MovieChat Forums > The Princess and the Frog (2009) Discussion > It makes me sad that the Disney fandom h...

It makes me sad that the Disney fandom hates this movie

I don't understand all the hate. I thought it was a great story with great characters and great animation. I used to work at my local Disney store, and I used to hear all the time how this movie "wasn't Disney" and that Tiana was dull and boring.

Lights on or off? Kink or Vanilla? -Faith


I KNOW!!! In fact, every time I go on the Tangled boards or Frozen boards, I always see some kind of bitter hatred towards PatF. I kind of feel left out, because this is one of my Top 10 Disney films (animation wise).

[Formerly CosmosX9]


In fact, every time I go on the Tangled boards or Frozen boards, I always see some kind of bitter hatred towards PatF.
^^^ THIS.

I was literally just on the Frozen board and came here after I saw people hating on this movie. I needed to see other people appreciating this movie.


I know! I was literally going to ask on the Frozen board why people hate this movie so much! I loved it and think it's just as good as Frozen and Tangled. It has more of a classic Disney feel and a much better villain than both of those film's villains combined.


I'm still confused as to why this movie is hated.

All I remember is the controversy over the main character being black. Why do people need to make issues out of thin air? Not to mention people bitch up a storn that Disney is too white-washed....they get an ethically diverse film and it's still hated on and they still find something to bitch about? Whats the deal, seriously?

Forget about Tiana being black. WHO CARES????!!!!!!! She's a good character. End of. She's a down to Earth, capable, hard-working woman. Leave race out of it and stop reading into things that aren't there. The animation is GORGEOUS. The love story is well developed, the villain is the up there with the best, the music is strong and the side characters are all endearing.

Again, why is this disliked?


I actually liked this film better than Tangled lol. Perhaps it's the soundtrack? But anyways, I'd much rather watch this then Tangled lol. I do like Frozen though. I don't get the hate for this movie. It's so underrated!!


Personally I had no idea it was hated, now I know it is I'm quite dissapointed



The "hatred" of this movie has been highly exaggerated by it's fan base.

Exactly. I understand complaints about it being underrated or ignored but hated?

The only hatred I've seen was from SJWs attacking Disney over various imagined slights: Maddy being a "slave name", the original prince being too white etc.

Disney was wise to ignore the SJW complaints after this movie underperformed.

I wonder how Princess Maddy (with her original design that the SJWs hated) and her original prince would have turned out?


I didn't know it was hated either this is my favorite Disney Princess movie. I just saw Frozen today and really enjoyed it .


I don't hate it, but personally, I think the reason I didn't click with it so much, was because I thought there was a little too much going on in the plot, IMO.


Yes, the plot was too convoluted for its own good.


I don't go. My opinions go back and forth with this movie.

Because I actually really like all the characters, the animation and the setting (the concept art was beautiful)... but story was meh?

I mean, it could've been one of my favorite Disney movies. But it's just... the story is kind of messy (it's really the same way I feel about Frozen).


It makes me sad they hate this and many of the older Disney movies yet act like freaking Frozen was a masterpiece.

But you have to remember, Disney fans are largely children or naive teenagers who never leave their house. For the most part they wouldn't know a good movie if it slapped them.

The entire world is falling to ruins and poor Cheshire's off his tea.



I think it a success, but what of now?



Princess and the Frog was in trouble from the start, since various SJWs and lefty media outlets appointed themselves watchdogs against Disney's "racism" and started attacking the company for mostly imagined and overblown reasons. Maddy the slave name controversy was the most ludicrous bit from those times, but the racist demands against the prince were pretty sad too. He had to be a proper brown/black man, see. No white devil for Maddy-- oops, Tiana.

The only "hate" I've seen comes from that set of people. Many of them seem to be people who these days attack fans of newer Disney movies for them being more popular than PatF. The sane part of Disney fandom usually likes or at least merely ignores this movie. They have no "agenda" attached to it. Unlike some other "people".

I only hope Disney continues wisely ignoring SJWs and other "social justice" lunatics with Moana, as they did with Tangled and Frozen. The result will in all likelyhood be a better movie with superior integrity.
