Religious message

I had real high hopes for this movie. And I was intrigued right up to last 10 minutes. Then I felt ripped off. Never mind that the aliens had wings like angels. That was bad enough. And the tree. Whatever. But, right after Nicholas Cage sends his son off in the space ship and he drives to his parents house and his his sister and parents are there. His Dad who earlier in the film you figure out is religious. And they all hug and wait for the world to end. The Dad says "This is not the end." Nic says I know. Very clear here that whoever wrote this script and made this movie had a very clear message regarding life after death. A very clear religious message. I just wish there had been a warning before I watched that this is clearly a biblical warning to all of mankind. I would have not wasted 2 hours of my life. Also, I read an article written by a scientist regarding this movie. He says that it would be pretty much impossible for a solar flare to destroy the earth like that. Says that by the time a solar flare gets here through the coldness of space there would not be enough heat to set everything on fire. Solar flares hit Earth all the time. That's what makes the Northern lights. And at its worse flares interrupt satellite transmissions. The script writers could have come up with something a little more plausible. Very disappointed.


I thought the end of the movie where Cage says "I know" was not him giving into religion, but that he found his own way in that it was not the end because his son, a part of him, would go on. So both Cage's father and himself in the end found salvation that, although different, satisfied them both to where they found peace.


I had always wondered why he =didn't tell his religious father, or anyone in his family, what happened.

They just ask about his kids and he says that they're ok ... in reality someone is likely to think he had killed them or something. Sure as a viewer we know what happened, but the people in the film don't.

Plus he has just literally seen aliens or supernatural beings or something .... wouldn't he want to talk about it? At least to say that they saved his kids etc?
