MovieChat Forums > Moneyball (2011) Discussion > Movies With no Romantic Angle... No Sex

Movies With no Romantic Angle... No Sex

At some point someone decided that no movie can succeed without a romantic angle. And all songs must be about love.

It is now just taken as gospel. Personally, I feel that movies would do better exploring other types of love including parent/child - a little here - and sibling love etc.

But kudo's here, I can't even think of another movie in recent memory without a romantic angle.


I agree. End of post.

S you in your A's Don't wear a C and J all over your B's


I thought it was interesting how Robin Wright got a high billing. She's essentially invisible, and I confess I didn't realize she was in this movie until I saw the end credits.

That's how little and man-woman relationship was focused on in this film.

The Beane-Hatteberg relationship was much more complex and focused on.

Objects under T-shirt are larger than they appear!


It's the critics that did it, they always complain about the lack of "heart" in films. Even though most movies could do without it since it usually just takes screen time away from the main story.


you bring up a good point. I'm having trouble remembering the title for the example I'm thinking of, but I heard a director talk about adding a couple of romance scenes to his movie because the production studio demanded it. The director was told that there has to be some romantic tension, and it really didn't fit in the movie at all. So at least some of these films have that romantic angle awkwardly planted by the money guys.

There are good movies that have no romance in them, but they're not made by Hollywood.


A lot of movies don't have that, like the Shawshank Redemption.. unless you count the 'shower' scenes or laundry room or wherever they would rape the inmates.



Carpenters: The Thing.

No women in the film.


A Few Good Men

Crimson Tide

12 Angry Men

Sometimes when you want the devil, you have to go to hell and get him!


I don't know if someone already said this but Cool Hand Luke comes to mind. Also Rounders. I mean, there's a hint of a romantic relationship in Rounders but its extinguished pretty quickly and I think the movie benefits a great deal from it.
