Female Lead
Enough already.
Why did they have to make the lead a teenage girl?
Seeing an actual Commache warrior face off with the Pred would've been badass.
Tired of woke shit. This is going to be terrible.
Enough already.
Why did they have to make the lead a teenage girl?
Seeing an actual Commache warrior face off with the Pred would've been badass.
Tired of woke shit. This is going to be terrible.
shareIts going to a terrible movie and its going to lose money.
shareI'm not angry, just tired of bad movies especially when they could be good.
Most people agree with me which is why this will bomb hard.
You're the one yelling.
Female leads aren't bad when its appropriate.
There were no female Commache warriors, especially ones who are practically teenagers. Its forced and its stupid.
You are going to be run by your emotions your whole life. You're never going to develop any kind of maturity. You're never going to be able to handle conflict.
You're just going to yell or hold CAPS LOCK whenever something bothers you.
And most people are going to agree with me, not you. This movie is going to bomb hard.
shareHes trolling you Fredo. Let it go.
shareHere's an idea dummy...................don't go see it.
you seem insecure in your masculinity. It's a common trait among the gay community. no Judgement.
Is that really a fair response? A lot of people are disappointed and upset by the never-ending barrage of wokeness and politics from Hollywood. Is it unreasonable for them to voice their opinion?
I don't know what you believe in, but imagine the only films being made were jam-packed with propaganda for the opposite of your beliefs. Would you decide to give up on movies and find other things to do with your time, or would you voice your opinion that you'd like to see some films made that put plot, story, characters, and realism ahead of political messages?
but imagine the only films being made were jam-packed with propaganda for the opposite of your beliefs.
No, I don't mean that at all.
shareThen what do you mean?
Seriously? Is there a switch here where white males are villains a little more often? Yeah. Imagine being an actor of Middle Eastern descent after 9/11. They were terrorists in every single tv show or movie for years.
In 2015 (only 7 years ago) women only made up 33% of speaking roles in Hollywood films.
I could go on about racial stereotypes and queer coding, but I think you get the point. You ask if it's unreasonable for them to voice their opinions? I say no, and many of these people did and are finally being heard. Do white men get to voice their opinions. Sure they can, sure they do. Now they know what it feels like.
I don't get the point at all. It seems to me you've shifted the conversation to something else entirely, perhaps (hopefully?) unintentionally.
The outrage that I see when it comes to films like Prey, and literally dozens of other films and TV shows, has nothing to do with casting women or non-white males in lead roles. It's that studios are forcing a fantasy upon viewers, and demanding that they not only accept it, but pretend to like it, with the warning: “speak out against it and risk being canceled.”
When it comes to film, there is something called suspension of disbelief. We accept that in the world being depicted on film wizards are real, or dinosaurs roam the earth, or predators from space come to earth to hunt. We’re given a premise, and we accept it, but the rest of the film must remain grounded in reality.
Thats the problem with “Prey.” There were no "skilled female Comanche warriors” back in the day, yet filmmakers are intent upon forcing the notion that women can fight just as well as men down our throats, so every action film must now feature a woman beating people, or aliens, up. That isn’t reality. Women simply aren’t as strong as men. Look to sports if you don’t believe this to be true. Did you see what happened when the U.S. women’s soccer team, the reigning World Cup champion, played an under-15 boys club team from Dallas? The little boys trounced them 5-2. What do you think would happen if the top female boxer fought the top male boxer?
I hear no one complaining about seeing women, or non-white men, in film. The only complaints I hear are from people who want REALISM.
It’s fine to make films that offer a fantasy version of the world— what if a woman really were strong enough to battle a Predator?— but when that’s all we get, and it’s presented as if it were not fantasy but the norm, you’re going to have a lot of vocally disappointed film fans.
What is the fantasy?
Also where do you get that there were no female Comanche Warriors? I've read several things that state that women fought along side the men, and that the women were in charge of the torture.
Comanche valued modesty: When warriors went into battle, they went in pairs because one could return and report for one who may not. A warrior never “bragged” on his or her own brave deeds.
The truth about the history of warfare is that women have always participated as warriors in defending their children, their families, their tribes, their nation. But the writers of history—nearly always men—throughout the ages have fallen abysmally short of giving women due credit for their part in warfare.
No one is watching for realism in terms of the existence of actual predators from space, but the film around it should make sense. If the Predator is able to track his prey with heat vision, and fire accurately with his computerized aiming system, but suddenly in the final battle can't seem to locate anyone, and keeps missing when he does, the film falls apart. That's the balance between suspension of disbelief and believability I brought up before.
shareAnd what does any of that have to do with a female Comanche warrior?
I mean you say that there were never any female warriors. I work at a history museum, and while the exhibits aren't in my area I have been to our Indigenous Peoples' Experience, and I've spoken to some of the Elders in my area. While the Comanche were not a tribe in my area, other tribes did have women fight as well. Not all the time, but it wasn't set in stone that they couldn't.
Guess what? There were also black fur traders. So if we had a movie about them I bet there would be screams of "WOKISM" as well.
For starters, if there were female Comanche warriors, it doesn't change anything. The outrage is not about the presence of a female warrior, it's being forced yet again to see a female overpower a stronger enemy.
Your black fur traders example is nonsense. A better example would be if a film were made that takes place in 1820 Georgia in which we see a black run plantation with white slaves. Unless the film is one in which that is an accepted fact, i.e. some kind of alternate timeline, it would make no sense. A film in which black fur traders trade fur is just a film with some black fur traders trading fur. No one will care.
The fact that you have to make such ridiculous examples tells me you can't address the main issue: people are getting tired of nearly every film shoving politics down their throats, and sacrificing quality in order to do so.
The outrage is not about the presence of a female warrior, it's being forced yet again to see a female overpower a stronger enemy.
So you can't be a leftist democrat if you're white skinned?
You have mentioned politics. It's implicit in this discussion. Hollywood has a political narrative they are pushing, and that is the crux of this entire conversation.
It isn't about females on screen, or females in lead roles, or even a female playing a skilled fighter. Nearly no one that I'm aware of is upset by the presence of female, or black, or any non-white-males in film. It's the manner in which they are presented that is the problem.
If a movie is made about fur traders, and some of the traders are black, I don't think anyone will bat an eye. It's when EVERY movie about every topic set in every era puts diversity in casting above all else that people become unhappy.
I should add that I'm not particularly upset by any of this, and I'm willing to suspend my disbelief more than most. I'm trying to point out the reality of what I hear from one side of this discussion, as you seem to be misrepresenting their opinions.
Nearly no one that I'm aware of is upset by the presence of female, or black, or any non-white-males in film. It's the manner in which they are presented that is the problem.
If a movie is made about fur traders, and some of the traders are black, I don't think anyone will bat an eye
It's when EVERY movie about every topic set in every era puts diversity in casting above all else that people become unhappy.
It isn't about females on screen, or females in lead roles, or even a female playing a skilled fighter. Nearly no one that I'm aware of is upset by the presence of female, or black, or any non-white-males in film. It's the manner in which they are presented that is the problem.
If this were a Rocky movie and they put a small female boxer in the ring with a seasoned heavy weight champion, I'd agree with you 100%. This is a fantasy/sci fi/action movie with aliens. I mean really no one should have ever been able to best them, and yet they did.
shareWhat about this stupid money argument? Is it YOUR money?
shareYou are correct, its stupid on many levels. There were no female Comanche warriors. Much to the dismay of all woketards native Americans had a very traditional and classical view of male and female roles.
shareI absolutely LOVE when stupid people loudly bray falsehoods. Way to emphasize how little you know about what you're complaining about:
You can go, now. Next time you're triggered by something completely innocuous, here's a protip: keep your mouth shut.
No. . .Really. Back away from the keyboard. You're an idiot.
not to come between you and bliss but specifically he mentioned Comanche women, and he is correct.
Not to come between you and the facts, but here's what he said:
"Much to the dismay of all woketards native Americans had a very traditional and classical view of male and female roles."
Which is categorically untrue, as the article I linked explains.
Where was I non-factual?
shareThe fact of the matter is that, although he did specifically mention Comanches, he then amplified his stupidity to include "native Americans," and attributed "dismay" to "woketards." There is So Much wrong with all of that that it's surprising I need to keep pointing it out.
shareI think he was fairly correct. Unless you can find something that suggests women were the primary warriors for native americans, and considering who we're talking bout you never know, I feel safe saying that the men did the majority of the fighting and the women gathered and cooked. I think you showed worse in your response.
Proven wrong and now moving the goal posts. Typical ignorant ego-driven fool who can't accept when they're wrong.
shareThanks for sharing that link. Very interesting.
shareSo it's a movie about invisible aliens with shoulder cannons, but it's a female lead that trips you people up. lol
shareNo, it is about a story that spans nearly 40 years has a certain canon. In the first movie it took a Schwarzenegger with explosives to barely take it out and now we are expected to accept a teenage girl with a bow and arrow to do the same. Hopefully, they will do something different and interesting with the story.
shareHonestly, I don't expect any type of person to be able to take out the predator with a bow and arrow.
People are caught up with the teenage girl bit. I find it hard to believe this movie will be done convincingly at all unless the Predator explicitly downgrades their capabilities to make it even.
So it wouldn't matter if the lead was male either.
shareWhat kind of argument is that? lol
shareEnough already.
Why did they have to make the lead a teenage girl?
Seeing an actual Commache warrior face off with the Pred would've been badass.
Tired of woke shit. This is going to be terrible.
If you're portraying Comanche culture as the opposite of tradition that's RACIST! I hope the Comanche band protests.
Why is there a black guy in the cast? The only non-natives they encountered 300 years ago were Spanish.
If you're portraying Comanche culture as the opposite of tradition that's RACIST! I hope the Comanche band protests. Why is there a black guy in the cast? The only non-natives they encountered 300 years ago were Spanish.
the female not sticking to gender norms is not abnormal, its shit we've seen in Disney films 80 years ago. and now they act like its some new woke nonsense
shareTough real talk! Radical, bro! Truly radical! Finally someone whined, uh, raged about the Big W boogeyman/woman that upsets all reich pillers! It’s…. yawn.
Enough already? Well, I’m very happy to break it to you: CLEARLY wokey dokey (Reich wing-triggering) Hollywood and society aren’t listening to you woke-obsessed broflake chudbabies!
That’s right, all the icky pro-female and pro-inclusion WoKE AgEnDa folks that yer “tough” and “edgy” broflakes constantly have meltdowns over will only get worse and worse for you, chuds. The “good ol’ days” everyone like you is trying desperately to bring back? Good riddance! They ain’t coming back, and certainly not in woke boogeyman/woman Hollywood.
What’s that? You keep getting triggered like all yer fellow brofllakes up in this woke boogeyman-obsessed Reich wing cesspool do? GOOD!
No need to tell you this, but keep doing your thing, reactionary-unfriendly Hollywood!
This movie is going to bomb.
shareI believe you forgot to refute the argument that it's kind of silly to think a teenage girl with a bow-and-and arrow is going to kill a predator. He's not wrong about that.
shareHe's absolutely wrong about that.
First of all, the assumption that "a teenage girl with a bow-and-arrow" kills a predator is whiny nonsense. Secondly, what the neckbeards are really complaining about is the (in their minds) unrealistic idea that a woman could succeed in Any Given Violent Fantasy Scenario. Which is, of course, ridiculous.
To amplify: EVERY Predator movie has been about an alien race with absurdly better weaponry hunting us. The idiots triggered by the fact that these particular odds are skewed are ignoring that. Period.
A useful basketball analogy: what Scalabrine quoted, when a random person challenged him to a one-on one: "I'm a LOT closer to Lebron James than you are to me." In this case, the skill gap is flipped. . .but the point is the same.
I guess we'll see how it goes.
But as far as I can tell, the only way the Predator loses is if the entire tribe comes out to help defeat it or if the Predator willingly divests itself of its armor and weapons (similarly to how the Predator removed its mask for Arnold).
Well, tbh I don't mind that it will have a female lead.
But anyway it WILL be a shitty movie and a failure ...
I honestly don't care about a female lead, and I can't stand wokeness. I just want the Predator to be ruthless and maybe escape at the end of the movie, and it would tie in nicely many years in the future for another Predator to return in 1987. That would be great.
shareEnough of what? Women leads in movies?