MovieChat Forums > Stardust (2007) Discussion > Ricky Gervais: Yay or Nay?

Ricky Gervais: Yay or Nay?

Ok then, for me Rickey Gervais was the least enjoyable part in this movie. Mind you I went off him a bit when he completely bombed at the Diana concert(Take That could so still do another song)

But I wondered how you felt, so please do tell me, for you was it a Yay or a Nay?

My vote: Nay!




Hmm, Gervais is brilliant.

Your love of the halfling's leaf has clearly slowed your mind.


I loved stardust, but everything Gervais has done since the office and extras, suffers from him playing all the characters exactly the same.

especially when he said "are you havin a laff?" it felt like a shameless plug for "extras".

On the plus side:

They kill him!


Nay. He wasn't funny in the movie nor was he funny in the outtakes. The director went on about how they were great fans, but maybe it's British humor? Of the Americans in the movie, during the outtakes, they smiled, but none laughed at his antics and adlibbing.

Team Jolie



Nay. Much like Night of the Museum, his cameo felt like just an overlong, irritating pop culture reference, recycling David Brent. I didn't mind this film, (it's no Princess Bride, though it certainly wants to be), and I do love the Office. But there's a time and a place for David Brent, and it's not here.

"Any idiot can face a crisis, it is this day-to-day living that wears you out". Chekhov


>but maybe it's British humor?<

No, it's just Ricky "I'm so funny" Gervais, the most over-rated, self-opinionated, ho-look-at-me-with-my-flat-tone-and-zero-talent person on the planet. It's nothing to do with being British, most of us hate him too. The only people who like him are people without a sense of humour.

I've seen him doing chat-shows, stand-up and the Office and he was awful in all of them for one very simple reason. He thinks he is funnier and cleverer than everyone else. He isn't. Maybe he's a passable writer occasionally, but he should keep off the screen.

Hate him. No, I'm not being funny, I really do. He should take early retirement and disappear from our lives for good.

It's all very clear to me now. The whole thing. It's wonderful.


His character in this film was okay, more Nay than Yay though.

Hate the actor though. Complete and utter Nay.


Yey from me. I like Gervais most when he comes in small doses, not starring roles.


Nay. I hate Ricky Gervais..


Big YAY. Love the guy!

"If we amplify everything, we hear nothing."
-Jon Stewart, Rally to restore Sanity



I liked him in this movie. He was okay in "The invention of lying." He seems like he could be a better supporting comedy relief than a main star of a movie.


I liked his character. I had a feeling it was him but I wasn't sure until I got here
