So...a cat dies in this movie, huh?
Sam Raimi is the only person who can pull that off.
Sam Raimi is the only person who can pull that off.
sharelet me guess you are about 14 years old.
shareAnimals in the wild have have rights it's just you are viewing it from a retarded human viewpoint.
In you're retarded view it would be ok for a super intelligent alien life form to enslave and eat humans as we would have the intelligent equivalent to a dog compared to them.
Each life is a life, having a conscience is an amazing benefit as a human IMHO. Knowing how to inflict less pain, even while serving death, to anything, I find impressive. So, harming animals for entertainment purposes I find contemptible. I also hate that just because an animal makes it out of the movie alive, that we can consider it unharmed. My cat is pretty flexible but I wouldn't want her to do her own stunts. She may not speak English, but an awkward meow or a squirm is a definite sign of her being uncomfortable and I doubt in her having actress ambitions. I'm pretty sensitive to dead animal scenes in film, but I won't take it out on the movie as long as the death was faked as well as any other human death scene. (Haven't seen this movie yet, just dropping two pennies.)
shareLions, tigers and BEARS! OH MY!
Politics, science, and crazy fanatics, should all realize this is a movie. It is for entertainment. If some people get a kick out of seeing people get tortured, along with animals, let them watch it.
I personally just think the whole serial killer thing is interesting.
Animals aren't innocent, and when I say animals, that also includes us. Haven't we all been so angry before that we wanted to kill someone? Oh well, This topic can go on for ages W00T just trying to keep it alive!
Correct, and oddly enough it is the only redeeming factor this movie has. I mean, watching a cat simmer on acid, then taking a leap of faith through a window only to be chopped in half? Priceless! Thats classic cinema right there :-)
Like the typical English sheep-shagger who was caught in Hampshire.
shareyou're a little rat.
shareWow, just wow...
First of all, movies where animals are given "human" characteristics are demeaning to the animals imo.
And the only reason we have courts, police or activists of almost any kind is simply because humans in general are retarded, destructive pests.
Anything is fine as long as it can help HUMANS? Yup, that's the way to go, and the way we are going, which will end up destroying us (hopefully before it's too late for the rest of the planet).
Now now, before you get all biblical on me for being fanatical "animal rights" people, I'll just tell you that I'm not. I don't have dreads, smoke weed or spray paint fur coats (what I imagine you picture said people to be like). I do however value animal lives higher than human lives (young children are about equal as animals), because humans have the "capacity" to do better but still in most cases act more retarded than the simplest of creatures.
On the other hand I'm a sociopath who's just too lazy to become a serial killer (what I wanted to be when I grew up, awww ;P) so maybe you'll not really value my opinion. But then again I get the feeling you don't very much value anyone's opinion other than your own.
I cant stand these animal loving dweebs who think animal lives are more important than human lives.
Look, the reason people feel sorry for animals getting killed is because they are the weakest among us, especially domestic pets. If you see a child getting butchered in a movie, it's a hell of a lot worse than watching an adult get killed. In many movies and tv shows killing a woman is sort of the same thing, especially a woman who is obviously weak and small in stature. This is all due to society's feelings towards smaller and cuter living things. You watch a tragic riot in an inner city and it just doesn't register in your mind the way it does when you watch one of those cute seals get clubbed in the Arctic. That's my take on it anyway. In reality, it's obvious whose life is more valuable, but on film, it's just different.
I don't really like animal deaths in movies, but I still really liked this movie. Probably because the human deaths were way better than the animal deaths. Human deaths are always entertaining (in horror movies).