MovieChat Forums > Theman

Theman (1240)


It was clear after just the first two episodes A talking donkey is simply not believable What do you think of recent Hollywood films? This is a total ripoff of an Alfred Hitchcock movie I am shocked by all the gratuitous nudity in this film Do you think it should be against the law I was listening to Catholic radio the other day Why do they blame Trump for January 6? I read that in an earlier draft Who do you think was greater? Shakespeare or Nostradamus? View all posts >


I guessed that he wasn’t shot but I didn’t guess he was shot later. Great movie. Original is very good too. His incompetence caused American soldiers to die. Two aircraft collided because the operation was so poorly run. One of the things you learn in Army basic is that the president is the commander in chief so he was ultimately responsible for Desert one. Lot’s of temples in Kyoto. When Jesus reveal himself people will come back. I say reveals himself and not returns because Jesus is already here but this is not covered in the mainstream press. Also, Simpsons was funny then as was SNL (I don’t watch these shows anymore.) Exotic cars looked better and video games were also better. I studied the Japanese language and I have been to Osaka and Kyoto, never Tokyo. In Tokyo they have Disney Sea which is different from the American parks. I am into Japanese video games so I went to a video game store and a bookstore that had Dragon Quest books. We went to some temples, too. But next year is only a day away. Not very much time before you can post again. Nothing gets by you, does it? You never know people still voted for Bill Clinton after he murdered those Waco kids. View all replies >