This whole movie was cringe-worthy but my most cringe-worthy were all Samantha-based.
Samantha sitting in her office with her panties down.
Samantha acting like a cheap whore with the architect.
Samantha's walking around Abu Dabai in shorts then making a scene in the bazaar.
The only non Samantha scene I cringed at was at the wedding when Charlotte told Harry she "could use a little nosh." I cringed because that line was so clunky and was delivered so poorly that THAT was the moment I began to realize just how much this movie was going to suck.
Not really a cringe but I was distracted by Charlotte's botoxed forehead during the mothers moaning scene - her poor eyebrows tried to add expression to her face.
It's usually Miranda's table manners that make me cringe - mouth open chewing and gesturing with her cutlery, but didn'y notice it as much in this film.
OMG YES! I ALWAYS cringe when they zoom in on Miranda eating and they ALWAYS do! I mean come on! That is SO disgusting! It's just the WAY she eats....or maybe its her mouth....I dunno...gag...I thought I was the only one bothered by it...
She always sticks her tongue out really far anytime she puts something in her mouth, then open-mouth chews. It's bothered me for YEARS. Pay attention to how she eats her sandwich when meeting with Carrie in the first SATC movie. She's practically frenching it.
I've just seen the Liza Minelli dance/song routine at the gay wedding and I'm hoping that's the most cringe-worthy moment because it was BAD. So bad that I felt embarrassed watching it and had to look away.
I don't expect this movie to be any good but I'm watching it anyway.
Oh boy, I just saw the Samantha loud sex/dog sex scene and now I'm afraid to watch the rest of this thing.
edited to add: The plug for Suzanne Somers' book!!! How sad.
edited to add: The Harry/nanny wearing wet tank top and no bra scene.
edited to add: Samantha rubbing the stuff 'down there' in view of her receptionist. Ewww, gross.
edited to add: Two cringes in one this time. Miley Cyrus' cameo AND her and Samantha turning up in the same dress.
edited to add: "Consider this an interfrenchion"
edited to add: The Australian rugby players. As an Australian rugby fan I can tell you those guys are way too small to play that sport.
edited to add: Charlotte's camel toe and "Lawrence of my labia". Aiden just happening to be there in the market was pretty bad too.
edited to add: The crowd getting so into their I am Woman karaoke performance. About as lame as when the people surround and watch movie main characters when they hit the dancefloor.
edited to add: OMG another plug for Suzanne Somers' book!! And the women wearing the fancy dresses under their burkhas. Honestly...
edited to add: Finally the credits. Terrible movie. There were other things that made me cringe but those were the big ones.
* Miranda doing some sort of comedy routine at the wedding with Big finding it "hilarious". She reminded me of those "witty" news anchors that read jokes of the telepromter.
* Carrie ego-ing. I didn't really notice it so much in the series until I watched with a friend of mine and she said "Don't you find her irritating?". Then after a while I watched the first movie and then the second an my god is that woman an egocentric drama queen. She always gets herself tangled in drama and then she screams for the girls to drag her out of it.
The most annoying thing was when she was arguing with Big, and punctuating sentences with alot of pauses and over-doing's. In this one she did it so much. Acting skills, SJP?
There were way too many cringe-inducing moments, but one stands out the most: How is it that these women are supposed to be evolved, worldly, etc. and yet they focus on the basic, stereotypical differences between people (in particular, recognizing those Jewish or gay or working mothers or not working mothers or Arab or older or younger) and comment accordingly?
Then, there's The Camel Toe, The Hookah Boner, the Sex on the Car scene, the clothes (in general), and the fact that SJP looked like Barbra Streisand.
I think a shorter list would be the things about the movie that I did like:
-The scene with Charlotte and Miranda talking about being mothers at the bar. The toast to women who do it without help was about as subtle as a banal instance of "white guilt," but all in all, I thought it was a well done scene.
-Kim Cattrall. My jury's still out on how I feel about the evolution of Samantha's character, but there were definitely some clunky moments. She works with everything she is given and elevates the material. Sarah Jessica Parker, who is usually brilliant, sucked in this movie. She phoned it in, and I did not buy her for a moment. She was a Carrie caricature, or a "Carrie-couture" which is probably what they would say in this craptastic movie...
Which brings me to the puns. The jude Law. Erin Go Bra-Less. Who the hell wrote this $hit?
I liked the inclusion of Carrie's old apartment and the Dior dress, and when Big picks her up in the limo. That was a classy touch.
Anthony's brother is HOT as hell.
I liked Miranda in this one. She wasn't given a real arc but I enjoyed her cheesy tourist antics.
I think a shorter list would be the things about the movie that I did like:
-The scene with Charlotte and Miranda talking about being mothers at the bar. The toast to women who do it without help was about as subtle as a banal instance of "white guilt," but all in all, I thought it was a well done scene. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I did,too. Kristin Davis as Charlotte:"I CAN'T give up the NANNY".
--------Kim Cattrall. My jury's still out on how I feel about the evolution of Samantha's character, but there were definitely some clunky moments. She works with everything she is given and elevates the material.
Kim was the best!
-------------- Which brings me to the puns. The jude Law. Erin Go Bra-Less. Who the hell wrote this $hit? ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Samantha calling that guy 'Lawrence of My Labia'.
-When Carrie ran into the hotel screaming 'I kissed Aidan! I played with fire! I have to tell Big!' Grow up, Carrie. You didn't shag the guy. Why risk ruining your marriage just to ease your own conscience?
-When Samantha went on after the other girls had finished to sing 'I am a woooommmmaaaann! I'm at that taaabbbbllle!' to the guy she was after.
-Samantha having the wild sex at both times in the movie. She looks fab for her age and I love the character and the actress, but no one wants to see that. It was bad enough in the show.
-Charlotte falling off the camel. It was supposed to be funny or something. It wasn't.
I think you all have named all of mine, but I didn't see this one mentioned...
Carrie putting on eyeliner before meeting Aiden. First of all, she looked hideous. I say this as someone who has always found SJP sexy and cute in a quirky way. She looked AWFUL in that scene, and the eyeliner just enhanced how badly she's aging. Second, that crap was beyond lame. One bad book review and she morphs into Dark Phoenix Carrie who wears the smokey eye look and kisses other men? LAME.
I have to agree with you on the eyeliner scene. It was not flattering to SJP at all. I realize they were going for a dark, sexy, smoky Carrie, but it just didn't come off as such.