MovieChat Forums > Moneyball (2011) Discussion > Movies With no Romantic Angle... No Sex

Movies With no Romantic Angle... No Sex

At some point someone decided that no movie can succeed without a romantic angle. And all songs must be about love.

It is now just taken as gospel. Personally, I feel that movies would do better exploring other types of love including parent/child - a little here - and sibling love etc.

But kudo's here, I can't even think of another movie in recent memory without a romantic angle.


A Most Wanted Man, also with PSH, has no romance or sex angle.


Live and learn. At least we lived.


2001 A Space Odyssey


I really like this movie - a lot (I'm tired of saying I LOVE a movie, especially in this discussion.)

The only think I don't like about this movie is the father-daughter angle. That daughter and her syrupy twangy song are so sticky icky boring - and it's such a blatant appeal to see Billy as a smooshy loving papa! The movie doesn't need this. It's a sign of insecurity on the part of the writers to insert those scenes that show the sweet sweet side of the main character.

I kind of feel the same way any time I read about Pitt or Jolie in the press. So I bring a bias to the discussion. So be it. I still can fast forward through this stuff, right?
