MovieChat Forums > Interstellar (2014) Discussion > Can HATE transcend dimensions of time an...

Can HATE transcend dimensions of time and space?

If love can transcend time and space, why not hate?


Only love and empathy can do that.


Because hate just leads to suffering.


Hate leads to Republicans winning elections.


Hate will lead to a 1-party system in your country.


It's always a 1-party system - The Money Party


It is, isn't it? The usual 2 party system is really just the 2 factions of the same party.


WTF. Have you seen how the United States has been in a downward spiral since Biden took office? 37% approval rating going well?


Biden, Trump, what is difference other than identity politics? They just work for different factions of billionaires.


Correct, that's what they are actually paid to do - make rich people even richer.


Right? It is so obvious, rich people spent billions of dollars on these politicians, that is not charity, they didn't pay so much money so those politicians can work for the people.



Propaganda is a powerful weapon, that's how they manage to fool millions of people into voting against their own interest.


lol. it sounds like you are the one who's a victim of propaganda, if you'd say nonsense like that.


this is so true. TRUMP WON!!!


Okay Yoda


I want to give you credit so badly for somebody finally getting the reference, but I think somehow you missed the mark too lol


Depends what kind of love. Supernatural love, because it is supremely good, can include a hate for evil.


Now that sounds interesting.
I feel Stephen king is good at working story's like that


Yes. Hate isn't the opposite of love, indifference is.


I've seen this a lot, but I don't agree with it anymore.
IMHO, Love is +1 (positive energy), hate is -1 (negative energy) and indifference is 0 (no energy whatsoever).


Agreed. Indifference will not cause somebody to commit a hate crime.


Tell that to the people left alive in Gaza!


Nolan told us why a couple years earlier in Inception:

Cobb : No, 'cause I think positive emotion trumps negative emotion every time. We all yearn for reconciliation, for catharsis.


If history teaches us anything, hate is humans' most powerful and long-lived emotion.

Look at geopolitics, some countries hate other countries for centuries.

Look at religions, races...

Hate is the most powerful emotion in the world. Some people hate other people until death. Love is the most fragile and short-lived emotion. Look at the divorce rate and how many siblings fight for inheritance.


If history teach us anything, hate is the most powerful and long live emotion in human.

That is your opinion, hard to say if it is a fact.

Look at geopolitics, some countries hate other countries for centuries.

You are told to hate, you rationalise to hate, but in the end it is always about self interest, for the most part, it is greed.

The current hatred of Russia and Putin is largely because of Putin nationalised Russian oil, so we are told to hate him, we are told he is evil. People saying that without being paid mostly think they can gain something from his removal.

It is the same with China, we are told countless lies, all the rationalisation of hating China, we are told and implied it is in our best interests, but in the end it is always about some rich people's financial gains.

Look at religions, races...

What do you think religious wars were about? In the end it is always about the wealth and power of elites, religious or otherwise.

The race and gender issues in the end are about employment and education, etc. It is about opportunities, and self interest.

Have you ever seen a male feminist? I have, it was about lobbying for his wife's career opportunities.


How are those opinions when they are using stats about divorces rates and siting actual conflicts? Thinking love is strong is the opinion. Good lord. My hate for this movie transcends space and time.


Many people go through divorce primarily because they ARE in love! They met someone who wasn’t their spouse. If love wasn’t a factor then they would have no selfish desire to commit and be exclusive with their partner. Poor argument.

Regarding conflicts and wars and such:

There’s a popular expression… “A person is smart, but people are stupid.”

There’s this tribal mindset where what you call “hate” is compounded where you and your friends/colleagues are focused on a preconceived opposition. Democrats vs. Republicans. Catholics vs. Protestants. Muslims vs. Jews, etc.

The strength of the hate is in many ways bolstered by the strength and desire of love, acceptance, and belonging. Even suicide terrorists are reportedly longing for their heavenly rewards of love, paradise and virgins.

A man, cast away, stranded on an island is not going to be focused on who he hates for long. There is nothing to reinforce that emotion. Vladimir Putin could arrive on the island, and there would be a loving, grateful embrace as if he were a best friend.

This is why the ending of Interstellar with Coop striving to return to Brand is so powerful. We can already know and imagine the catharsis for both of them as they reunite on Wolf Edmunds’ planet. Why? Because they have no peers left on Earth—who’s generations moved on without them. This is their bond. In fact, they will soon, almost assuredly, be in love as the new civilizations’ Adam & Eve—transcending space, time and dimensions.

Pretty heavy-handed themes, so I’m surprised you missed it basking in your own negativity.


That is your opinion, hard to say if it is fact.

It's a fact, dust off your history books from schools... actually, we should not call them "History Books" but "Wars Records." Because almost all history is about wars.

That is why a wise man named Plato said: "Only the dead have seen the end of war." He said it almost 2500 years ago! It still rings true to this day: WW1&2, Iraq, Russia, and Africa.

What the causes of hate are irrelevant: greed, power, religion, race... The fact is: it's the most easy emotion to stir, the hardest to fade off. Do you know why? Because hate is the most powerful emotion, that is why history is written by endless hate.


This admittedly would have been a lot more punk rock


There is a connection with love. Hate is the antithesis of a connection.


Wrong. Hate cause more connection: people want to put fists, bullets, knives on other person.


Wrong.Those aren't connections. They are a manifestation of anger. Perhaps you are thinking of a physical connection, but based on the topic at hand, that doesn't accurately apply here.


It's the same thing, love make one want to has physical connection: hug or kiss. Hate is the same thing.


it's not
