MovieChat Forums > Yes Man (2008) Discussion > AGE DIFFERENCE-- hello?!!?

AGE DIFFERENCE-- hello?!!?

ANyone else find it bizarre to see Zooey playing opposite Jim? I mean he's like 25 years older than her! She should have been dating Jim Carrey's young friend. Why did they cast him as if he was 30? Totally bizarre.




Not really. Love transcends all age barriers and that. Y'know, as long as it's legal and what-have-you.

Who busts the Crimebusters?


shes like 35


I thought it was weird also. Especially in the scene in the barn it looked like Jim was hugging his daughter rather than a love interest. He is showing his age and she looked like she was in her early 20's. They should of cast someone that at least looked closer to his age or put some more makeup on him.

Awesome Sauce!


These conversations are always delusional. In real life Jim could get virtually any woman from 3 years old and up, through his 10th decade. A bank executive like in the movie would be OK through his 50s. I'll agree that younger male talent should be given a chance, but if you think you can put an old woman on the screen you need a reality-check. Sorry, but by 10 years after puberty you are no longer a "love interest" to anyone other than the sickest of perverts...or your husband, so find a man young and stay with the one person who can still see what you once were.

If it's too late for you, stop being bitter and be happy that that part of your life is over. Spend your time well and prepare for death.


cmon! It is fictional. Carrey looks like 38 or 39 and she is supposed to be about 28 or 29. It totally worked out in the film. There was a chemistry between them.


It's only a movie. repeat after me: It's ONLY a MOVIE!

Enrique Sanchez


Man, you MUST be a young person! Why did they cast Jim Carey??!! Because he is Jim Carey! Just be glad it wasn't DREW CAREY! LOL


Actually 18 but who's counting?

Seriously the older you get the less that matters...
