't direct a real movie.


It was alright. Not great, but not as terrible as it's rated. I just didn't find it as funny as the originals.


My brothers and I enjoyed it. It's what it is. A light-hearted popcorn comedy film with a couple of fun-spooky moments.


No, it's a decent film but oddly enough most of the worst parts of the film are in the trailers. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of cringy moments in the movie beyond the trailer but that doesn't mean it's all bad. I thought that Kirsten Wiig and Melissa McCarthy had pretty nice comedic chemistry going in the film and the Leslie Jones character of Patty (surprisingly) wasn't awful either, but her worst moments were definitely in the trailers. Heck, the "race or lady thing" joke doesn't even make sense in the context of the film. And the Chris Hemsworth character looked like he was going to be horrendous but he ended up providing a good chunk of the laughs in every scene he was in.

The biggest negative in the film is the Kate McKinnon character who I feel stuck out like a sore thumb and was all over the place in her performance, and I honestly don't even know what kind of character she was trying to portray. It seemed like the Holtzman character was a poor excuse for stupid looking faces and desperate attempts at humor through off putting gesticulation and mannerisms. I didn't get anything from the character other than the fact that she was supposed to be weird and eccentric and nothing more, it was extremely lame. A few of the other negatives came in the form of shoe horned cameos that only served to bring down the pacing and kind of just appear and disappear with no other reason than to just be there.

I think viewers will also notice the movie has some horrible editing which stands out quite a bit and the transitions from scene to scene are extremely jarring. But all in all, the movie was dumb fun and while it's inferior to the original film it's not a bad movie. I'd say it's probably a good idea to wait until it's on Netflix or some other streaming service or to catch it at matinee pricing. Just be aware that this is a completely different brand of humor as compared to the original; the original was clever and quick witted but this film skews a little further down on the scale.
