MovieChat Forums > The World's End (2013) Discussion > 'This is the End' has a higher rating......

'This is the End' has a higher rating... americans.

The World's End was refreshing, hilarious, deep, smart, dynamic and touching at the same time.

How the hell that stupid, pointless movie about idiot celebrities is better than this movie?
Pineapple Express was funny, but This is the End is not even close to it.

I also noticed a pretty big difference in age demographics comparing these movies. Maybe this explains everything.


Aight, aight, how about I just end this and say that AMERICANS are a bunch of MORONS! Point made... oh wait, one more thing... BRITISH people are a bunch of MORONS! Point made... All you guys here are claiming one side or the other, or both. I say you are ALL MORONS! I win.

My nationality? I am actually an aline who is here to outsmart you and take control of the world, so suck it!

Hahaha... but yeah... you're all so antsy...

PS. I HATE Lord of the Rings, can't stand them, but guess what? They're great movies, I might not like them, but that doesn't meant they aren't great, or that Donnie Darko is much better than them, just because it's my favorite... so again, suck it!



Anyone who says "aight, aight" has no business calling anyone a moron.
And that's not even mentioning the inability to spell "alien".


Yeah, screw you dude, calling people morons! You don't even know how to spell! Burn him! You darn satyr...

My, my... people's inability to comprehend... darn sheep...


<<My nationality? I am actually an aline>>

From your post, I infer you meant to say 'I am actually an Asinine'

as·i·nine (s-nn)
1. Utterly stupid or silly: asinine behavior.
2. Of, relating to, or resembling an ass.
[Latin asinnus, of an ass, from asinus, ass.]


Burnnnnn, pwned noob! Take that from the horse himself. Darn dem horses be so witty!


Why would someone call themselves 'Asinine'? Clearly, the 'n' and 'e' in 'Alien' was mixed up, the insult you are attempting is simply not there.

Believe me, nothing is trivial. - Eric Draven, The Crow.


It's funny how so many British people have this chip on their shoulder about how stupid and inferior they think Americans are, and how desperate they are to make this point. I have never seen an American go on the Internet and say, "Typical Brits, what a bunch of *beep* morons with bad teeth and worse food."



I have also never seen an American (in an actual conversation on a message board and not just a Facebook post or something) talk about how great America is without it being a rebuttal against something like what the OP said.

The quote is "bad food, worse weather", but nice try though.



You've clearly never been on the IMDB politics board.


I would definitely rate This is the End higher than The Worlds End.

I'm not an american, though, so why don't you just say that you think people who disagree with you are dumb, and spare us all of your sad and smallish views, you sad little excuse for a movie critic?

I enjoyed Hot Fuzz immensely.
It built up tension, and had great timing in its narrative flow, allowing the wild developments to come across as high comedy.

I just didn't find this particular comedy to be all that amusing. Or deep, for that matter. TitE and Hot Fuzz weren't deep either, but more fun. They both made me laugh out loud. Almost as much as when watching forgotten scenes by Monty Python. In large part due to timing and dramaturgical framework, which was just poorly executed, here.

Btw, if by 'deep' you mean that the jokes in this movie were a bit subtle in their punning, that is not deep, just subtle. Sadly, the subtly inlaid pop social commentary in the jokes here didn't make it much fun either.
Frankly, I found it all a bit depressing, between the often weak and poorly timed humour and the suggestions of sad and empty lives as underlying structure. Not what I'm looking for in a comedy, and not something that works in producings laughs, for me.

If you really felt this movie had depth, don't worry, that probably just means you are too superficial to realize much of anything on your own accord about the people and fates all around you in our western societies.
As your stereotypical downputting of americans would also suggest.

But I agree that sticking it to someone acting really stupid (like you) can feel nice. I'd suggest you focus on whether they deserve it, though.
Have a nice day.


So you're calling this person superficial and stupid, while you admit liking a movie where Jonah Hill is raped by a demon and Danny McBride has sex with Channing Tatum. Your tastes are so worldly and advanced.

More tea? What do you think the new fall fashions from Milan will be like?

Shaka Da Gnu


I most certainly do.

I take it your finer tastes were particularly offended by the suggestion of violent sex between males?
I don't know if you were too busy throwing up in your delicate (but undoubtedly: very very manly) china to notice (thanks for offering, but no thanks by the way), but this was a supposed version of hell on earth. That might include suggestions of something outside your (absolutely non-homofobic, I'm sure) comfort zone. I didn't think either of those elements were particularly central or funny. But both did hold true to the established narrative, and were as such fairly appropriate to the storytelling, and suspension of disbelief.

And no, I do not think as you, or the OP.
I don't think I'm better or worse off, for finding one comedy more funny than another. But I absolutely do think him a stupid bigot, and your own particular and repetitive outrage at This is the End to be highly suggestive of your own frame of mind.

As I'm guessing that you cannot bear to even contemplate the issues you convey as distasteful, I'll just make an abstract and nonoffensive human point here, that you seem to have blocked out since you came to sexual maturity:
You might need to loosen up a little, about the concept of some men preferring gay sex. Take note that both Danny McBride and Channing Tatum were portrayed as enjoying their relationship roles immensely, sado-masochistically twisted as that might be.
I'm not saying that you should like what their characters like, just that you apparently need to chillax a bit about it, for the sake of your own wellbeing.



What is my outrage about This is the End? You're acting like it's some groundbreaking, high brow comedy while downplaying World's End as shallow. How ignorant is that?

Also, you're calling me homophobic because I referenced two examples of bad comedy in their movie? It's terrible freaking writing. How easy is it to get cheap laughs out of stupid frat boys by just making things overtly gay? If anything that's homophobic of Rogen and Goldberg. Hell on Earth is apparently people having gay sex.

I couldn't give a s*** where people stick their sexual organs, and I'm not going to list examples of tolerance because it won't matter to anybody anyway. You need to grow up.

Shaka Da Gnu


But I don't think This is the End was groundbreaking at all.
Quite the opposite- the point is: it didn't need to be.
To be funny, or to tell its story pretty well.
Which it was, and which it did, in my oppinion.
It was a comedy playing moderately creatively with well-established horror tropes. And executed very nicely, I thought.

Nor did I think or suggest World's End as shallow.
I just didn't find it particularly deep. Or funny.
That's whatI wrote. And that's what I meant.
I found it incoherent. And poorly executed as a comedy, imo.
And as such, quite a disappointment coming from a team that can do better.

I think your perception and interpretation about the gay events in TitE is wacked completely out of proportion.
There were just two notable occurrences of sexual gay relations being suggested and in focus. Altogether, they took up maybe one minute, tops, combined.

One was supposedly about two people having fun with their gayness, now that all rules were off. Pretty harmless and mostly kind of cute, I thought.
The hellspawn twist to it was the sado-masochistic enthusiasm they shared as framework for their relation. Which was incidentally fairly amusing to get sprung in your face for the roughly 30 seconds the presentation lasted. Not uproarously funny, no. But amusing nonetheless.

The other was about a demon coming to possess a guy. With or without a physical act to it, such an event is always about rape, basically. It is not supposed to be particularly funny, but rather unpleasant, to take its appropriate place in a given story. Since most people don't like the idea of losing their identity to an invading personality. Hence, I think it did exactly what it was supposed to. Jonahs state of possession was supposed to be as scary as it was funny, with the guys being as douchy about it and as unprepared for it as ever- running around in panicy circles and cooperating very poorly. That part of it I did find uproarously funny, by the way. But it wouldn't have worked as well without proper buildup, with the audience going "Oh, crap!"

And as for Rogen and Goldberg possibly being homophobes, I suppose your guess is as good as mine. But I don't think so. The whole team were playing a bunch of endearingly insufferable douches (take the Emma Stone encounter for easy reference) which was a huge part of the humour. Again: there was nothing profound or high brow about it. It was just a solid and well delivered comedy with a very simple premise: A bunch of (mostly) wellmeaning douches encounters the end of the world, and are all horribly immature and unready for it.
If anything, they were making fun of their own actual ineptitude and immaturity.

But by all means. Feel free to disagree.
If you can even formulate an argument, that would be positively interesting.
I'm guessing you aren't up for it, though. And that's alright too, kiddo.


"If you really felt this movie had depth, don't worry, that probably just means you are too superficial to realize much of anything on your own accord about the people and fates all around you in our western societies.

I just didn't find this particular comedy to be all that amusing. Or deep, for that matter."

You said the movie is not deep, which means it's shallow. You called the person you were replying to superficial. So you crapped on World's End for being shallow, while admitting This is the End wasn't deep but it was okay for that movie. I don't understand the weird double standard.

Please, try harder to bait me into something by calling me a homophobe and kiddo.

Shaka Da Gnu


I'm not trying to bait you.
I was trying to establish an intelligent dialogue.
Never mind.

"You said the movie is not deep, which means it's shallow. "

2 times wrong. I said:
"I just didn't find this particular comedy to be all that amusing. Or deep, for that matter."

And since I didn't call it shallow, I didn't crap on it for being shallow, either.
If I 'crapped on it' it was by saying that it did not amuse me very much.

I may have called the OP superficial. I think he is that, and a stupid bigot.
I also think you an idiot AND a homophobe in denial, by now.
But thanks for sharing the full extent of you intelligence, here.


Nah, piss on it. I don't even care.


Why does everything has to come down to nationality. I know British people who love Star Trek and Americans who love Dr Who. Hell there French people who love Jack Chan movies.


Everyone loves Jackie Chan movies, lol


Come on everyone, leave these tossers to their hate filled rants and let's boo boo.



I hate to say it but "This is the End" was better. "The Worlds End" wasn't funny. I'm tired of the Appatow crew and absolutely loved "Hot Fuzz" and "Shaun of the Dead." I was shocked at how unfunny "The Worlds End" was and I was surprised that I enjoyed "This is the End."


If you paid attention to the ratings the worlds end's rating got higher after it hit american box offices.
