People like you must be miserable. I do not have any religious beliefs. I am an agnostic and find it rather disturbing that there are other wacko birds (did McCain copyright this term yet?) out there who have the nerve, the absolute hubristic blasphemy to believe they got it all figured out. They read a book...that plagiarized from about a dozen other books...was written over 100 years after their "savior" died by people who were not even alive to witness any of what they wrote about, and then that book was taken by the very people who killed their "savior" 100 years prior, and edited beyond comprehension.
Do these people think god just dropped a bunch of bibles into the drawers of hotel rooms across the planet?
I digress.
I am not arrogant enough to believe I could possibly have a clue or even grasp the intellect, or even manner of thinking a being that could create a universe so complex that our little human race will be extinct well before we even figure out 0.000001% of it. Yet, these religious people know. Yep they know, they're sure.
I understand the human race is terrified of the unknown but c'mon.
Despite that, c'mon man. This is a movie. Seriously. If you cannot just suspend disbelief for awhile so you can just relax and watch an entertaining movie, I pity you. I mean, unless you only watch documentaries, I have no idea how you think you can jump from one thing to another. I also say this as a person who hate the organized religions trying to sell you their "certainty and enlightenment and happiness" for just 10% of your annual income...and allow us to brainwash your children as well.
If you can suspend disbelief to watch The Wizard of Oz, or The Dark Knight, or any vampire movie, or horror movie, then why can you not do the same for a movie like this? Is it just because of the religion? If so, that's your deal.
Oh, and there is something people need to take a look at because I have seen the suspension of disbelief term be misused on IMDB more than used correctly. The onus on suspending disbelief is on the VIEWER, not on the person making the movie. Otherwise, almost none of the movies I listed above or any other science fiction movie is capable of being watched.
Chill out, its a movie, and, unlike most of people, AGAIN, on IMDB, if a movie keeps me entertained for 100 minutes, but the last 10 minutes isn't all that great, I don't flip out. I take it for, hey, I was entertained for 100 minutes. That last ten minutes was kinda crap but I enjoyed it for the majority of the time, or 91% of the time, if you will.
If you can't allow yourself to escape into a movie world to enjoy it, you really have absolutely no business even critiquing it because it means you were incapable of putting yourself in a position to enjoy the movie before it even started.
With that being said, eenie-meanie-miney-mo, le plumita de fischa des carta del pluthera y spincartico.