MovieChat Forums > Up (2009) Discussion > Why is this ranked so high?

Why is this ranked so high?

OK, not trolling, but just watched this film and then check here to see it has an 8.3 rating. I thought is was boring and the story was not very interesting. My 5 year old lasted for about 40 minutes, and she usually watches movies all the way through. Had heard good things, but not really sure what they are. Was average at best. Started slowly with the whole becoming elderly and alone and then the kid showed up and then it really dragged. I thought the only interesting thing was the talking dogs, where most posters seem to find that ridiculous. Of all the things in here, that was the only part I'd say I liked.

Would have been better if Carl helped clear Muntz's name and they go back together, triumphantally, with the kid, the house, the bird, and Muntz. Forget Muntz is about 125 years old. Would have left a nice plot story for a sequal, where the kid grows up and continues the explorer ways established inspired by Muntz.

I enjoy most Pixar films, but this won't be watched again by me anyway.


I don't get it either. The story was filled with cliches, the characters flat and uninteresting, the jokes flat, etc. Really boring.


Wow, the alternative plot line you layer out is so incredibly drab. You clearly do not understand the basic underlying structures that make up the plot of EVERY MOVIE.

This movie touches on a lot of universal topics: love, the passage of time and the healing of old wounds. As per usual with Pixar it covers a lot of heavy and mature themes in a way that is appropriate for kids and balances it with enough levity that you don't leave the movie feeling depressed.


"Why is this ranked so high?"

There are many reasons, including the humor of the dog ("Squirrel!"), the sense of adventure and the action. But I'd say that the main reasons are the heart of the story and the two main characters. They are vulnerable (one an old man and the other a naive boy), not your typical action-adventure movie heroes.

I guess not all movies will appeal to all people, but I'm surprised to read that a Pixar fan would not be moved by this movie, especially the opening sequence with Carl and Ellie.

The only minor quibble I have is that some of the chase scenes might be a little too intense for younger children, which is a consideration for an animated movie. The evil dog and Muntz could also be a tad too scary for younger viewers, although the characters work well for the story.


Kind of stupid question to ask, isn't it?
I mean, who can really know why it's ranked so high. Or why some books are rated higher than others.

I guess it's rated high because people enjoyed it and thought it was very good. As is the thing with other highly acclaimed films.


I thought the film was good when it started out with the whole couple getting old bit. That was what I think shined in this film, and if the rest of the plot focused more on finding a way to express that bit, (instead of conveniently later on) then I think the film would've been more enjoyable, and engaging.

I honestly didn't like the movie after the first forty minutes or so; it just became a predictable, unimaginative, cliched rehash of jokes, characters, and story.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."


Having asked this very question about other movies that are well regarded, I respect the question... but not the alternate story line. :D

I'd go so far as to say it should've won the Academy Award for Best Picture. It wasn't just the best 'animated' movie that year, it was the -best- movie that year.

It deserves to be judged as a -film- not as an 'animated' film.

1. The marriage flashback is the single best 'montage' in any movie I've ever seen.

2. It has at least half a dozen fully realized characters that I care about... that's about 4 more than most -good- movies have.

3. It choked me up. And I don't choke up. I could spend 1/2 hr analyzing the 'why' but that right there tells me something great is going on.

4. It's beautiful looking. Many animated movies these days are in that 'uncanny valley' of digital... they have so much 'detail' and yet leave me cold. The colours and lighting in 'Up' have all the beauty, but no more detail than is absoutely necessary to express. I liken a lot of the animation to great impressionistic art.

5. The score was really great. Too few movies these days have decent musical -themes- that stand on their own and augment the visuals.

6. It's one of the few movies I can think of that -everyone- (except you, evidently) like... from 5-95. Truly for all ages. The only other movie I can think of that's -really- universal like this: My Neighbor Totoro.


I'm also in the minority on this film though I don't consider it a bad film, just overhyped and overrated.

The Good:
I agree that the Married Life montage was well done (though I didn't cry like most have). It sets the mood of the story well.

The idea of a widow trying to fulfill his life goals is a one-of-kind premise for a Disney/Pixar to take. I appreciate the ideas and themes that Pixar was trying to accomplish here.

The Mix:
The film was meant to be least the whole adventure that happens in the film. In a way, though I think they could've gone much further with the surrealness if that was there intention because I could see how a world of talking dogs that fly planes and a giant bird that doesn't exist in real life could confuse some people.

Also the film was clearly meant for an older audience. There's stuff for the kids but they won't appreciate the film on the level that adults do, particularly the mood and pacing.

The Bad:
Some of the characters were pretty annoying. I've been wanting Carl to accomplish his mission while the stupid kid kept getting in the way of things and wanting to save the bird. Though I get that was the whole point of the movie, that sometimes things occur that are more important than accomplishing old goals.

I actually felt bad for the villain and I felt the way his story his written could've been handled better.



Nobody is right or wrong, different people just like different things.

I was really looking forward to this due to all the hype surrounding it when it was first released, but when I saw it, I was really disappointed. The first 15 minutes were good, then the rest of the movie was totally dull. I can't for the life of me fathom out what people think is so great about this movie, maybe the first 15 minutes is enough for most people to overlook the rest of the movie, maybe people force themselves to like it because all the hype told them they should, maybe people just have to be seen to "get it" and by some mental gymnastics somehow twist understanding into liking, whatever it is, I'll personally never understand and in this case I'm in the minority.

I find that generally my movie tastes follow that of the general populus. I come on here to rate a movie and nearly every time the rating I have in mind matches, or is close to, the average user rating the movie already has. However, every so often I see a movie that I think sucks bigtime and everyone else seems to like and this just happens to be one of these movies for me. The other big one that comes to mind for me is Blade Runner, I find it so boring I don't think I've ever made it to the end, but most people seem to love it.


It's a masterclass in movie making.

"I can't for the life of me fathom out what people think is so great about this movie"
And old angry guy (Since he lost he's wife) Goes on a unreal and giant advendture.
Metting he's childhood hero, fufilling he's wifes dieing wish. And on the journy finding new meaning in he's life...

All that is pretty much right in your face. And the fact that you would need other people to explain it. Is so much more harder to figure out. Than the damm movie..

I have movies that are reated high that I don't agree with.
But I can see what others might enjoy about it.

Am sure you understand why pepperoni pizza is the most sold pizza. Even if you don't like pepperoni..


Personally, I liked it because I think the love story between Carl and his late wife was sweet, and it was presented in a dignified manner.

However, everyone has different tastes, and your mileage may vary
